Thursday, October 19, 2006

Frequent Flyer

The tooth fairy needs frequent flyer miles!!! She did show up last night (or the hubby would be dead) But guess what happened today?? Kiddo lost another bunny humping tooth!!!! What the hell??? How many teeth can that kid lose in two months?? Obviously alot!!!
And get this....both his molars he lost, he lost them while eating bread.

I can't believe my mother in law. My husband works 12 to 14 hours a day, and every 3rd or 4th weekend. We have told her we will help here and there with stuff around their house. But we also told her that weekends were our only real family time. So...we had to even it out. She called up yesterday wanting Gigantor to work for her for 8 hours on Saturday and 6 hours on Sunday. She also wanted kiddo and I to come up and just hang out for that time period. Ummmmm not just no, but HELL NO!!! I don't have a problem with Gigantor helping, and us even going over for a few. But ain't no way in hell I'm going to "hang out" for 8 hours. And ain't no way in hell Gigantor is allowed to spend his entire weekends up there.

Well....I am off to kick somebody or something. I'm sure I will feel better then.

Happy Friday everyone!!!!


Sugar said...

Hmmmm.I've got the hump and I don't even know her...weekend's are family time, I heartly agree :)

Anonymous said...

Don't get your foot hung!


Anonymous said...

I just popped over from Sugars site.
I have to agree the weekends are family time.

NWJR said...

It's another opportunity to get the Tooth Fairy thing right, eh?

S said...

Sometimes there isn't enough coffee in the world. Medicate with chocolate honey. S