Friday, October 27, 2006


Go to parent teacher conferences, get great news. Then my computer crashes. I've had it in the computer e.r. for two days. Got it back and have had to upload everything again. What a shit storm.

I really really need a new computer or new hard drive. ugggghhhhhh

Now I just have to find someone with a Microsoft office disk and serial number that I can use to download again. It has outlook on it, which has my mail. hehehehe I can't even get my e-mail. Suck ass.

At least I'm on blogs. whoooohooo

Oh and on a side note....My child made straight A's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FIRST TIME EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everyone do the happy chair dance with me.

Our conference was over in 5 minutes, he's doing so well.

I'm off to stab a pumpkin repeatedly (get that anger out baby) Pumpkin festival tomorrow!!!

Have a good weekend everyone!!!!!!!!!!


Mia said...

Lol YaY Kiddo!!!! Now carve that pumpkin!!!....:| wait....are you allowed around sharp objects?

Unknown said...

I thought they might have locked you up after fussing them out at Parent-Teacher/ you're back...should you be alone while doing that pumpkin?


Sandi said...

Send me via yahoo messenger your address and I will send you your own copy of Office 2003, with all the goodies.

Azathoth100 said...

I haven't gotten to do the happy dance in a long time, thanks for that!