Monday, October 18, 2004

The Weekend

Even though it's extremely bad for you... did anyone ever notice how good a cup o'noodles soup taste on a dreary cold day?? Any how now you all know what I had for lunch. I am so glad it is Monday. Maybe I can get some rest after the weekend we had. What a busy weekend. I should have gone to an Avon meeting on Friday night. But...I started running a fever so I didn't make it. (stupid cold or flu or whatever won't let go of me) On Saturday me and the hubby ran all over grocery shopping. We got my mom her groceries too, cuz she is so very sick also. We didn't even get home till 6 in the evening, then we had to put it all away and make some dinner. We rented some movies for the weekend. All of them were good. Our favorite one was probably the cheapest one they made. We watched Walking Tall with the Rock in it. It was very good. seemed like they just weren't sure how to elaborate on it. We watched The Alamo....also good, but not great. I was expecting great, but was disappointed. We watched one called Ella Enchanted....what a good movie, it was so cute, and done really nice. Probably the best out of the three movies we watched, and I'm a huge Rock fan, so that's saying a lot. On Sunday I did up my Avon order. Took me much longer than I thought it would...took me a few hours. We did some cleaning up, then my husband had to go uptown again. We cooked a big beef roast for dinner....with all the trimmings, potatoes, carrots, onions, and mushrooms. Ohhh it was so tender and good, makes me hungry just thinking about it. Thank goodness for leftovers.

Okay here is my question.... Is it a sin to covet hot cocoa??? We had bought this really big tub of hot cocoa mix. I would have some in the mornings when it's cold, my son would have some after a cold soccer game, and my husband would make some to take to work in the mornings. (he goes to work at 5 in the morning summer or winter) Well....we are getting to the bottom of the can, and I have hidden it. hehehehe Mine mine mine. Which is so odd for me. You all know I will give absolutely anything to my husband and son. Even if I really really want it. I will give it to them if they want it. That's just the way it is. But, dammit, that hot cocoa is MINE!!! Okay maybe I do need some professional help. Now you have to ask yourselves. "How boring is this poor ladies life that she would horde a small amount of hot cocoa powder, then obsess over it"? Well, if you know me at all, you all would know that it's not that strange at all for me to do something like that. And, it's not cuz I'm bored....It's cuz I'm disturbed. muh hahahahaha Look out. :)


Phoenix5 said...

Why is a cup of noodles so very bad for you? Just wondering....