Thursday, October 28, 2004

Empty Brain

I've been wanting to blog for a few days now. But my brain is so empty. I think it's the life getting sucked out of me from worrying about my mom, and trying to help take care of her. It gets to be way to much, and my poor husband is saddled with a lot, cuz there is only so much I can do. Oh well. Enough self pity.

We went to parent teacher conferences on Tuesday. The little squirt is not doing to bad. He's actually doing pretty good in most stuff. Although he does have a C in social studies. But I never did real good in that either. And he has a D in spelling and writing. The teacher showed us a paper he had to write, and there was no capitalization and no punctuation. So he got a D on it. But...I was thinking to myself, that it didn't look any different from most adult males writings. hehehehe I swear most of the adult males I know either never capitalize or every letter is a capital. And punctuation.... forget about it. If a period happens to sneak in there it's a miracle. And...God forbid there should be any comma's, apostrophes, exclamation points, or question marks. It's always an adventure reading mens writing. And space between the words?? Forget about it... I think it's a game with them, to see if us women can decipher a full letter out of something that looks like one lower case/capital big page long word. Heheheehe (fondly remembering the letters from my husband when he was overseas in the Navy) Gosh how each one gave me a headache, from trying to decipher it. So...when the teacher showed us this. I thought to myself. "and what's the problem" I also thought "wow he is right up there with other guys" Guess they expect 8 year old boys to write better than 30 something men. Oh my goodness. Did you know that they also have a grade for "working well with others" and "keeping your hands to yourself" When did this start?? I don't remember those on my report cards. And how very embarrassing if your child gets a F in that subject. How do you explain to young kids. "well your academic scores are great, but you have shitty social skills" Isn't that just a nerd in the making if we point all that out. My god they are 5 to 8 year olds. I don't know any of them that "work well with others" or "keep their hands to themselves" Have you ever tried to make an elementary school kid not touch someone else all day??? Stupid ass morons these schools can be. I mean what is that like in class??? Is it the whole cootie factor they work on?? "Little Johnny, don't poke/hug/pat/touch in anyway your partner or you'll get cooties" Are the children that are most afraid of the cooties gonna be the one's that get A's in this subject?? As long as it's not physically harming contact, I hope my child fails this subject. Haven't they proven that physical contact is good for us?? Are we just raising a bunch of recluses, that become obsessive compulsive. Like "rain man", 30 year old adults that are afraid of any physical contact. I say Big Giant Raspberries to the school boards that have put this into effect. And I waggle my middle finger at you. Good luck at not repeating Columbine with this kind of attitude. Yo, Dick Heads, maybe the subject should say "will not Bully other students or teachers" not "keeps hands to themselves" Big kudos to the 5 year old that kissed his classmate on the cheek and then got expelled for sexual harassment. And bigger kudos to his parents for suing the school district. May all children all be so loving they hug or kiss someone on the cheek everyday!!!!

Oh my I'm so high up on the soap box you all look like little ants down there. I'm not sure I can climb down. So, as I call for a rescue chopper, I wish you all to hug and kiss a child and to teach them that being loving and physical is wonderful. To hell with the dumb asses trying to run the schools. This box may topple over before the chopper gets here. Wish me luck.


Phoenix5 said...

WOW... that WAS a rant and a half!! By the way... I demand an apology for being lumped in with all the other 30ish men! With the exception of a typo or two, I write very well, thank-you very much! While I do use block printing for handwriting, (had my right arm in a cast during penmanship the puncuation is very correct! I do agree with you regarding the school boards. Canada has been cursed with a Liberal government (much like your Democrats) for the last 11 years and boy, does it show! I'll rant about that in my blog someday, but I'll have to be in a REALLY foul mood to allow myself to dwell on it!!!