Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Not as Bad

Well yesterday wasn't near as bad as I thought it was gonna be, so that is good.

I got up and hobbled out to the car, and took Kiddo, Captain Daddy, and the mom in law to the parade. I got there early enough that I got one of the two only benches along main street. whooohoooo go me!!!!

After the parade, we came home and did lunch, and vegged for a while till Gigantor got home. Then we went and bought some chicken and tater salad and mac salad. I told Gigantor to pick up cup cakes or a cake, (I didn't have time or back to make one) Cuz I still wanted to celebrate the day with that. Of course Mr. Shit for Brains, didn't get either.

We then drove down to the motels around the golf course (where the fire works are lit off) and some had parking for 15 dollars, some for 7. We found one had parking for 4 dollars. Then Gigantor decided to drive down to the golf course, and we asked the people there if we could park. They club owners said "of course, set your chairs and tables up on the green, we just ask no alcohol unless you buy it from us" (they do have to make money I guess) So...we back into the best spot around, and walk down to the green. Set up our table, and chairs, and get ready to eat. And Mr. Shit for Brains strikes again. He forgot the bag with the plates and silverware and napkins in it. The bag that I handed him on the way out the door. The bag that he had been forgetting and I/me/myself, personally put it in his stupid ass hand (cuz I needed both hands for cane and stuff down the stairs) Well...Mr. Shit for Brains, just up and put the sack down on the back of the couch for no apparent reason, and came out to the suburban. I asked him if he had everything, he said yes. I asked particularly about the sack (cuz of his shit he was pulling earlier) and he said yes. Then we get there and the asshat doesn't have the sack. So...we had to walk some chairs back up to hold the parking place while he drove home to get it.

So...we eat later than we wanted, and all of us were way hungry. Then of course we couldn't have desert....(asscheese man) So we are drinking our soda's and watching kids rolling down the hills at the golf course. Kiddo did his few rolls, and mom in law rolled with him. Then a couple ladies were walking through the crowds selling the light stick necklace thingies, so we bought a couple for Kiddo. And him and Gigantor played frisbee with them in the dying light. Killed time till the 9:30 time on the clock before the stupid city decided it was probably dark enough to do fireworks. It was a nice show. Nice with Captain daddy, and mom in law there. Of course Mr. Shit for Brains slept through the fireworks.

Sometimes I just take a deep *sigh* at putting up with him.

On a side note, my back is doing better after Monday's appointment. Little better each day. Now it only hurts when I try to stand up and when I walk (but it kills) I have an appointment tomorrow. Wish me luck to maybe get it taken care of.



Sugar said...

It only hurts when you stand up or walk?????
Hell wot else is there???
HOney I'm feeling for you..
Question Gigantica..Shit for Brains? or am I totally blonde today???

Azathoth100 said...

Sorry that Gigantor was having an off day. But since in the end everyone had fun to heck with it all right?
Hope they fix your back sweetie. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

Julie said...

I take it that the gigantor doesnt' read your blog anymore, ha :)...
Sorry he made for an unorganized night.. I recall a story my supervisor told me when her husband was rushing her to go on a trip and she said, 'Oh just be quiet,, the only thing you have to pack is your balls!"...LOL
Men, they have to little to do usually :)
You are such the MOM/Wife/Friend, etc.. love to you

Mike Todd said...

Glad your back is feeling a bit better. I think I forgot to hump on Hump Day, though. Dang it.

JUST ME said...

i just realized you post in rainbow hues.

contrats. that takes work.
