Friday, June 22, 2007

Shame on me

Shame on me for not blogging better this week. I've been reading and commenting, but haven't brought myself to blog anything.

I've been taking kiddo to swimming lessons every day. He pretty much has it down, he just needed a little refresher. With the pool closed from mid August till June every year and the lake to cold to swim in till June. He hasn't really swam much in a year or two. I also finally got my lazy butt out and about doing some errands, and I went and got my nails done. Red, White and Blue designs baby.

I think switching my hormone meds has made me feel BLAH for the last month. I'm not quite done with the first month of them. It takes a month or two to level back out. But let me tell you, I'm so glad I'm back on these one's, cuz my girlie parts is feeling much better. whooohooooo

Last night was nice, on the spur of the moment, my Aunt and Uncle went and bought some hotdogs and buns and came down and we cooked. It's nice to do stuff like that. And....we were sorta "distant" relatives even though we lived in the same small town. That is one thing that has come out of my mom dying. It has really brought alot of the family back together in the way she always wanted them to be. It's sad that that's what it took, but we have all decided. She died so young, you really just don't know when someone will be gone.

Well...I'm off for now. Got a very busy weekend. I've even made Gigantor a list. hehehehe And we want to do a few things around the house some more, and Gigantor is going to help the hunter/safety group move their storage shed. So...Kiddo and I are off and cleaning up some extra stuff around here. 1. cuz it needs it. 2. Because we want to surprise Gigantor. I'm sure he won't even acknowledge that we did it, and I will end up mad at him all weekend, but oh well. hehehehe

Have a good weekend everyone!!!!


Handsome B. Wonderful said...

Hey that's always nice to have "the bits" feeling better. Of course I have different bits but I know the feeling well of them being not up to par. :)

We're going to have a busy weekend too. Hope yours goes well. Have a good one!!

Burfica said...

james---yeah to all our bits feeling good. hehehehe Yeah I'm gonna need next week to recuperate from the weekend. hehehehe

Alekx said...

Don't be mad if he doesn't notice. It's a man thing. Just know you and kiddo did a good job. That way you can have a funner weekend then if you are thinking of ways to murder him in his sleep or while awake. :-)

Burfica said...

alekx--not murder, just disfigure. That's fun too. hehehehe

Phoenix5 said...

What is it with you and busy weekends, Burf? Weekends are for RELAXING! Weeks are the work stuff! LMAO! I should talk... I'll be spending my second Saturday in a row working. Oh well, at least I'M getting paid for MY work! JK

Try to relax a little bit, ok? Take care and have a great weekend!

Burfica said...

phoenix--I hear ya, I'd rather relax, but only time I can get hubby to help me do all the stuff that I need him for, since he works such long hours the rest of the time.

Canadian flake said...

lol @ not murder, just disfigure. That's fun too.....tooooo funny.

Burfica said...

flake--I knew you knew what I was talking about.

Jules said...

It's sooooooo good to hear about your girlie parts! ;OP

Burfica said...

Jules---I knew you would want to. hehehehe

Brillig said...

Shame on you...

Okay, kidding. You have a lot going on! I hope you had a super weekend.

none said...

Swimming lessons...reminds me of a story.

Have a good weekend :)

Sugar said...

YOU? Mad at Gigantor all weekend???? Never! lol
As for the girlie pants thing..I hear ya. I do the hormone thing too, and if they don't get the dosage right..well I could commit murder and enjoy it!
NOw I just smile, pop the pills and open another bar of chocolate :)