Tuesday, September 21, 2004

First Try

Not sure if I'm doing this right. I'm trying to create my own blog.
For those of you who know Burfica then you know who I am. If you don't know Burfica then you don't know me... ?????..... If you know Burfica then most of you know what "Don't eat the tomatoes" means. If you don't know what it means and you know Burfica you can ask me. If you don't..... Then you are left in the air wondering.
Once I figure out how to make a profile I will. So far I'm not even sure this is gonna show up or not. My friend (better known as Pett) showed me this sight and said if she could do it so could I (grumble grumble) not so easy to us computer retards. hehehehehe
Pett.... if you read this. Little help here. LOL For the life of me I see nothing that says profile. Which since I can't see it, means it it probably right in front of my face. If I figure out that this has worked. I will be back. If not.... my message is lost in space. To boldly go where no message has gone before. Happy journeys little message.


ThreeOliveMartini said...

i KNEW you could do it !! keep it up girlie !!!