Monday, September 27, 2004

Turn Signals

Okay has any one noticed how a little thing like turn signals can start a heated discussion?? I was driving my son to school this morning and grumbling about all the idiots out there that the dmv has deemed to be good enough drives to make them legal... And the more I drive the more that turn signals piss me off. Not the turn signal persay....But the idiots who can't properly use them. I think it all comes down to common sense and common courtesy. If people would stop thinking they are better than everybody else, and that their shit don't stink. Maybe they would be polite enough to inform us other drivers of when they are gonna turn. Although the other one's that piss me off, are the morons that turn on their signal to switch lanes, then leave the dam thing on all through town... What the fuck is with that??? From the time you hit your blinker, and move over lanes, you forgot?? No!!! Wrong!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I think both categories of people should be ripped out of their vehicles, flogged, arrested, and their license and cars be taken away. I know it's a big rant, and seems rather harsh for just the misuse of turn signals... Your probably saying there are much worse things a driver could do... Like red light running, speeding through school zones, and drunk driving. Well if I feel this way about turn signals you don't even want to get me started on the other. I really think there should be much tougher testing for getting the right to drive. Stupid people just piss me off. We all need to go back to horse and carriage, and trains. hehehehee That would solve a lot of problems. Make life simpler. Okay enough of one rant for a day. Let me know what little stupidity with driving pisses you off.