Wednesday, September 22, 2004

So Proud

I am so proud of my son right now (puffs chest) He is 8 and on a soccer team ...the Tigers... GO TIGERS!!!!!!!! They had their first game last night and won 3 to zip. yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy They were so worked up. And what made it better is that they won against a team that plays pretty dirty. Which gets me on to something that really irritates me. Why in the sam hill do parents think it's okay and right to teach these little kids dirty sportsmanship??? Can anybody tell me where the logic is in that??? Makes me so mad. It's worse than road rage. I just wanna go throttle these parents. Tell them..."knock it off you dumb ass, this is supposed to be fun and educational for the kids!!"

I also have to give a big yayyyyyyyyy to my husband (puffs chest again) He doesn't coach soccer because he doesn't know much about it. But he always I mean always helps out. Well for some reason on our team the two coaches are always gone. So.... who is the one parent that steps up?? That's right... my husband. He does so much for kids.... really a great man, husband and father....And he expects nothing in return. He coaches baseball and then helps out like this in soccer, and he never ever gets a thank you from anyone. I guess just knowing he helped teach the kids, and they had fun is enough for him. Really an amazing man. I am so lucky.

Okay enough sappyness for today... I'm sure I will do it again soon. hehehehehe We have another soccer game tonight. Wish us luck. I am off to go uptown. Post office. Hope I don't run into that same guy again. hehehehehe might run him over this time.