Friday, June 10, 2005

Funky Friday

I don't know why, but today has seemed funky. Just way way laid back, I haven't been outside, but it seems as if everything is in limbo. Of course that could be all the pain meds talking. hehehehe

Alekx has been helping me get dressed everyday. It's just now starting to where I can tie my shoes, and get my pants on and off. The hardest part is doing the pants, and fastening my dumb bra. I didn't know how much you used and elbow and thumb till this happened. LOL

She also will help me get stuff ready, and I take a shower, then she helps me after word. Well today I slept in so I didn't get up in enough time to get a shower before she left for work. So...I had to have kiddo help me. It's rather humbling to have to have your 9 year old son fasten your bra cuz you can't. LOL Lets hope he doesn't get sucked in. Stupid vortex bra anyway. See what kind of goodies get trapped in it when I go to the movie tonight. hehehehe

Maybe I'll come home with a zebra or giraffe after the wildlife park. My luck only their snotters or poopers. uggghhhh I hate it when I gross myself out.

Something weird since I've been in Texas. When I was home I would crawl into bed and watch about a half hour of t.v. then go to bed. And I always I mean ALWAYS dreamed. I've been here, and I get in bed, have t.v. on, and wake up an hour later with the t.v. still on, so I turn it off, and I don't even fricken dream. I don't even remember being asleep. It's weird.

oOooOOO we watched Texas Chainsaw massacre last night (I had never seen it) Now I'm all freaked out of driving through the tiny po dunk towns in Texas. hell NO LOL That is some weird ass shit, and the case is still open. So old leather face is still out there. ewwwwwwwww ick gag

Okay on that note. I'm gonna go pretend to do something useful. LOL
Happy Friday everyone!!!


Unknown said...

My dear sweet friend Burfica, "bless your heart..honey", how dam many pain pill have you had today?'ll be glad to come and help you get dressed next week!~


MomThatsNuts said...

OP said BLESS YOUR Im still laughing at kiddo being sucked into the VORTEX BRA FROM out for those giraffes, they itch!!!


Kat said...

Have I told you lately that I adore you? I do!!! You cracx me right up! Your comments today on my blog had me rolling! You are one of my favorite commenters...EVER!!! I may have to create an award just for you!

I'm glad your owies are healing. That's a good thing!

BM, The Necessary Movement said...

Texas Chainsaw massacre the original was one of the bestest movies ever!!!

kitten said...

Leatherface is based on an actual serial murderer...Id tell you all about it but then ytou would never leave the house! Glad you a little it!

Azathoth100 said...

Hope Alexk is careful and doesn't get stuck in your bra either. Kitten is right, Leatherface is based on a real serial killer. Be careful in Texas they're a bit wierd down there, just ask Gama.

Kerry M. Conway said...

so alekx is indeed alive-tg!

Burfica said...

hey op if anyone other than the kiddo or alex is gonna elp with that bra its gonna be me
the giant in the room
thanks for the offer though
from gigantor

Mia said...

Lol...that was a good movie. Glad that you're being taken care of tho. And yay...glad to know that Alekx is still alive and kicking.