Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Here at last

Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Well we made it. We are in Texas. Man, three states, two sunburns, one dinosaur museum, one shitty ass service motel, 5 fast food joints, two slaughter houses, one herd of antelope, multiple cows, horses, and squished armadillos and raccoons later. We are finally here.

The trip was long long. But real nice, because I had never seen any of the scenery before. it's odd to go over a bridge and have water in the river or creek. hehehehe Az just doesn't have water like that.

I got two fans in my room going. A giant floor fan that is about to make me deaf on Med, and a little oscillating fan. I'm gonna have a hard time getting used to the humidity. But I think I can do it. Already talked to Gigantor a couple times. We miss each other of course.

Well....I''m way to tired to be witty or snarky, so I am gonna go take some medicine and go to bed. Talk to you all soon. Thanks for all your support.

Happy humping on hump day without me. hehehehee


Julie said...

did you stop at the slaughter houses?
Glad you made it there safely.
Humidity is something - we really have it here in east tn.
Wishing more sucess than you could dream of, while on your adventure! tell the sis hello!
hugs and kisses, that crazy nut

Mia said...

Glad to hear you got there safely. The humidity there is awful...coming from a very dry place, when I visit, I get the frizzies. lol

Unknown said...

Hoooorrraaayyy! Glad you're safe and there!


MomThatsNuts said...

So glad you made it safely now get busy you~~~ lol ok you can rest first, but just for a LITTLE bit....humidity,,thats like moisture and stuff right??? hehehehe I like my dry heat...


Kerry M. Conway said...

yey! big hugs love, big hugs!!! i am so proud of you....!!!!!

Dorko said...

Welcome to tornado alley!

Burfica said...

Julie--I think the slaughter houses would have traumatized the kiddo beyond repair. hehehehee Although I visited one (did a tour) when i was in high school in 4-H

Miranda--I have the oposite affect. My hair looks dull and greesey right after a shower.

PK---puuuurrrrssss :)

Op--better get busy and start earing your quarters. hehehehehe

Blackie---I'm gonna catch and cook and eat that dam partridge. LOL

mom--I want my dry heat back too. I'm gonna miss the lake

Kerry--thanks doll. big hugggsss back at ya!!!

Dorko--thanks alot you shit. LOL

Azathoth100 said...

So did you aim at the armadillos and racoons or were they just there for your hitting pleasure? Hope this trip helps your heath.

Dorko said...

I heard they [armadillos & racoons] taste just like chicken ~ only a little gamey-er. hummm super, what to fix? ? ?

MomThatsNuts said...

Hey FYI~~ Rattlesnakes taste just like chicken too....BWAHAHAHAHA yes I have eaten one before....but we wont go there....


Handsome B. Wonderful said...

Doing the "hotel living" right now on vacation in Oregon. Take care.

Kerry M. Conway said...

blog party alert:
hell yeah!

Jim said...

hey Burfy,
i posted yr nude portrait
Yeah yeah i no u didnt pose for it

its from memory

Kerry M. Conway said...

*whines tears flying all over* where are you?!

BM, The Necessary Movement said...

yippie now have fun!!!

Astrid said...

Just curious, but what were you doing in the two slaughter houses? You weren't there for sight-seeing, now were you? Its a place I'd rather avoid going to.