Sunday, May 29, 2005

Last Mad Dash

Okay I'm in my last mad packing dash before leaving for Texas. I have three backpacks full of books, toys and army guys. I have a box full of leggo's small toys, frisbe's and dragons. I have a box full of avon stuff that a bunch of people ordered. (from Texas) I have one duffel bag full of bathroom stuff. I have laundry half way done. I still need to pack some bathroom stuff, medicines, our clothes, and snacks. I AM all in a frazzle, because every fricken time I turn around I realize something I forgot. And it's not like deodorant or something, cuz I can buy those there. It's things like Medications, shoes, and the kiddo's favorite stuffed animals. ahhhhhhhhh That's what is making me panic. I know I can get the clothes and bathroom bag done in like I dunno an hour or so. But I still need to pay bills, and change out my purse, and show Gigantor how to run the virus checks on this.

On a bright note, the bbq went over really great. We had tons of time to visit with friends, the food was awesome, and the kids were, lets see I wouldn't say good, but they didn't murder each other. hehehehe I went and got a manicure today from Goober, and friends showed up again for a few hours, so packing was on hold. We also rented some movies (last movie watching with the hubby) We got Darkness (don't bother) and Son of the Mask (cute but nothing more) Racing Stripes (haven't watched yet) As Good As It Gets (haven't watched yet either) And Gigantor had to get Catwoman again. hehehehee

Now I am on here updating this, and sending mass e-mails out with my new summer e-mail addy. And Gigantor is making sure the packed stuff is stacked in the hallway, and he is changing the bed Alekx will sleep in tomorrow night, and changing our bed, so I can have fresh sheets for a couple nights and fresh pillow cases to take.

I am all butterflies and ucky tummie too. I really need to do this thing for me. I need to get to Texas and get some help with health issues. (or honestly people I'm gonna die) So...that makes me excited. Plus starting some water aerobic classes the Monday after I get there, I'm way way excited. But...people, on the other hand. I really don't want to go. I want to stay here with my husband. It's tearing me the flip up. I know he supports me, and says he'll miss me, and that I am going no matter what (cuz it's for what's best for me) But it's so fricken hard. And if you all think I'm whining, tough shit, it's my blog, I can whine about leaving the love of my life. When we were first married we were separated for 5 months till he got out of the Navy. Ever since then we haven't been apart for more than 4 days at a time. So...this is gonna be really hard. I'm really gonna have a hard time falling asleep I'm sure. I'm torn up, cuz I've been sorta crying a little every time I think about it. And I know I'm gonna cry on Tuesday morning when we leave but on the other hand I really have to do it silently. I don't want kiddo crying and sad. I want him excited about a grand adventure. That kills me most is taking a boy away from his hero for that amount of time. I just hope nobody hates me for it later. Or maybe I shouldn't say hate, but is mad at me and holds it against me for a long time.

Okay fuck that turned into a pity party. Sorry about that. hehehehe I'm done. Gonna go wipe my tears, and break in the clean sheets the right way. (gotta get me all I can before I leave. Gotta get two months worth of nookie in two nights. hehehehe)

Hope you all had a good weekend. Happy Memorial Day everyone. I will try to post tomorrow but no promises. You might not see a post out of me till next weekend, once we get there, and settled in.

Pray for our safe travels please. :)


ThreeOliveMartini said...

girl.. you are having a hard time cause you have always given to evrey one else and never done for you .. and its hard for you to be selfish (in a good way) because that isnt who you are.. go enjoy! your son could never be mad at you for taking him to see grandma and doing all that fun stuff.. quit stressing.. it all works out in the end .. you know i am right

Julie said...

I do hope you have a wonderful time and that your missing your hubby just makes your bond stronger and when you return home all that damn hot monkey sex.
Make sure to send me your summer email address!
Be careful, be blessed, be blissed, this will be a great experience for you - 3M is right, it will all work out in the end.

Dorko said...

Short term discomfort sometimes equalls out to some heady longterm satisfactions and REWARDS!

and ...Um, might I suggest a check-list for the return home? You can always save it, for use, when you gear up for your next camping trip. LOL!

Travel safe and sound, baby-girl, you know you are all ways in my prayers.

Mia said...

Have fun...remember distance makes the heart grow fonder. And you're gonna feel great at the end of summer *hugs*

Kerry M. Conway said...

I have, "three backpacks full of books, toys and army guys. I have a box full of leggo's small toys, frisbe's and dragons." too =) smiles.

My prayers and thoughts are with you always-((((hugs))))

Azathoth100 said...

Have a great trip, enjoy the time with Alekx. I know you'll miss Gigantor, it's not easy being apart from the one who holds your heart, trust me I KNOW. But you have to take care of your health so that you can have many more years together. And many more years of blogging with us.

Kerry M. Conway said...

blogger rampage-i am on a quest to tell all of my friends that i love them today: I love yeah doll...


share the love-pass it on...

MomThatsNuts said...

Dont worry about kiddo...not only will he have fun, but YOU will feel so much better that you will be MORE better mom and MORE better wife and all will be well. I know you will get things on the right track and be able to kick some booty when you get home!!!! You will be fine! Travel safely!


Kat said...

Ive never heard of a kid being mad at a parent for going on an extended vacation. If you were separating from your husband that would be a whole different story.....

Give yourself a break. I hear you can buy one at W*M...don't quote me on that, though!

As long as you keep blogging I won't hate you for going away for 2 months. I promise.

Unknown said...

Stay's a big know you need to...and it'll be over before you know it..and you're going to have fun fun fun!

Take care Shuger...we wait to heard from ya!
