Saturday, May 07, 2005

Mothers Day


I sit here and think about my mother. I sit and think about the sacrifices she made for me and Alekx. How she was an uneducated and single mother when I was 6 and Alekx 13. How she took on many part time jobs. And lied her way into her first full time job. How she put her life on hold to provide for us. How many a night she went hungry with only a piece of bread and butter, so that Alekx and I would have full bellies. How no matter how hard she worked, she came to every play, and performance either of us did. How she taught 4-H just to be closer to me. And how she helped me achieve some of my dreams. How she helped both of us plan our weddings, loving every minute of it. Then stayed slightly in the background so we could be the center and enjoy our day. How, even though she is deathly afraid of heights, she flew in a rickety little plain when I got air vacced out, because she was not going to miss it if I drew my last breath. How she stayed by my side, and fought with medical personal to make sure I would live. How she even bought me the wrong size boots. hehehee How she wept so hard when I was told I could never have children. When she cried with me and Gigantor so much harder through all the heart ache of years of fertility drugs. How she about passed out crying and laughing when we found out I was finally pregnant. How she was the rock for Gigantor and I to lean on when we were told it was probably a tubal, and we would have to abort it. When she said I told you so, when we found out that the kiddo was not a tubal. How she drove over 2 hours at 3 in the morning to be to the hospital in time for the kiddo to be born. How after the moment he was born she stepped back into a corner and cried just watching me, Gigantor and the kiddo bonding in our first few minutes of having a family. How she has been a presence for every single aspect of kiddo's life. How she finally learned to say I love you to me and Alekx. Then her health fell apart, and things became strained. And it was harder to find reasons to be so thankful. Because the immediate strain and stress were so much. I now sit and think about how grateful I am that she is going to be around a while longer. How Alexk and I wept and were frightened a great deal back in January. How when she came out of sedation she cried and cried when she saw us. How she refused to let go of our hands, and begged us not to leave her. How she now says "I love you" every day, instead of once in a while. How she weeps over missing us, and what she's put all of us through.

My mother was not the greatest mother. She wasn't even close. But my mother did the best she could, and some of the things she did. Were truly amazing. We are here to learn from our parents trials, to learn from what they did good, and what mistakes they made. Our job is to not repeat their mistakes, and try to do even better with the next generation.

I am grateful for my mother for everything she is, and everything she isn't. For it has shaped me into what and who I am today. Without her exactly how she is, there would be no me, and without me, there would be no Kiddo. For this I will always thank God!!

May you all have a happy mothers day. Tell your mother what she means to you today. And be grateful, for without them, there is no you.

For everyone that is a mother. GOD BLESS YOU!!! We are molding the next generation. May we do as good a job as possible!!


ThreeOliveMartini said...

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY TO YOU !! you are one of my favourite mothers ever!!

Julie said...

awww, what a beautiful tribute to your mom! I know kiddo feels the same about you!
Have a great day, you deserve it!

MomThatsNuts said...

Yes, beautiful tribute to your mother, I hope someday the troll~ings are half as thankful for me! Have a great day~~~

Astrid said...

Happy Mother's Day to you too! I bet you must be nearly as great a mom as mine!!!

Unknown said...

I've been called a mother..before..


Azathoth100 said...

Damn Bur. You brought tears to my eyes. She's a wondeful woman who rasied 2 incredible daughters who should be as proud of themselves as they are of thier Mom. Happy Mommy Day Bur, and pass it along to Alekx.

Mia said...

aww that was truly beautiful. I hope You had a wonderful mothers day.

Dorko said...

I love your Mom.
She did good with you and Alekx.
Heck she did good with me when I was around and "on my own" - right.
Big warm hugs for you, Burfica.
Bless you for counting some of your most important blessings and being loving enough to share them with the world!

Kat said...

So, what's wrong with the tomatoes anyway? I have FINALLY added a link to your blog on mine....took me long enough...sheesh!

Hope your Mommy Day was as fabulous as you are!

kitten said...

Burf this is have a way of writi g so that the reader feels the emotions.

I hope your Mom knows what a great job she did.....

Jim said...

..... heyyy Burfica,

i have my revenge on u and OPIE now
go to

Kerry M. Conway said...

big huge hugs - wipes a tear - lub yeah doll