Tuesday, June 21, 2005

My Legs Hurt, and I'm Going to Hell

God my legs hurt. Hurt hurt hurtie hurt. I have really been pushing myself hard. Increasing how much I've been walking and upping the water aerobics each week. And my calves have decided they should be in a permanent cramp if I don't keep both my feet flat on the floor at all times. Makes sleeping hard to do, and walking, and dam near anything.
I'm eating banana's each day, and taking some vitamin that Alekx gave me that's supposed to help, but nothing yet. (she probably gave me some pill to make me pass gas more) She's got a cruel sense of humor. She's the type person that would shave a hamster just for shits and giggles. hehehehe

OOooO I have got to tell you all. It sounds like there is a flock of ducks in here every day and they are being tortured. Now we all know men are just gassy all the dam time. I mean, the kiddo farts about 100 times a day. His new thing is to go ahhhhhh (in a whisper) and then announce, "I just pooted" But the house elf, OMG he sounds like he is stepping on ducks. There is constant tortured sounds of "quack, wack, quack" that boys and girls are the sounds of his farts. I mean I thought it was funny as hell that Gigantor (for how big he is) sounds like a squeaky toy. Like when you blow up a balloon and hold the mouth piece out to the side to here it squeak, that is Gigantors. So when he come's out here, we will have squeaking, pooting and quacking ducks. I think I might check myself into a motel during that time. LOL You know this is a gassy house, because the two most favorite sounds the parrot makes is burping and farting, then she laughs afterwards. Just a ton of giggles a minute I tell ya. LOL

Alekx is right, I probably am gonna burn in hell for all the thoughts I have over the young male swim instructors. I mean I don't want to have sex with them or anything, (cuz they are to young, and I'm to tired to teach someone right again) I just want them to all swarm around me, in nothing but their bathing suits, and rub my back, and rub my feet, paint my nails, and clean my house. Ya know. I don't want much, just every woman's fantasy. LOL oOOOooOo they could let me rub my hands over their rock hard abs once in a while too. I would very much enjoy that. hehehehee

I have been missing Gigantor all. It's not about missing sex. (although that would be nice) I just miss hugging and squeezing, and cuddling, and sleeping next to him. We go to the movies and Alekx and house elf give each other kisses, and cuddle, and I feel really really home sick. I am working my butt off here, and enjoying myself, but I really can't wait to go home.

Anywhoo, lunch time for me and the kiddo. Happy Tuesday everyone!!!


BM, The Necessary Movement said...

you are not going to hell!! You are just going to have some really enjoyable wet dreams in your near future!!!! I’m no psychic or anything but I have this guess!! If if my guess is correct i won't charge you a dime!!!

Take care of yourself; legs arms or what ever is ailing you. take it slow!! it's summer time, make someone else mow the lawn!! You my friend should put your feet up and suck down some lemonades!!


Dorko said...

Dorko, doning gas mask, says, "Sounds like ya'll need to get a little more EMU into your diet."
Dorko scampers for the exit marked 'daylight'... wait-wait! Is that the BM Lemonade stand???

Mia said... the duck torturing.

Yeah there gets a point in life when saying 'pick em young and train them' just sounds exhausting doesnt it?

Julie said...

those farts sound so funny,, my kinda of house!! tee hee!! why didn't she ever tell us how funny they were, we only heard about the STINK!!
Man, you are working your tail off - I bet literally!! So you deserve a drink - vodka and tonic - seriously, the tonic has quinine -the best stuff for cramps, I started on the vt-s when I waited tables at a two story restaurant my cramps finally ended - the bartender clued me in and knew the only way i would drink tonic would be w/ some vodka in it, ha!! It really worked. Give some to the pool boys too :)
We all know window shopping doesn't send us to hell!

MomThatsNuts said...

Hell?? I thought we were IN hell honey,,,115 degrees with HUMIDITY??? I pray at least Hell is a dry heat.....
you naughty duck torturer....

and I am so GLAD your legs hurt! That means your working hard I am so proud of you!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'll be glad when you get home too....don't forget my quarters!!!


Phoenix5 said...

Ooooookay... scratch Alekx's house off the list of places to visit while in Texas... LMAO! Phew! I got enough "gas" troubles as it is!

Take it easy on those legs Burf! Pain is your body's way of saying "ENOUGH!" Give it a rest - the muscles have to repair themselves before another workout!

Anonymous said...

Can I rub your leg for you..might make it feel better?...just want to help!


Handsome B. Wonderful said...

I think someone slipped the gas pill into my water the last few weeks. Phew!!