Sunday, September 18, 2005

11 O'clock news

It's 11 Sunday morning, and just thought I would pop in and say howdy. hehehehe

Friday Gigantor took off work, and we took kiddo out of school to take him to Flagstaff to the dentist. Finally gonna get that broken tooth fixed. Flagstaff is about 2 1/2 hours away from us. Thank goodness we didn't hit any real bad rain storms this time. Well...for almost the entire time I was massively "side seat" driving to Gigantor. So...we stop at this gas station to go potty. And he just sits there with the bell dinging, and his door open, looking like a dumb ass. So...I scream "LIGHTS!!!" as he turns off the lights he says, massively snotty "CAMMMERAA" (in that little kid snotty kind of voice) he was just trying to piss me off. When from out of the back seat, kiddo leaps forward with his head between ours and screams "ACTION!!!" We just couldn't stop cracking up. Here we are being snotty, smart asses to each other, irritating each other, and kiddo has no clue, and is trying to be "in" on the fun. hehehehe

We get to the dentist at 11:15, kiddo's appointment is at 11:30. We were told that reconstructing his tooth could take 2 to 4 hours. So...we wait and wait and they don't even call kiddo back till 12:20. I'm thinking "great, we are gonna get home so late" Well...we start reading the books we brought, to settle in for the long haul. About 15 minutes later kiddo walks out and says "mommy Dr. Turnbull wants to talk to you" (that's what they do is send the kids after you when their done) I'm like "what's wrong?? did you get sick??" Kiddo says "No, I'm done" WHAT??? So...we go back, and Dr. Turnbull tells us how kiddo was so amazing, didn't want numbed or anything, and asked if they could go back in one corner away from the "screaming" little kids and get it done really fast. So...that is exactly what they did. One brand new front tooth for kiddo, hardly any time spent, and best part is he can go eat.

We went and grabbed sonic then went to Bookmans Used Book store. I got like 8 or 9 books, Gigantor got like 8 Clive Cussler books, and we got kiddo 4 of the coolest dang books. We then went over to cold stone creamery. I know I know not on my diet, but the closest one is Flag, and we only go to flag about twice a year, so I don't think it will kill me. We sat and ate our ice cream and headed home. Got in about 6 that evening.

Yesterday we took kiddo and his friend bigJ to see March of the Penguins. It was nice. Cute and sad, a documentary, but they did it up real good. We then took bigJ with us to play for a while.

Today Gigantor and BigJ's dad went out coyote hunting. So Goober called and asked if me and kiddo wanted to go to breakfast with her and bigJ and princessM. That was fun, just us and the kids. Went to one of Gigantors favorite places so I got to rub it in when he got home. hehehehe

Now kiddo is up playing at bigJ's and Gigantor ran to walmart for me. I didn't want to go. hehehehe

OoOOOO last night Gigantor cut up an onion then without washing his hands or knife, cut up the honeydew melon. I love onions, and I love honeydew, but onion flavored honeydew is not the best thing in the world. hehehehe

Since I got up early and went to breakfast, and nobody is here. I'm thinking about going and taking a nap. I'll probably sit up and read everyone's blogs instead.

Okay I know I bored you all to sleep, but wake up and comment anyway. hehehehe


Unknown said...

Re: "kiddo leaps forward with his head between ours and screams "ACTION!!!"
You know..we grown-ups can learn a lot from kids

As far as "cold stone creamery" goes...after such an 'ass' ordeal you've deserve ice cream..that's the way to show your ass.

Onion flavored honeydew does not sound good. I heard the other day .. a way to remove the smell of garlic off your hands is to rub them on stainless steel .. that might work with onion also...or not.

I must get back to plaing my game.."Halo" Does Kiddo or "G" play that?...later Burfy!


Sandi said...

What a great day, it is always a suprise when you can get in and relativily out of a Dr's office quick. Don't sweat the ice cream most people would do the same thing. The important part is you don't let it ruin your diet for the rest of the day, week, month, etc...
Glad your ass feels better. :)

Alekx said...

Kiddo is just amazing isn't he. One time he's throwing up at the dentist the next time he is like just get it done so I can go eat.

It's okay to have something every now and again, just don't feel like you blew it and blow it again and again and again.

Love you and miss you. I've been sleeping trying to get used to mids.

Kerry M. Conway said...

omg-first off, hiiiii dooollll!
second-i have missed you so!!!
third-onion flavored honeydew?! hmmm...interesting!
fifth-night dollllll, gigantor and kiddooo! i have missed yeah all! *muahz and hugs*

Dorko said...

I sometime think I need a kiddo!
That "Action" thing was classic.