Wednesday, September 07, 2005


Gosh I don't have much of anything today. My weekend was boring and lazy as hell. We had made plans to go do quite a few things, and didn't do a dam one of them. One of my friends came into town with her new baby and we visited for about 5 hours or more on Saturday morning. But after that--NOTHING. We lazed around and watched movies all weekend. I feel like such a dolt. We were gonna go to the lake, or the mountain or bowling, or all of them. But NoOoOooO we got lead in our asses and just stayed here. Oh well, can't turn back time. Yesterday I was gonna post, and I got not feeling well. It felt like an elephant sat on me or something. I slept almost the entire day. Then I couldn't sleep last night, so serves my dumb butt right. Today I have tried to be on top of all the stuff I need to do. And dammit all, but I've had a craving for french fries for 4 days. WTF is with that??? Okay, I'm tired of being cranky, I'm gonna go kick the dog, flush the fish, feed the gerbils to the cat, and set the birds free, see if that makes me feel better. (kidding people, don't message me. sheesh)
Okay on that note, I'm gonna go. Wanted to leave you all with another picture, of an awesome Fallow Deer.

Happy Hump Day!!!

I just thought this was one of the coolest Fallow Deer there. They have a HUGE herd of fallow deer. The write up says fallow deer can be spotted, white, or chestnut color. This guy is just so beautiful. Their antlers are fuzzy. Not "in velvet" like alot of local species, but theirs stay fuzzy all year long, and have big scoops like moose. Although this deer is just slightly bigger than a white tail. Anyhow, I'm sure those of you that hunt, or has family that hunts knows what I'm talking about. Posted by Picasa


Unknown said...

Well...did ya get some fries?

Dorko said...

Cool pix! Can I 'borrow' it if I need to for my art classes?

(Hey! My verification word was suxpooey, somethin' like that! I think the ghosts in the machines got it in for me! Yikes!)

Alekx said...

They were so purdy and I'm so proud of Gigantor for not trying to shoot it and eat it.

Azathoth100 said...

Hey, there's nothing wrong with having some lazy time. Hope you get your fries with that...

Julie said...

Glad you had a nice relaxing weekend and that you are having a good week, sometimes, 'uneventful' is 'good'!!
Love ya sweets!

Phoenix5 said...

cool pic! It even came with its own field guide! LOL! Have a good weekend Burf! Try to get SOMETHING done! ;)

Jim said...


i am on a nostalgia trip
have i told u lately .... ?