Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Thank Goodness

Thank goodness the holidays are basically over. Now it's just the rest of the week to catch up on sleep and paperwork. hehehe We were so busy this holiday season. I really wouldn't change it, but I'm glad it doesn't last another month. Lets see if I can recap the last two weeks.
2--trips to the airport
6--trips to walmart
10--trips to the grocery store
3--trips to the vet
2--trips to the barber shop
1--night of christmas light looking
eleventy million--pieces of tape put on packages
4--christmas parties
10--goodie plates delivered
3--giant meals cooked (christmas, new years, and the day gigantors parents invaded)
1--King Kong movie watched
15--dvd's or rented movies we watched
1--sister in law jumping down my shit in the middle of the grocery store (HATE HER)
2--parent in laws coming for a big dinner (basically we cooked thanksgiving all over again)
3--times Gigantor started snapping my head off, from stress of his family (DID I SAY I HATE THEM??)
1--time I put Gigantor in his place..telling him he could go live with them if he didn't pull his head out of his ass and realize who his real "family" and who his "relatives" are.
0--times he did it again
lots--of apologies we got from him
1--night of whoopie squeezed into all the excitement
1--very happy household over all over the holidays.
It was so special to have Captain Daddy here. We love him so much and can't wait till he decides to move up here.

I do have to tell you all this. One Christmas, quite a few years ago. My lovely gentle giant of a husband got me hair clippers for Christmas. His reasoning was that I would be happy to have them to cut his hair, cuz it would save us money in the long run. get his dumb butt back I bought him a crock pot I really wanted for our anniversary. It didn't quite make it through his thick scull. Cuz for my birthday, he got me the micro rod and reel he wanted, but he made Kiddo give it to me, so I wouldn't yell at him. That's okay, cuz for his birthday I paid for my next tattoo. Said he would like how my arm looked better with it. Well...he seemed to get it that time. For many years after that, he made sure that if the gift was for me...he really got something I wanted. And some suprises that made me cry with joy. Well....I think he totally forgot how much of a jerk he was that year in the past. Because a few days before Christmas he asks if he can give me one of my gifts early, cuz it would make my life so much easier while everyone was here. I'm like "okay sure" He gave me a storage container set that is going to store some of his stuff, in a cupboard I don't even get into. I raised my eyebrow and said " you better think about this, and get a clue before Christmas buddy" he laughed it off. On Christmas eve I sent him to the store to get batteries for "his" digital camera. The one his mother gave him. The one that they don't let us forget is "gigantors"
So...for Christmas guess what I get??? I get a battery charger for "Gigantors" digital camera. What in the fuckity fuck fuck fuck???? Did the man just up and forget about what he pulled a few years back??? I'm sure he didn't cuz I tell enough people about it. I was so mad, I said. You better expect nice throw pillows for my couch for your birthday in Feb, ass hole. My dad just laughed and laughed. Gigantor couldn't figure out why I was upset. He goes, well in the long run we will save money. OMG he must think all I care about is that. And if he really wanted to save me money then he would quit buying the 4 dollar energy drinks he's addicted to, every other day. Then to top this shit off. We had some returns, a game for kiddo, one small thing given to Gigantor (11 dollar item) and some stuff for me. 101 bucks in returns. That should mean that kiddo get a different game, which he did, and I get something. Which I couldn't find the movie I wanted, and I was gonna head over to get socks and undies of all things. When Gigantor comes and tells us. "okay the money on the card is all spent" WTF???? I go look, and he has gotten an answering machine cuz ours broke, okay no problem. But he also go 50 dollar rifle mount for the fucking 4-wheeler. He goes, "well since we had to return the 4-wheeler bag I got, I got this" I'm like "the bag was only 11 fucking dollars" He just walked out. He made sure that before I could talk to him about it, he went and installed the dam thing, and threw the packaging away, so that I couldn't make him return it. I fucking insensitive can you get??? So...his parents gave us a check for 65 bucks. 25 for me and gigantor each and 15 for kiddo. To get anything we wanted they said. So...he starts talking about the 45 dollar tire repair system for the 4 wheeler he wanted. Then my daddy gave me some money, cuz he couldn't find pressies. He told me specifically it was for me. But I got everyone lunch twice, and paid for us to go to the movie. So...I blew a gasket at Gigantor the other day. Two days later, I think he got a clue, cuz he came up and apologized and said that after kiddo gets the 15, the rest of the money is mine to get something for myself, cuz he was a jerk. I was like "yeah you were." hehehehe He also got me a very cute eeyore yard statue. So...he may get sex in 2006 yet.

Okay I rambled enough. I got a couple recipe's to post that we tried on new years. Hopefully soon.


RQ Whitaker said...

the day gigantors parents invaded....

sounds like a sci-fi/comedy/horror film!

incidently, so does your Christmas countdown (I think you forgot 5 golden rings), but it looks like you had a good time all in all

Scott & Julia said...

Ahh, guys .. they are clueless sometimes, aren't they?


Kerry M. Conway said...

how is my marine corps di doing? hm? smiles. i misses you doll! mauhz! i hope gigantor and little man are both doing wonderful!

Dorko said...

My special one made me cry... because he was so very thoughtful of me!