Thursday, December 14, 2006

Go Orange!!!!

Wow what a great football season!!!! We didn't beat the Bills for first place, but boy did we make them work for it. We actually scored three touchdowns. The coach then bought all the kids pizza. The kids got a 2nd place certificate and medals. The medals are cool, have a football on them that spins.

That was the 2nd medal that Kiddo got that day. He did a walk for diabetes a month or so ago. He wanted to really do it cuz both his grandfathers have diabetes as does his Uncle House Elf. He raised the most money in the community, so they awarded him with a medal, a letter, some prizes and he was on t.v. for the morning announcements at school. He did that one other year with the Jump Rope For Hearts. He's one charity raising fool, let me tell ya.

I've been so dang busy past couple weeks, that I can't even function by the end of the day. Gigantor jumped all over me, said I would get sick or something. He finally asked my why I was making myself that busy, instead of relaxing a little. I sat long and hard and thought about it. And I know why I'm throwing myself into a busy tizzy. I miss my mom, I miss her really really bad right now. Christmas was one of her favorite times of the year...And this is gonna be the first one without her. Every time I slow down I start thinking about how much I miss her, and what she is missing out on. And two things happen. 1. I cry and cry, like for hours and 2. I start throwing this huge pity party that's all about me, myself and I. And let me tell ya. I'm just not into doing either one of those right now!!!! I know I need to cry or I'm going to make it worse. But for some reason this month, I'm beating the tears down with a stick. Matter of fact just writing this has made some of the tears start, so...It popped into my mind that I now have to go and get a bunch of shit done. See...there is that stick, now it's gonna beat them down.

Sorry I made the end of this post somewhat of a bummer.

Have a good Thursday everyone!!!!

Oh oh oh on a side note, WE ARE GOING TO THE PREMIER OF ERAGON TOMORROW!!!! I have only been waiting impatiently for this movie since I read the book and the 2nd book in the series almost a year ago. I am so excited I may pee a little. hehehehhee


Anonymous said...

Hooray Kiddo...way to go!

I know just what you're talking about..Christmas was my Mom's highlight of the year too..she was the glue that held everything together at Christmas time (and all times) in our family. Yes..we have been coming apart at the

Oh...that other word.."Depends".

Anonymous said...

Be sure and review the movie for us. I don't go spend 60 bucks at the theater anymore without reading at least one blog review.

Anonymous said...

'Fica! Firsts are only firsts once :)

I wish for you a circle of loving support, from all your Motherless friends - who have been through a first and know how much it sucks.

Here's a short list of things that don't suck for Christmas:
-egg nog
-christmas lights
-watching your drunk ass friends prance around like reindeer at a work holiday party

Handsome B. Wonderful said...

May your suffering during this difficult time be relieved. I'll be thinking about you and sending you peace.

cookie monster said...

letting loose on blogger is a great way to get rid of things that are getting you down, ive found it to be like counselling so please dont feel too shy or whatever to reach out to those that care about you here, we are always there for you when needed.

but before i go, i have a question for you, Uncle House Elf? that demands an explanation!

Azathoth100 said...

As always sweetie, my heart is with you. Its going to be a hard x-mas this year, but between friends and family it'll find a way to be a good one.

Dorko said...

Busy is good.
My special remeady for many, many, many things which spin beyond my control.
It truly does help to take care of your own business and perhaps provide a little service for someone perhaps in even greater need that yourself, when and if they'll accept it.
Dear Burfica...