Thursday, June 23, 2005

I'm so Dull

Man I'm so dull this past few days. I'm so dull I couldn't cut butter. hehehehe Seems like all my snarkyness has moved right on over to Alekx.

I didn't feel good yesterday. I slept long, and got up and didn't do much of anything, and god was I emotional. I cried to Gigantor for over a half hour. I don't know what was wrong with me. I think that I had just been pushing myself so hard everyday. Pushing myself right to the breaking point. Then I think I finally crossed that line, and plunged head first into the breaking point. I got sorta sick, was hurting really bad, and couldn't stop crying. So...I just took most of yesterday to rejuvenate, and then I felt much better this morning. Off and running again. Guess that's a good thing.

And man, I'm craving beef. Maybe I need some protein or something, but I sure am craving it bad. And not the "buy my a hamburger" beef, but the big juicy steak or big hunk of roast kind of beef. ahhhhhhh now I'm hungry, gonna go eat my banana.

Okay I ate my banana and I still want a steak. hehehehehe

Kiddo finished his first session of swimming lessons today. Man he is doing so good, trying so hard. He is swimming a little ways by himself, and he can float on his back by himself. Auntie Alekx already has him signed up for more lessons starting on Monday. My baby is gonna know how to swim pretty decent by the time we get home. Still not sure if he will be able to ride a bike or not, but he will be able to swim. hehehee

I'm gonna be a hermit all weekend, I think. Alekx and the house elf are going diving at the lake again, and last time they went I got to take a trip to the hospital. So...I don't think I'm gonna move out of this house. hehehehe

Holy dull moments batman!!! I just sat here for 15 minutes and can't think of one other dam thing to write about. I guess that would be my cue to post this little boring as all get out post. Hope you all don't fall asleep or wanna go jump out of a basement window cuz I bored you so much.

Happy Thursday everyone.


Dorko said...

I don't think I could ever be bored with you girlfriend!

Mia said...

Never boring...smiles.

Tim said...

Don't listen to them, you're boring. ;)

Kat said...

I'm bored. I'm pretty sure I was bored before stopping just helped me realize how bored I am.

Speaking of beef...I was just looking up Crockpot Pot Roast recipes. About to shove one into the crock with some seasonings and vegies and torture myself with smelling it for the rest of the day. Yummmmmmm I'll let ya know how it turns out...I usually do my roasts in my pressure cooker.

Burfica said...

Dorko---I could never be bored with you either. You never told me if you remember the evil frog thing??

Miranda--Thanks girlfriend

Cyen--Your sweet, my mornings are consumed with Alekx's bad coffee and her nappy hair. hehehehehe j/k

Tim--Thanks your right. :)

Kat---YOUR NOT HELPING WITH THE BEEF CRAVING GIRL!!!! I have three different recipe's for roast beef so ppppfffffttttt LOL

Anonymous said...

You???...boring??? way Burfi..."bless your sweet little boring heart"'m back out!


Alekx said...

I wouldn't be talking about nappy hair you with the bed head and rings around the eyes. Snot hanging outta the nose and the raspy I wish I still drank whiskey voice you have in the mornings.

Dorko said...

Yes. Barely ~ but yes, I remember. I'm semi-dangerous in hospital rooms with people I love, because my "natural" disposition is to "cheer U up"... NOT good with freshly stitched incisions. ;)
Let me know if you need another crock-pot pot roast recipe... I got a beauty!

Burfica said...

Bugs Butt---I was born in Tucson. Lived in Sierra Vista for a time.

Opie--I got you some quarters hun. hehehehe

Alekx--yup I copy my big sissy

Dorko--yes you are dangerous around fresh wounds. hehehehe i would love some more crock pot recipe's, do tell do tell.

kitten said...

It will be worth it in the end...rem,ember "no pain no gain" and all that shit. Hope you are feeling better. I think you just need S E X>

MomThatsNuts said...

Hey Burfi-poo.... the emotional stuff is just your body saying BYE BYE to the flab!! I cry all the time, its fun!! Just so you dont feel bad, I heard it was in the 90's up your home way yesterday. We have had 115 and evening LIGHTING storms, the whole damn state is on fire.. Hopefully gonna dry out today a bit, I HOPE...I can handle the heat, but the humidity...DAMN...the dew point was 55. Thats almost MONSOONish.
Honey, bored is much better than the hospital dont you think?? lol
