Monday, June 30, 2008

Waiting for names

It's very sad today as we wait for names from a bad crash.

Go look here Helicopter crash They had one thing wrong, and that the only survivor was a nurse on the classic helicopter not the other one.

Classic Helicopter is based out of Utah, but we know probably 30 or more people from here that work for them. Even Gigantor's mom was a dispatcher for them for a while.

Please keep your prayers out for their families. The actual place they crashed is the next town closest to us about 139 miles south of us.

Okay on to other news.

I've been doing my breathing treatments and taking that Tessalon pearl three times a day, and for two nights I've gotten some sleep. Praise all that is holy!!!!

Everyone is begining to suspect that I had a virus and some junk that was packed in the bottom of my lungs that was dry (for months, like since January) and it finally gave me the cough and with the breathing treatments I've been able to break it up more. I do feel more rattle ie in my chest but it's small amounts of coughing to clear it up. I'm still not gonna say I'm getting better, till I have about a week of getting better. Things tend to turn around on me and smack me in the face. hahahaha

So...hopefully by next week I can start my pain pills again. Gosh I've been hurting without them.

okay it's almost 7 here, so I'm gonna go we need to think about getting some dinner going.

Have a good Monday and Tuesday all!!!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Nails and Doctors what a combo.

As you can see I got my nails done today. Got my 4th of July groove on. As you can see most of them are the same but the middle finger. We just did that to be goofy and for me to keep showing it to Gigantor cuz he's an ass. lol

Look at my middle finger on the one on the bottom. It looks a bit crooked, well that's after the nail lady straightened it out for the picture. That is a finger I broke when I was 19 or 20, and nobody believed me when I said it was broke, so I didn't go to the doctor, and it's healed way crooked with a weird bump on it. (bone that poked out on the side of the first knuckle, it has a concave on the other side) Nice lady like feature huh??

After my nails Gigantor took me to the doctor. Cough is just as bad if not worse. I had the doctor and nurses completely stumped. They looked at everything. I think I was given every test but a rectal and pap smear. Then he said, Huh I have no idea. That was encouraging. So they went ahead and gave me a breathing treatment, just to see if anything would happen.

It made my blood ox go up like 2 points, but we all think that is because I'm probably having bronchial spasms from coughing so much and for so long. So he went ahead and prescribed some stuff for me to give myself breathing treatments, see if it helps at all. And he prescribed some Tessalon Pearls. I had them once before a long time ago, and they helped with coughing, so we will see.

He didn't issue any antibiotics, cuz I have no other symptoms or soreness or anything so it doesn't look bacterial. He said it's possible it's viral but he doesn't think so. On the slim chance it is viral since it's been way over 2 weeks there isn't anything they can do anyway. He told me that if the breathing treatments and pearls didn't help in 3 to 4 days, that I needed to come back and have chest x-rays. Great, just what I need 500 dollar deductible, and I have no money.

Oh and to top it off, my suburban wouldn't start today, just a clicking noise. I need a new battery and cables. But...I have no money. grrrrrrr

Okay I'm gonna go, it's almost dinner time here. Have a good weekend everyone!!!!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

cough cough STILL!!!!

OoOo look out, scary baby panda is gonna scare you!!! rawr!!!!

hahahah that picture is so funny.

Well yeah I didn't post for a bit, my cough got much worse, and still is. I'm averaging about 2 hours sleep a night, in 10 minute increments.

I've tried everything, every remedy you guys gave me, every fricken thing over the counter, the doctor said they could give me cough syrup but it all has codeine in it and I'm allergic. I'm trying desperately to just ride it out. Kiddo had 4 weeks of it, and now it's gone. I'm on week 2. God I hope it eases up soon though, this is fricken killing me.

And it's a dry cough, I can breath fine, I'm not short of breath, my chest isn't tight doesn't hurt. It just keeps feeling like an irritation or tickle in the throat, which is what kiddo said his felt like too. But I get coughing so hard that I make this gagging noise, like the throw up noise. Tears running down my face and down both legs it's so bad. grrrrrr

Okay enough pissing and moaning. We had food for that bbq for 40 people, and then on that morning shit loads had to call and cancel, we had 7. So..yeah we have been eating the shit out of leftovers. Oh well...hopefully when Alekx is here we will have more for the bbq then.

Sunday we were gonna do some work around here and transplant a gazillion plants. Well I felt like crap with the coughing/ no sleep thing. So we ended up watching a bunch of movies. Daddy Day Camp (cute) Saw IV (not to bad) and three others that were older that Captain daddy had lent us.

Next in Netflix is The Lost Boys. I want Kiddo to see it before the new one comes out. Such a dam good movie.

OooOO I just finished the third book in a series I'm reading, I heard a 4th is out now, but I can't find it in this town, grrrrrr.

I just started the Twilight series too. OMG such good books, and the author is from Arizona whooohoooo go us. hahahahahaha

Well I just had to pay out a shit load of bills, then had to be revived with a defibrillator. Gahhhh I can't believe how much some shit is. And Gigantor wanted me to make sure to save a good 100 bucks or so for him to get some wood to start the skirting so he can start the fence soon. Ummmm I don't even have 100 pennies left in there, how am I supposed to find 100 bucks. aaaaaahhhhhhhh

We did get notice that our stimulus check will be in this weekend (or should be in) that will be nice we can spend it all in one weekend getting shit for the house. grrrrrrr I am gonna take a few bucks though and take Kiddo to the movie. It's gonna be Wall-E He really wanted to see Kung Fu Panda and I couldn't scrape together enough money, so I am definatly taking him to that.

Okay I'm out of here, I just wanna go sit on the couch see if I can catch a few minutes of sleep here and there.

Have a good Tuesday everyone!!!!

Friday, June 20, 2008

whooohooo cool air!!!!!

I gots me some cool air going here. We got the cooler and parts all in and hooked up and running. Spent all day yesterday on it, 5 trips to true value and the electrician called out again. I think after everything is said and done that new cooler didn't cost us 700 bucks it cost us about 1200. ahhhhhhhhhhh

That cough is no better, actually it's worse. I am now not only coughing all fricken night but most of the day too. It's really getting discouraging. The doctors have no fricken idea. And no cold of cough medicine works at all. I have to get up out of bed, and go sit on the potty. (yup it's coughing that hard and frequent) and it's coughing so hard there is gagging on the verge of throwing up.

It's the same dam cough Kiddo had. Now I know exactly how misserable he was. I'm hoping that it will clear up sooner than his did though. But if it's anything like his, I'm stuck with this crap for 3 to 4 weeks.

We are busy beavers today. We are having a huge bbq tomorrow, and Gigantor has to work both days of the weekend, so I'm making Kiddo help me out. He already vacuumed and stamped my avon books for me. I boiled eggs, and wrote up the receipts for when avon comes in. I still need to do up some mail, run some errands down town, and peel the eggs.

Then this evening the avon comes in and I need to pull it and do it up in it's sacks, then Gigantor is running to the store while I do that. After he gets back I need to cut up 1lb bacon and one large onion for the baked beans, and cut up one large onion and some dill pickles for the potato salad, and slice tomatoes (on the vine not the killer one's) and onion for the burgers.

Then tomorrow when he's at work, I can cook the bacon and onion and put it and the beans in the crock pot, and I can peel and cook the potato's and whip up that potato salad. And cut up some fruit. Gonna be a fun time!!!

Well I've coughed the whole time I'm typing this, so I'm going to go.

I know miss Anne tagged me so I have to get to that soon too. I haven't forgot.

Hope you all have a great Friday!!!!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

What the Who????

I swear this summer has been so weird, odd, funky.

By the way I crack my ass up at that picture.

I was feeling much better, did the nice candle party, had baby back ribs for fathers day, and watched some movies. Then Sunday night I coughed all fricken night. I got 1/2 hour sleep. Monday I felt like I was catching a dam cold. Took meds all day. I did get some sleep last night, took a few meds today. But the wind started blowing and I started fricken coughing again. grrrrrrrr

Not much else new to report. I haven't been on the computer much so I haven't really gotten around to blogs. I've been sorta vegging and hanging out with the kid.

And of course folding laundry, melting in the heat, and doing some avon work.

We had decided we are gonna hold a bbq on saturday. And then a guy quit out at Gigantors work, so he has to work all weekend but we already invited people so guess who's gonna be doing all the stuff to get ready.

All I can say is my fricken cooler better be fixed by then. grrrr and double GRRRRRR

Okay that's all I really got, I'm going. Have a great Wednesday everyone!!!!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

HA HA FOOLED YA I'm still alive!!!!

I hope there was at least some of you all that was wondering where I was at. hahahaha

I've been so busy it hasn't even been funny. Lets recap a bit

Wed night, my friend Tif, calls says they are in town with the U-haul (moved back here) and the thing is due back at 7 in the morning can we help them unload.

I make tons of phone calls but only find one other person to come help. We go over at about 5:20. Didn't get done unloaded it till 7:30 (it was already about half way unloaded, and we had about 7 people working on it. They went ahead and ordered some pizza to feed everyone. We ate and chatted for a few then went home around 9.

Thursday captain Daddy was over for a bit, and then Skinny K showed up to play with kiddo and spend the night. That afternoon Gigantor got off early cuz the guy to build our new ducting for the new cooler was supposed to be here between 3 and 4. Gigantor finally left at about 6 to grab us all some dinner. The guy showed up about 6:15. Luckily I'm not as dumb as I look or I wouldn't have known what to tell him to do.

Gigantor showed up right at the end to ask him a couple questions, then Gigantor left for his softball game. I didn't go watch cuz I had the boys and they wanted to stay here.

Thursday night at bed time, I got massive sick. Stomach was killing me, and I had it coming from both ends. Felt like when I got food poisoning that one time. I started pissing and moaning to Gigantor that I had "tomato death" from the pizza sauce. He wouldn't even sympathize with me.

I didn't sleep but maybe an hour in early morning, cuz my stomach hurt all night.

I finally got up, and thought, oh I feel pretty good, but after I got up, the pain started again. ahhhhhhh

Skinny K's mom came by about 10 in the morning to make an avon order, and an order for that candle party I was having and she picked up her son. We visited for a bit.

I didn't eat lunch or anything I felt like ass. Finally about 4:45 we got ready and took Kiddo to the doctor (check up, and other stuffs) He got one shot and 6 fricken perscriptions. We have antibiotic for the cough, stuff for his feet, stuff for his face, his regular nose spray, and stuff for the breathing machine we have.

We came home and whipped up dinner real fast. Homemade french onion soup and some chicken salad sandwiches. Captain daddy was over, it was early fathers day dinner, and that's what he wanted. Gave him and Gigantor their pressies and they really liked them.

We watched Bucket List, that was a dam good movie.

Today, got up, finished cleaning the house, cut up meat and cheese, put it on a platter, cut up a bunch of fruit, put it in a thing with some fruit dip, and made a couple olive and pickle trays.

Had my candle party. I didn't have a whole bunch of people show up, actually less than said they would, but I got enough sales so that I got 20 dollars off my stuff. So...I got 5 candles for 30 bucks, not to shabby.

I got a rose one, a jasmine one, one called apple orchard pear'adise, one called Love struck, and a Casaba melon sunset one.

Tomorrow we may do a bit of work in the yard, and maybe sorta crash out. It is now 5 minutes till 8 and we still haven't eaten dinner.

We are going to go do that.

Hope you all are having a great weekend and HAPPY FATHERS DAY!!!!! too all you dads!!!!!!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Brain Farts=no title

This dog yoda picture goes perfect. I just spent the last two days watching episode 1,2 and 3 of star wars. hahahaha Haven't seen them in a while.

We watched Mad Money last night, that was a very funny/cute movie!!!

I have got to get out of this dam funk I am in. All the working my ass off, and nothing seeming to get done. Then I've been having alot of anxiety attacks here lately. I don't know why, but I have been.

It's been so weird. I won't hear from someone for about a week or so, and then I'm convinced that they hate me or are mad at me. I know it's just the time of year and everyone is really busy, but my brain is having a hard time accepting that. grrrrrrrr

I'm gonna be holding a candle party on Saturday. It doesn't help that three people that said "I will be there no matter what" have had to cancel. That doesn't help the dang anxiety attacks.

I did get some new candle books to hand out to them, and I was thumbing through, there are some new scents I can't wait to sniffle. One is called Pool Towel. I'm so curious about that one, cuz the only thing I can think it would smell like is a mixture of chlorine and sweat.

Know what irritates me?? When young punk ass jerks always ask for their birthday off from work. Now it's one thing when a person that has always worked their birthday asks for it off once in a while. But I mean the young 20 somethings that have to take a few days off for their birthday cuz they are gonna go party so hard and have a constant drunk for days. And we can't get lucky enough they give themselves alcohol poisoning and off their sorry butts!!!!

Okay yeah that was a sort of rant. Gigantor went in to ask for July 24 and 25th off cuz Alekx will be in town. Well...back in January JANUARY??? The fucking young punk ass that nobody likes there, put in for the 24th through 28th off, cuz it will be his birthday and he's gonna party solid all those days. What a dumb ass jerk. I mean we have family in, and he just wants to be drunk the whole time. grrrrrr

This is the same punk jerk that took 5 days around thanksgiving off. Gigantor and another co worker were gonna trade off days so each of them could have 3 days off, and spend it with family coming in town. But the young shit got his 5 in. In January again, and when asked what he did, he said he got drunk the whole time and did nothing and saw nobody.

So...these two other guys that had family in, couldn't spend any time with them, cuz the punk fuck wanted to be drunk. ahhhhhhhhhhh

Okay well that post turned into a bit of a rant.

I'm gonna go drink my coffee, and make a list of some shit I need from the store.

I need to go buy some stuff, we are doing a fathers day dinner with Captain Daddy on Friday (cuz he works sunday) and I need some munchies for the candle party.

Have a good Wednesday everyone!!!!

Monday, June 09, 2008

Holy cow I haven't posted in 4 days

Wow I didn't realize I hadn't posted in 4 days. We have been busy as heck.

Have you ever been real busy, and yeah you get a bunch of stuff done, but then on Monday it doesn't seem like you got anything done???

On Friday we had a nice dinner and watched the movie The Comebacks. That was funny, it's a spoof like the Scary movie movies. It's a spoof on sports movies. Then Gigantor went down to walmart to do some shopping, we needed some medicine for the kid, he's got a cold or something.

Saturday Gigantor got up and got busy working on putting in that new cooler. Only to find out that our ducting is to small, so we need to have some made. But...the only places that could make it were closed. grrrrr He's called one this morning, and they don't do it, gonna call the other. I don't know what we will do if we can't find someone.

Then he came in and as I was doing up all my avon and working on paying bills, he cleaned up some glass we had, that we wanted to display. And Captain Daddy came over for a while. While we were visiting, Gigantor got the last 3 boxes unpacked that we needed too.

We then went and paid bills and delivered avon. Picked up a gift card at the movie rental place. (We had forgot our friend D's birthday the weekend before) Had D over and we all got quizno's and had chocolate cake. Watched the new Jessica Alba movie---The Eye. That was sorta good.

Sunday Gigantor got up early and started working on a plumbing job. (had to run another water line and put in outdoor spigot) When I got up, we got some lunch and watched a tape we recorded. Then we did some of the 5 million dishes we had to do. Then Gigantor ran to the grocery store while I made out invitations for a candle party I'm gonna have next weekend.

When Gigantor came home he said he had to dig something else out by the water line and run some heat tape on them, so he went out and did that and I fricken fell asleep on the couch. grrrrr

Then we made some dinner and watched Meet the Spartans. My dad came in after buying that movie and says "THIS IS THE MOST DISGUSTING MOVIE I'VE EVER SEEN AND IT'S DAM NEAR PORNOGRAPHIC" So..we didn't let kiddo watch it till we did. We watched it and laughed our asses off. It's no different than any of the "scary movie" movies or "epic movie" it's the same kind of spoof and they all use sexual and bathroom humor. So..yeah maybe I'm a bad mom, but I'm letting the kid watch it today. I think Captain Daddy needs to get that corn cob out of his butt and stop being a jerk. But that's just me.

Anyhow, today has been filled with calling the a/c places to see if anyone can make the ducting we need, and I have some paper work to do, and I need to get some stuff mailed off.

I hope I make it around to all the blogs today, I've missed ya all

Have a good Monday everyone!!!!

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Sniffing myself.

Oh my gosh that picture is so dang funny it makes me piddle. hehehehe

Yup that title is right, I keep sniffing myself. hahahaha
I got a new shower gel/ cooling moisture gel/ and lotion from avon, and the smell is so nice. It didn't come with a body spray so I keep having to put some lotion or cooling gel on. But I just keep sniffing myself, cuz I smells good. hehehehehe

Gigantor put steaks out to grill tonight!!! yayyyyyyyyyyyyyy I think he's doing it to be way nice. Because he joined a softball team even though we have way to much chit to get done. He did sorta compromise. He could have joined mens league and it would be games 3 nights a week all fricken summer. But he joined a co-ed team so it's only games on Thursdays. His first game is 9 tonight, and we probably aren't gonna go. I'm old and tired, and Kiddo has had this horrid cough. So...we will probably go to next weeks game.

Okay I'm gonna go back to sniffing myself, and read some blogs, I didn't make it around to read anybody yesterday.

Have a good Thursday everyone!!!

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Wednesday??? Really???

Man I can't believe it's wed already.

I need that dust mop to come to life and dust my house. hahahahaha

Guess what bonus we got?? I got a call yesterday and the cooler was in. Wasn't supposed to be here till Thursday. BONUS!!!!

Of course it won't get hooked up till this weekend. Gigantor has been working longer hours.

Yesterday at lunch Kiddo and I watched The Borrowers. I hadn't seen that movie in years, and had forgotten what it was about. It was pretty good.

Last night we watched Dan in Real Life. That was a pretty darn cute movie. We enjoyed it.

Well I don't really have a whole hell of a lot to say today, so maybe I'll just go eat my popcorn, drink my coffee, and read blogs. hahahahah

Have a good Wednesday everyone!!!!

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Back to our regularly scheduled Snarkiness

I'm done being whinie. It makes me depressed, and irritable.'s like I have PMS all the time.

I love the tinkerbell, kittie, snacker picture up there.

Well...not much more the police can do, no evidence, no proof, no nothing, so just a dam incident report.

Kawasaki doesn't make locking gas caps, so we aren't sure what we are gonna do.

Cooler is on order and should be here by Thursday.

We patched up holes in fence and rat dog hadn't gotten out in like 4 days. She was out again today. The shit head!!!!

Captain Daddy has been staying in a good mood, so that is nice.

I have been having a hard time sleeping, so then I sleep in in the morning, and then I feel like a bad mom for the day. grrrrrrr

We have been watching lots of movies since there is nothing on t.v. in the summer. Catching up on a ton that Captain Daddy had loaned us. And getting 3 to 6 netflix movies in in a week.

I think we may get a lake pass this year. You have to buy a yearly pass to go out to the lake (national park and all) And I love the lake and love to go swimming and stuff. But...with my leg, knee, hips, back, and weight problems it was really really hard to walk any distance. Hard?? hell it was impossible. And they only had one beach I could go to. Lone Rock beach. But we kept getting stuck in the deep sand, and that would cause me tons of anxiety.

All the other places you had to walk a good 1.2 mile to the beach or it was cliff areas and you had to hike. So...for a couple years we hadn't even bought a lake pass.

Gigantor found a road they built to a beach, a different beach that is more hard packed. And you can drive right up to the edge of the water. I so would love to go out to the lake once or 3 times a week. hehehehe

So...we are gonna buy a pass this weekend after payday and go check it out.

Okay well I'm gonna get out of here and see if I can find something to eat. I'm starving.

Have a good Tuesday everyone!!!!

Sunday, June 01, 2008

When it rains it pours cosmic diahrea all over your head!!!!!



Okay, so you know I was whining on the other post.

Well Gigantor goes outside 6 a.m. this morning cuz he had to go to work. He jumps on his 4 wheeler to notice it has no gas. He filled it up on Friday evening. And hadn't driven it since. He got looking at the footprints.

We had small footprints and some larger one's around it. And they led (in the dirt) to a guys house two doors down and went right in his yard.

Gigantor calls police. The guys punk kid and friend siphoned the gas out of his tank. They checked our other vehicles tanks, opened the doors, but we have locking gas caps.

Gigantor says he wants to press charges. Police say they don't have anything to go on. Gigantor yells at them that the foot prints lead right to the other yard, where the teenager has a record of doing stupid shit and being in trouble, couldn't they go talk to him at least. Police said they would investigate, Gigantor left for work. Police officer hasn't called us back yet.

Worst part, we really like the dad and step mom. They are nice people, now we have probably made enemies of them.

Also, how fucking stupid can you be. I mean go steal gas across town, where you won't leave a trail, or do something horrible to your neighbors, so it starts neighborhood wars.

I mean don't get me wrong I don't think they should steal at all, and I think they should get butt raped in jail to see how it feels to be royally screwed!!!!! But...they weren't even a tad smart. And I bet the police don't do a dam thing about it.

Pisses me the fuck off. And Gigantor is about 200 times more pissed than me. He wants to call the kids dad, and I told him no, until we find out what's going on with the police. And that I don't wanna have to bail him out of jail.

Now I'm worried this stupid ass punk kid and his friends are gonna start vandalizing my stuff, and or tormenting my dogs. Scares the shit out of me. I guess I couldn't get lucky enough for him to go live with his mom or end up in jail for a really long time huh??

Hope you all are having a much better Sunday than ours started out as.

Update: Talked with those neighbors, it really wasn't them, they even came and looked at prints, and helped walk around neighborhood, found where they were in other yards, and found where they were alot then going into a house. Waiting to talk to the Police officer again. Bad part, it looks like it's the kids of one of Gigantor's co workers. One kid who hates Kiddo for no apparent reason and who has been in trouble tons, and who keeps targeting Kiddo for stuff.

Just sorta glad it's not the neighbors though. *sigh of relief there.*