Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Real Men Fart!!

Oh yeah that will be my next family car. hahahahaha

Okay all I have a rather gross subject. As you can tell by the title, it's about farts, and well men, and men and farts. That being said, you can all consider yourself warned.

Everybody farts, EVER FRICKEN BODY!!! But only a select few are entertaining while they do it.

My skinny anerexic looking grandmother had these farts that squealed. I mean high pitched, made my mother think the refrigerator was breaking down squeal. Some people have the machine gun farts--rat a tat tat tat. Others have the big belching vomit sounding farts. Sounds like someone majorly spewed. Wonder if the person has to wipe. hahahaha

Now my son and my husband both have one's that will fricken kill ya. I mean I wonder if they just go out and chew on rotten road kill they are so bad.

But my husband....well he must have his down to an art form. He has always had these squeaky little farts, that will gag you. He likes to say they squeak cuz his "butthole is so tiny" I always come back and say well God didn't want to make you all asshole so he left that part small since the rest is big asshole.

Anyhow....we are in bed the other night, He is turned on his side, rubbing my arm, talking to me and we are watching some t.v. When I hear a rather quiet, but high pitched. Heeeeeeeeelp Meh!!! I sit straight up in bed and go WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT??? He looks at me and goes. OOOOps, with a grin on his face. I say OMG DID YOUR ASS JUST SCREAM FOR HELP??? At which point he started laughing uncontrollably. I said, It did, your ass screamed for help, and he goes, no it didn't. So I immitated it. heeeeelp meh. I said, that was your ass!!!! It screamed for help!!!! What the hell do you have up there????

At which point he had fallen out of bed laughing and red in the face and screaming at me that I better not tell anybody. I said. Yeah right this is me we are talking about, I have a blog, and I like to tell EVERY FRICKEN BODY!!! I'm like if you don't want me to tell people then you need to stop stuffing things up your ass that need help. I mean this was a week or two ago and I'm still wondering why his as was screaming help me.

Then THEN!!!! Just the other night he was in the shower. And I was sitting on my throne reading him an article from a magazine. The shower and throne are on opposite ends of the bathroom but they face each other and we have a clear shower curtain with frogs on it.

Anyhow....I'm reading him this article, and I hear QUACK!! I stop reading and go, "what was that???" Two dogs walked in the bathroom and started looking around. I go, what the fuck just quacked?? And I see my husband sorta shaking in that silent kinda laugh. Shoulders bouncing and all. And I scream. OMG YOUR ASS JUST QUACKED AT ME!!!! He busts a gut laughing. I scream SO WAS IT THE DUCK SCREAMING FOR HELP THE OTHER NIGHT??

I swear to god, I must have the only man with a tallented talking, quacking asshole. Please tell me I'm not alone, cuz that is enough to send me over the edge. I mean when they find me giggling in a corner, saying "the duck in his ass kept screaming for help" nobody is gonna know what the hell I'm all about.

But honestly, even days later, it's enough to double you over laughing. I wish we could do it on command, cuz we could take that show on the road. Be rich from a talking ass. Although the smell might clear the room. hahahahaha

Hope you all have a good Wednesday. And no ducks scream for help on your watch. hahahahahaha


Alekx said...

you told me that last night on the phone and I still almost peed myself when I read it again.

I just am speechless. I really am

Biddie said...

Holy jeebuz. His ass screamed for help! LOL.

Coffeypot said...

As long as his ass hole is yelling for help or quacking you are alright. It's when it yells, "Watch out, a big brown one is coming." that you should be worried.

Burfica said...

alekx--I still laugh when I think about it.

Biddie--It was the funniest dam thing.

Coffey--if his ass ever screams that, I'm super glueing it shut.

Special K said...

I totally think you need to call "America's got talent"!

Jeri said...

ohmyjesus. that is so dam funny I did pee myself, and that was before I hyperventilated from laughing so hard. :)

Burfica said...

K--if I could make him do it when I wanted him too, you bet your happy hairy ass I would hehehehehe

Jeri--thanks for stopping by. Read your profile. Hey my sister Alekx, her and her hubby scuba dive, and instruct. check her out.

Olly said...

"If you don't want me to tell anybody, then you should stop stuffing things up your ass that need help"

OMG I'm gonna be laughing at that line for days!!!!!!!!!!

Special K said...

My "hairy" ass? Excuse me, I must go check myself.

~SugarBear~ said...

OMG I'm sitting here in the computer lab at the university reading this and trying not to blow up laughing! That is too damn funny!

mandy said...

That is the funniest thing I've heard in a loooonng time! Thanks for the laugh! I needed that today!

~Just Me Miranda~ said...

OMG I almost spewed my drink. LOL

Burfica said...

Olly--it's gonna be a story to tell the grandkids.

K--did ya check?? huh?? did ya??

C--it will make you giggle every time you think of it, then out of nowhere you will go Heeeeeelp meh

m.j.--that's us the family of bodily functions.

Miranda--just hork it out your nose, then ask for help. ahhahahahahahaha

A Spot of T said...

Well it's happened. I'm finally left speechless. Giggling like hell but still....speechless!!!

Willow said...

We say it's fairies. And when they stink, that's the rotting corpses of the fairies that couldn't escape. (Yeah, I gots me some weird kids. I have NO idea where they get it. Must be their father's side. Yeah, that's it.)

There are times that my youngest daughter (who is 8) rips one that I think her father did it. I tell her to go check her drawers because lord knows that couldn't have been good.

And btw, ants...ants don't fart. They can't. So feeding them yeast and water....that's a good way to get rid of them. Because when you can't fart....BOOM.

And how funny is it that my word verification for this comment is "phoos?"

CrystalChick said...

OMGOMGOMG that's FUNNY!!!!!!
Sounds like some stuff we got going on around here some days. hehe
I'll post half-nekkid pictures of my hubs but don't ever discuss the raunchy smells that blast out of his ass. LOL Of course I never fart. ;)

~SugarBear~ said...

Burf - this was so funny, I was trying to tell my best friend about it and couldn't finish a because I started laughing so hard I was crying. So..... I had to email her a link to your blog and you have a new fan! We sat in the office reading up on some of your posts and killed a good portion of the afternoon.

Azathoth100 said...


Muhd Imran said...

America really has got talent!

It should really be a pain in the... you know what, but quacking duck that talks is pretty rare to come by in the... you know where.

Take it from me, cause I'm a man too, but makes indecorous noises with my... you know which part.

Have a great conversational weekend.

Anonymous said...

My husband's farts ar that of silent but deadly nature. His rear is screaming in sufficated silence.
We were in bed the other night and I rolled over. As I did I tasted something so raunchy that even the dog moved. He did not wake up. I started gagging a bit and got up and sprayed air freshner. GAH.

MomThatsNuts said...

I am not even kidding I am CRYING over here. The kids are ready to call 911 because I cannot catch my breath to tell them what is so funny..oh geeez burf, sometimes you kill me..I can just hear ya over there saying HEEEELP ME......


Libby said...

ohhh...burfica, you're killin me, my friend!! so, next time i call, if gigantor answers the phone, i'm just gonna say "hey, can i talk to your ass?" or maybe the duck in his ass?...i'm dyin, i can't breathe!

Christine said...

This was so funny I had to come back tonight and read it again. What a hoot...or toot...or whatever..