Monday, July 18, 2005


It's Moanday not Monday. hehehehe Moaning and groaning is present. Poor kiddo is trying to fight off a summer cold. He was swimming this morning and even told his instructor "I don't feel so well" Then he told me he was "really really tired" He's 9, he doesn't admit not feeling well or tiredness. Poor thing.

I made it through another weekend without hurting myself. yayyyyyyyy Alekx and the house elf leave next weekend again to the lake, so who knows. I may do one last big whammie before heading home. hehehehe Gosh I hope not. I'm gonna tape my ass to a chair the entire time they are gone and not move. Not let kiddo move either.

What's with the food network??? I watch it every day, for lack of anything else. And there are only so many cartoons I can take. Well they keep showing the same programs, over and over and over. I'm beginning to wonder if they have all run out of recipe's. That would suck.

Ladies?? Do any of you get the "blahs" right before you start your period?? I'm so blah, like tired but not, don't feel good but not. You know?? Just blah. No energy and stuff. oOOOoOo I just thought, bonus. At least the curse is this week, and not next week when I get to see Gigantor again. hehehehee Speaking of which.

Happy Moanday everyone!!! May you all not be blah :p


Alekx said...

You and Gigantor better not break my windows with all the moaning and groaning.

MP said...

OK...haven't started yet, major pms Friday night I had a slight fever and slept from 10pm..couldn't even stay up for storm stories...and slept til 11am Saturday...MAJOR blahs. I felt so much better though, just needed rest!

Tim said...

"run out of recipe's", that would be great.

So, today on Emeril, we're making kicked up tap water. bam!

sandegaye said...

Hi Burfica, from a fellow Yay-Yay Sistah!
Just visiting some blogsites from the 'hood.
Enjoyed my stay w/ yours!

Y'all enjoy that pms while you can. All too soon it turns to men-all-paws.

MomThatsNuts said...

OH I know the BLAH's....but mine are so much better since the PILL...I dont get any pre-symtoms AT ALL, I love it....

Girl, count yourself lucky not to be here this week. Its, muggy...yucky


Phoenix5 said...

Hmmm... I'm feeling BLAH today too... Houston? We have a PROBLEM!!!!! Oh, you mean it doesn't mean the same thing for men? WHEW! Had me worried there! LMAO!!!

Sorry Burf, I shouldn't make fun. Hope you're feeling better soon! And Lil Gigantor too!

Kerry M. Conway said...

*lmao at alekx*

sing: "go buffy get busy, go buffy get busy!" hell yeah!

lmao buffy is you new nickname cause you are a motivated killer now! watch out gigantor!

runs fast and hard-doesn't want alekx to see me...

Meadow said...

Yep. No snark here. Hehehe

I've got a bad case of the blahs, too. I dunno what's going on.