Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Is your Name Billy???

Just thought I would share some more pictures of the wildlife park. I have a few more to share. I will try to post a couple a day. But we know how well I can do. hehehehe shush you.
Anyhow..the past couple days have been a trial with the kiddo. He is going through some new fase of yelling at us and throwing fits. He's 9 for god sake. sheesh. Enough of that.

I have a friend who had her 2nd child on August 1st, coming intown over the weekend. It will be really nice to see her. I haven't seen her since May. You all should ask Alekx. This friend and I together, we were something else. We could get into the most mischief. We were quite the pair. I had lost contact with her for a few years, but we found each other again this past year. And it's been wonderful. We are so greatful to learn that neither of us have lost our sense of humor. I mean her message on her answering machine goes something like. ARRRRGGGGHHHH The pirates aren't in right now, leave a message. (in this growly voice) It cracks me up.

Anyhow, I will post more tomorrow. Happy hump day everyone.
big assed, fuzzy tailed bear HUGGGGSSS to you all!!!!!

Lookie here, it's the three billy goats gruff. They are acctually called Auoudad's Say that three time's fast. hehehee Posted by Picasa


Azathoth100 said...

Heh, who's that trip trip tripping on my bridge?

Alekx said...

These were nice ones not harking spit and snot all over the inside of my poor car.

Mia said...

Nice pics. I remember that I had one of those book tapes. Well I remember the name, but thats I dont even remember what I had for supper yesterday.

Blog ho said...

goats scare me...big time