Thursday, February 22, 2007

Old Drivers

Any of you who live in or have lived in a small town have probably experienced the "one" old driver that everyone has to look out for. And they all drive those old huge cars that drive like tanks.

We had a guy that drove a green old Mercury. This man was maybe 5 foot 2 and he wore one shoe that had a 5 inch wood platform. He had crooked legs. Now not only would you say, "uht oh here he comes" But people in the town would literally, flip a u-turn and run, or go down a different street to avoid this man. The police tried to work with him. He had no family or friends or church that would help him out by taking him places. The police told him that he could drive as long as during school it was in the middle of the day (less traffic) and during the summer it was early morning (less tourists). I kid you not this man would get into at least one accident a week. He never obeyed the stop lights or stop signs. He wouldn't even drive down the correct side of the road. It could be just you and him on the 4 lane main street, and he would cross all the lanes to drive dirrectly at you. Once he passed it seemed like the driving community made a selective sigh of relief.

Then appeared the crazy old lady. She drove a very old, very big white Chrysler. She would park in the front space at the grocery store, and if that space was taken up, she would park on the sidewalk. When she made her way into the store, with her little walker. She would take two to three steps, then stop for 30 to 40 seconds. It would take this poor woman a good 10 minutes to get into the store. You would think we would all feel rather sorry for her. Ummmmm NOoOOoo. She seemed to be the equivalent of little old green car man. Except the added thing about this lady is she Never Ever used her brakes. She jumped the curb at the post office and slammed into the building. Set her brake, got out checked her mail, and drove off as if nothing happened. She jumped the curb and drove into about 5 glass fronted businesses. Set her brake and got out, and would yell at the owner of the businesses, saying they didn't mark their parking spaces better. She would pull up to a parking space that had someone parked in front of her, and she would slam into them. Not just bump into them and seem shocked and back up. She would slam into them and push their car quiet a ways. Now this little old lady, had family in town. And taking her license away from her didn't work, she still drove. Impounding her car didn't work she would take her daughters out when she wasn't watching. The police finally had to threaten everyone with arrest. At which point little old lady threatened to sue the police and city. Quite a fiasco for a small town.

That little old lady is gone. But I seen the most bizarre thing today, and I just might be more afraid than I was of the other two. As I was coming home from taking Kiddo to school. I seen one of those street racing cars. Like from Fast and Furious movie. (That became a huge craze here after that movie, not the racing but owning the dang cars) Anyhow, behind the wheel of this car was a very short, very old woman. Who could barely see above the wheel. I pray to god that she was just driving a kid/grandkids car, and not seriously going to go "cruisin"

You all had any "regular" "crazy" "Old" drivers in your small town??

Have a good Thursday everyone!!!


none said...

I'e never seen anything that bad except for maybe the 90 year old woman who stops in the middle of the freeway and puts on her signals to change lanes

Dorko said...

Bites lip
Furrows brow
I think my Mother is becoming 'one of those'...
My brother has stepped up and 'strongly advised' her not to be driving a night any more... lol... like he's got NO clue of how risky her driving can be during broad daylight....

Burfica said...

hammer----omg I've seen young people do that tough

Dorko--- yeah my mom needed to not be driving anymore. Gigantors dad really shouldn't, and my dad is headed that way.

Unknown said...

WE have one of those "regular" "crazy" "Old" drivers in our town..he's my dad..and he rides around in a big old Lincoln..LOL...when he pulled outta the drive the other day..I was so glad the other car had good brakes...


Burfica said...

Opie----lmaoooooooo yeah it's bad when it's your parents who are the dreaded driver.

Phoenix5 said...

My grandfather voluntarily turned in his license and sold his car when he turned 80. He lived in a big (well, Winnipeg is big for Manitoba) city so was able to take public transit or rely on my aunts and uncles to take him and my grandmother places. I'm sure it must have been hard on him to give up his freedom, but I was so proud of him for recognizing that he was becoming a road hazard and taking that step. I wish more "old" people would do the same. My small city has NUMEROUS seniors who should NOT be driving but insist on it, even driving after their license has been taken away. Very scary!

Burfica said...

Phoenix---yes I commend those that choose to make the roads safe. hehehe

Alekx said...

how about the sweet little old chineese lady down the street
**shudder** double whammy

Burfica said...

Alekx---asians and old *shudder*

Canadian flake said...

omg I can just picture these 2 drivers cruising around town...and I can tell that my mom (who I love dearly) is on the way to being the same sort of driver...and of course so am I!!! lmaooooooo

Mike Todd said...

I hope none of the old people watch Ghost Rider and start riding Harleys with their heads on fire.

Burfica said...

Flake---OMG me toooooooo

Mike---Only old person with a flaming head I've ever seen was my mom. hehehehe

Julie said...

I thought you lived in az, not fla, tee hee.. oh my -
is that last driver in one of those cars w/ the fart mufflers? Those things drive me mad!

Handsome B. Wonderful said...

Our town is a popular retirement community as well. We often get stuck behind these old drivers going 30 in a 55 camping out in the fast lane.

As far as backing up goes they don't even look to see if anyone is coming they just throw it in reverse, hit the gas and go for it. Very scary.

The other day I went to the grocery store on a Wednesday and there were old people every where blocking up the aisles all over the store.

They seem to straddle lanes too. Like they just figure if they go in the middle of two lanes they're safe from going off the side of the road.


Steven said...

I've never really lived in a town small enough that anyone becomes a "regular." ;)


Burfica said...

julie---yeah, downfall to the warm dry area's the old people like them.

James--Oh man yeah they take the entire road, maybe they can't see the lines. lol

Stever--Sometimes that's lucky, but sometimes,everyone knowing everyone is nice.

Azathoth100 said...

I've often said that people should be forced to re-take thier driving exams much more frequently after a certain age, and perhaps have them taken away too. I've been told that this constitutes age-discrimination, but in my mind so does not letting people get thier licenses till a certain age. If we acnoledge that folks need to be above an age limit to properly drive a vehicle then why can't we accept that they should do so after a certain age?
Mostly it's because older folks can vote and younger ones can't.