Thursday, February 08, 2007

Poor Kid

First of all as you see. Alekx, my sister, got my blog sorta back. I just have her links now. So...please be patient as I try to find all your links and get back to reading you. If you could be so kind as to leave a message so I could click on your name and follow you that way, so I can re add everyone.

My poor kid. He woke up crying and begging to get a shot or something, his throat hurt so bad. He was trying to check it with a mirror and flashlight, but the poor thing didn't know what he was looking for. Well...I felt worse too, so I took us both to the doctor. Everyone thought he had strep, but I did not. I didn't see any redness or puss pockets in his throat when I looked.

Come to find out, he had a fever, achey all over, sore throat but after a swab it proved to not be strep. He has a highly contagious viral flu. uggghhhhh I told you we needed hazmat suits. They sent him home with no medicine, cuz nothing for the flu. Told to give him some dayquil for his stuffyness and cough, and to give him ibuprophen or tylenol for his fever. If he isn't better by Saturday, I need to take him back. The flu up here kills people. So...if he's no better, he has to get a barrage of tests including chest x-rays and the like.

I on the other hand have a sinus infection. I am to keep taking the dayquil and to take the antibiotic he gave me. ugggghhhh

I'm gonna try to read as many blogs as I can find. Have a good, germ free Thursday all!!!


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Sorry to hear this about Kiddo and y'all...there is a lot of it about these day..and has been for months..especially with sinus' sis keeps get it over and over..about to drive her crazy....and I've told them to stay away..not to be bringing it over here!

Hope Kiddo and you guys feel better real soon...

and what you've got in Az...keep it


cookie monster said...

hey there you crazy yank bird! dont forget lil ol me!

Burfica said...

Locus--I used to have sinus infections every other month for about 4 years, now I'm pretty lucky just one a year or so

Cookie--how could I forget little ole you?? I have you bookmarked hun, just need to add you in the links.

Julie said...

I hope your sinus infection clears up, I know how badly they hurt, and bless your son's heart, it takes a lot to keep kiddo down, he must be really miserable!
I hope by sat you both are much better!

Mia said...

Awww....Im sorry everyone's feeling so crappy. I hope you feel better soon.

Steven said...

Sorry things aren't going so well...

At least you know that things can't go anywhere but up, right? ;)


ThreeOliveMartini said...

cant you guys stay healthy for crap sake?


you know i love you but it seems you guys have been sick for months

Anonymous said...

Ouch. Feel better. Glad you got your blog back. That whole being forced to switch thing sucked, however I didn't have nearly the trouble some of the ones I read did. Take care!

Anonymous said... "see" you!


MomThatsNuts said...

yeah so my blog DISAPPEARED it says it is moving but its just NOT THERE. Im really upset they better not lose all my stuff...sorry kiddo is sick that super sucks