Monday, April 16, 2007

Should be Slowing Down

Hopefully this week will be slowing down. Last week was just crazy!!! So very busy.

I'm sitting here listening to a presentation that my friend asked me to listen to, on the phone. They said 35 minutes, it's been 33 so far, and the woman has diarrhea of the mouth. It's actually a pyramid scheme. It's some company called Melloluka. I have no idea. I do Avon, which you make money without having to sign up more people, this one, you have to sign people up to make any money.

In other news....what is wrong with you male gendered type of people???
I mean, one of my son's jobs is to go out and clean the yard (dog poop) he gets a bit of money (quarter) every time he cleans it. Well, every single time, I yell...don't step in the dog poop, watch for it, your cleaning it up not walking through it. And every single time--he comes to the door and takes off his shoes announcing he has dog poop on them. grrrrrrrrrrrrrr What the hell?? what is so hard to look out for. I mean, I have no grass, it's all dirt, he can see the stuff?? You male types can't seem to listen or look!!! And it's hereditary dammit!!!!

Lets see....I don't have any interesting news. Just doing the life thing. hehehehe

I'm off to eat a donut, and drink some coffee. OooOOo maybe I'm pretending to be a police officer. hehehehehe

Have a good Monday!!!!


none said...

Pyramid schemes Blarg! A pox on them all!

Yeah poop, if militaries disguised
landmines as poop they would be a lot more effective.

Burfica said...

Hammer---------- lmfaooooo your right, all guys would step right in the middle of them, even if us women pointed them out. hehehehe

Brillig said...

Hi! I hope you don't mind my popping in... I saw you comment on some other blogs and thought I'd stop in to see what you're all about.

As for boys and poop, I'm SO GLAD THIS HAPPENS TO OTHER PEOPLE!!! I have three, yes THREE sons who take after their father in this arena. The moment you remind them not to step in the poop (both the literal and the figurative...) is the moment you now have poop tracked all over your house. Sigh. Glad to know I'm not alone.

Burfica said...

brillig---I am glad that it's not just the males in my area. Yup, always poop here. hehehe

Mike said...

When I was young, if there was dog poop anywhere in the yard, I would manage to step in it. Dunno why?

Sugar said...

Coffee and doughnuts sound just you have those yummy cinnamon ones?
I'll take my coffee, strong and black ;) xx

Burfica said...

mike---cuz you have a penis!!!

Sugar--I take a bit of coffee with my creamer. lmaooooooooooo

Laurie said...

I think I was born to be a cop. I love doughnuts. And bossing people around. Hmmm, maybe time for a career change? Thanks for changing my life with a single post.

Burfica said...

laurie--I bet you would look cute in those skin tight uniforms. hehehehe

Handsome B. Wonderful said...

Hey now. I'm a man and I know how to pick up poop without stepping in it. I grew up with a dog that pooped non stop and learned how to avoid the logs while picking them up.

I'm freakishly observant.

Maybe I need to give the men in your house some lessons.

Burfica said...

james---I would say anytime, but that would mean they would have to open enough to learn something. lmaoooooooo

Okay maybe I'm having a "men suck" day. lol