Okay we got declined for the loan again. Even the ladies at the banks can't figure it out. They said we had A+ credit scores. We outright own three vehicles, (no payments on them) and we own land OWN IT!!! And nobody will give us a fucking loan. What the hell???
I'm so upset right now, cuz I really got my hopes up, they said they were sure we could get it. And it would have released us from so much stress and debt. The cosmos is fucking with me.
Even Gigantor is fucking with me. He had yesterday off (something about how a driver can't work 12 days in a row, and he has to work both sat and sun) So...we had made plans to do about 50 million things. Cleaning, watching a movie, going out to the lake. He left early in the morning to go "help" (yeah right he did all the work) a friend with a plumbing job (friend wasn't even around Gigantor did it all himself) He came home at after 2 in the afternoon. I was highly pissed. Entire day off wasted.
He got off early today, thought we might run to the lake. He went back to "help" the friend, came home grabbed some dinner, then ran out to a softball game. It's after 9 and he's still not home.
I'm so glad that Alekx won't care that my house is a disaster. hahhahahaha
I thought about asking Captain Daddy to co sign for that loan. But Gigantor had asked him once before, and he refused. I thought about begging, but I'm sorta irked that he refused before. Maybe I should just wallow in debt. grrrrrrrr
Okay I'm being way to pissy. Could it have anything to do with the cosmic crap on my head?? Could it be that aunt flo is visiting?? PROBA FUCKING BLY!!!!
On that note, have a good Friday everyone!!!!
I need to go buy me some booze. hahahahaha
Trump GOLFS as His World FALLS APART
2 hours ago
With the banks failing and all there are some major jitters about giving loans right now.
Hope all works out.
I have been reading down the page, all the way down to the beetles........I hadn't been here for over two weeks I think, so there was much to catch up on. sorry to hear that you didn't get your loan, but glad to hear that you finally got something fixed up to keep the beetles from coming in. I hate bugs in the house also, I don't mind them outside, but when they come inside, nope.
We have our debt on one credit card also.....I used to have several, and they can really get away from you, I know...I know. Especially with car trouble, I just added 1000. to mine from my trip. Drat...
Hammer--thanks, we've tried everything that was sorta last resort.
Rhi--Oh I know, I used to work in collections. We have done all the calls and all the companies and banks that are out there. We have been trying for I dunno 8 years or so to help get this cleared up. I get frustrated, because people want you to pay or put you in collection. And I want to pay but need a tiny bit of help but I can't get any. Yet they will help people who don't really want to pay off their bills, drives me nuts.
nea--thank goodness the exterminator is coming next week too. Oh I know, when you think it's all free and clear, something major happens. Ours was my surgery last year. grrrrrr
Oh Im sorry...man that sucks. Have You tried going to a different bank?
Sometimes if you move banks completely (and I know thats a pain) they may do that for you.
Sucks about Captain Daddy, its not like you're not good for it.
miranda--yeah I wish he could understand that. We have actually tried 15 or 20 banks. grrrr
It sucks that you guys didn't get the loan. I hope were able to have a few drinks this weekend and get your mind off that shit for a little while.
Weird, banks are a pain.
Maybe you can appeal the bank's decision. Or ask for the loan manager and get specifics. The exact reason you were denied. And if they can't help you, go to their boss.
Sometimes just being persistant shows you are really serious about something.
If you really need the loan and know you can pay it, keep trying!!!!
Or go to another bank and apply. Aren't banks still trying to compete for business especially now with the economy down. I'd think they'd want good paying customers.
Hang in there!
oops... just read up and saw you tried many banks already. Well, still keep trying, something good will happen eventually.
Here's hoping!!
burf--i kinda hafta agree with crystalchik...be politely persistant...sometimes it can help...meanwhicle, do what i do with my hosp bls...pay them faithfully, 20 bucks a month til you do get the loan...and i have faith, you will!
That really effing sucks. I wonder if the good vibes that I`m sending your way will helpÉÉ
I sometimes think they flip coins. Heh.
Seriously though. I used to do this for a living (bank loans). You can get a free credit report for why exactly they turned you down. There is a reason no matter what. Too much credit, too little, an error on your credit report (contact the three major ones to check your reports yearly, seriously, mistakes happen all the time, I have seen this!!!)
Oh and every time you went to the bank and applied goes against you no credit reports. Multiple inquiries draw red flags! Too many credit cards paid off at once ( I know, you would think that was good) and cancelled is bad. Having too many no matter how good you are at paying can be bad.
OK enough free unsolicited advice from me for one day! LOL
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