Saturday, October 25, 2008

Man I'm Tired

Man I am tired today. We have had a very busy few days.

We went to parent teacher conferences on Thursday. Kiddo is doing really well. Except every single teacher said the same thing, in the past couple weeks, his grades have dropped and he comes to class very withdrawn and trying to make himself as small as possible.

That was a big red flag, so we all decided that something has to be bugging him, and making him act that way. Upon questioning later he finally told us.

I guess there is a kid at school, that keeps calling him, please god excuse my language, calling him a "faggot" a "effing N*gg*r" And then this kid is going around calling his friends and family "Effing Jews" "Useless Jews" "Disgusting Jews" and they all should be dead.

Well if anyone knows my kid they know how sensitive he is, and he hates when someone does that not only to him but to others he loves or likes.

I had a talk with the school. I mean kids can find the "N" word anywhere, but to talk that kind of hate about a religion (which we aren't even jewish) that is a taught kind of hate, and a not right kind of thing.

So...that was the end of our week.

Gigantor did end up working today, to make life easier on a bunch of his coworkers that the boss was punishing because he wouldn't work. He came home and we were going out to do all we planned. When the "boss" tracked him down made him go back out for about an hour. We were in the dam suburban so ended up sitting and waiting for him.

Then we delivered some avon, went up to the fall festival and got funnel cakes, cotton candy for the kid, and cinnamon roasted pecans, cashews and almonds. We went a few more places delivering avon books, and were supposed to go to two grocery stores. But we were so dam tired and it was almost 5 in the evening, we scrubbed it and came home.

We ate one piece of chicken, we were to dam full from the funnel cakes. And we fell asleep on the couch. Now I'm up dinking around till I can get the kid to sleep. I guess we are going grocery shopping tomorrow. ugggghhhhh

Well I think I'm gonna go have a cup of hot tea and go to bed.

Hope you all have a good rest of the weekend.


captain corky said...

They should throw that kid out of school, either that or get him and his family some much needed help!

I hope it gets much better for your son. I feel so bad for him...

~Just Me Miranda~ said...

Gawd, that's so sad, I hope that kid is punished and the parents are contacted too.

Real Live Lesbian said...

I hate that your son is having to deal with that. It's hard. Kids accused me before *I* even knew. It doesn't even have to be true to be hurtufl.

I hope it gets easier for him.

Sounds like a fun festival!

Neoma said...

Oh my gosh Burfica, I can so relate to your story about the kids at school and your son. Nick had the same problem with a kid last year, and he got more and more withdrawn until I finally had to find out what was the matter. Kids can be so mean and cruel, and for no good reasons. Of course there is no good reason for that kind of thing. We have a last name that is kind of funny, and the kids pick on him about that, and that he wears glasses, and whatever. I told Nick kids like that are unhappy and want everyone to be as unhappy as they are. But I can't understand a school for not noticing and putting a stop to it. I hate bullies....

Neoma said...

I have a feeling contacting the parents won't do much good, kids like that often have parents that are worse.......

Special K said...

Hindsight is 20/20. As others said and we as adults know, bullies have some deep seated problems, they honestly need help and many times, their homelife looked in to. It is not natural for a child to harbor so much hate.
Please hug your guy and tell him that there is something truly that this bully is jealous of him about or he wouldn't give him so much attention. He sees something in him that he doesn't have, picking on your family that he doesn't know leads me to believe he KNOWS that kiddo has a wonderful family and apparently it makes him jealous therefore retailiting trying to hurt him with harsh words that even though are untrue, are hurtful.

A Spot of T said...

I'd be interested to know what the school is doing about it. I'm amazed when I hear some schools don't feel they can do anything. Our schools here handle stuff like this and handle it very fast. I'm not saying bullying doesn't still happen, but if the school is made aware of it, they do everything they can to handle it and they have had great success. That kind of bullying can certainly scar a child for a very long time. I hope things get better.

CrystalChick said...

What a shame that your son has to deal with a hateful kid like that.
But atleast your son does know that you are there to help and the school is aware of this problem.
Hopefully something can be done.

Glad you had fun at the festival. Funnel cake GOOD!

Have a great week! :)

Burfica said...

corky--thank you, yeah I think they should make his parents go through much needed help too.

just me-- I don't think the parents give a crap

RLL--Yeah and my son is a very sensitive child. Makes me hurt for him.

nea--yeah I'm sure the parents are where he is learning it from. My son wears glasses too, and is a bit over weight and bad acne, so. he's just a target.

K--Oh yeah I've told Kiddo that all along, since he's always been bullied. He knows the kids are jealous of his great home life, and how much love he gets, but it still hurts.

T--Well this was this kids last strike, he is now UN Enrolled from middle school and put in a disciplinary program. The locals call it the "trailers" cuz it's trailers out back of the school, and very bad discipline cases go there. But he will still get out at three like my son, and I hope he doesn't retaliate.

Crystal--Oh yes I am a mean mama bear, when it comes down to it.

MomThatsNuts said...

If that kid goes around spouting HATE then there should be some sort of intervention LEGALLY...crimeny, the sad thing is, where do you think he is learning this stuff???? some parents!!! I am so sorry for kiddo...

Burfica said...

mom--I would love to take his parents out back the wood shed if you know what I mean.