Thursday, December 04, 2008


Lookie what I got, lookie lookie.

Miranda gave me an award. Apparently she gave it to me a long time ago, but I missed it. hehehehehe I'm not sure if I'm supposed to pass it on or not, but I think you all make me happy enough to piddle. So you must give me happy feet. hehehehehe

In other news why do my rat dog and cat have to torment each other.

When I got Foxy, the cat was not happy, not at all. They have had a hate hate relationship ever since.

They don't attack each other cuz they know I will beat their butts.

But the cat will be up on the couch with me. The big three cushioned couch, that has plenty of room. And Foxy has to jump up and lay right on top of him. Sit on him, and tramp all over him. I spank her and throw him down, but by that time the cat got pissed and left.

Then Foxy will be in under the comforter on the bed (one of her favorite places to sleep) and the cat will jump on the bed, sniff all over it till he finds her, and stand right on top of her. She starts growling and wiggling, and he just stands there with all his weight. I spank him and throw him down, but by that time the dog has jumped down.

Sigh....that must be what it's like to have multiple children huh???

Okay well before I leave you, one last question.

You ever had a sharp fart??? You know the one's that feel like it has spikes on it, hurts your bungholio?? Gigantor says they are farts with corners. hahahaha
Okay now that I got that visual in your head I will leave you all for the day.

And don't deny it, we all fart, it's a fact and I know you probably have had a spikey one at some time in your life. Makes me laughing thinking of everyone who will deny it. hahahahahahaa

Okay have a good Thursday everyone!!!!


~Just Me Miranda~ said...

LOL omg spikey farts. ROFLMAO.......delete delete.

Willow said...

The only being that doesn't fart is the ant. That's why you can kill them with yeast and water. Feed em', let them find a water source, and BOOM!

If ya can't fart, you 'splode.

Thus ends the lesson, grasshopper.

Special K said...

I totally fart but the spikey ones? I seriously don't think so. Maybe it's a SouthWest thing? HEE!!!!!!!

Libby said...

...burfica, omg, i'm dyin here!! spikey farts!! is that what you get after you eat jalapenos?? lololololol!!!!!!!!

Burfica said...

Miranda--Yeah I wish I could delete them

Chicka--I would love to splode some bugs.

K--It must be all the refried beans man.

Libby--I don't eat spicy, I have no idea what does it. Maybe we have tighter butt holes. lmao

Anonymous said...

I think I came in on the interesting conversation!! Spikey farts! That's like HB calling diarrhea....slobbery poop!

jAMiE said...

Congrats on your award, it is well deserved!

I totally know what you mean about spikey farts..........and that's all i'll say! = )

Alekx said...

I totally do not fart. I'm the perfect sister. Don't deny it you know it's true. The husband unit however I wish would pierce his butt cheeks closed so he can't fart anymore.

Special K said...

I was going to suggest that you and Gigantor might want to lay off the cactus eating! :) But can you believe I actually GOOGLED it and found the cause to be...prepare yourself...hemmoroids and anal fissures! But sometimes you just simply fart too hard. ALSO? The best thing I read? One person said sometimes they fart so hard it feels like getting kicked by a kangaroo! ROFLMAO!!!!!

So be thankful! HEE! And I have WAY too much time on my hands tonight! Love me?

Burfica said...

Hula--When my son was younger he called it splatter poop.

jamie--ty and I know everyone has had them. hehehe

alekx--liar liar butt hole on fire!!!!

K-- you do have to much time on your hands. hahahaha But I wanna know how that guy knows what it feels like to be kicked by a kangaroo.

Biddie said...

My Mum (Betty, not Mission Mary) NEVER farts.
I am convinced that is why she is so miserable.

Rhea said...

Congrats on the cute award!!

Your cat and dog antics cracked me up. hehe

I've had all kinds of farts, but I'm not sure about the sharp one. I've had sharp episodes in the bathroom though...those are NOT cool. :o)