Thursday, February 19, 2009

Such an Exciting Week.

Man what an exciting week so far. NOT!!! hahahahaha Guess my lazy weekend has moved right into my week.

Tuesday I didn't do crap, we were supposed to finally get out and deliver my avon books and stuff, and we didn't. hehehehe

We did watch a movie we got from netflix. Quarantine....I kinda really liked it except the end. I wish they would have explained what happened to the building and how the tape got out. Oh well

Yesterday I lazed around in the bedroom for a couple hours and watched some t.v. I was up and dressed, just didn't wonder out to the living room for a while.

Ended up watching Quarantine again with the Kiddo (I watched it first to see if it would be okay for him to watch) We had a late dinner of chili dogs and mac and cheese. Gigantor is teaching that hunter safety course again. Luckily March 4th is graduation so he won't have to do it anymore until sometime in april or june he has an instructors course which should only be one day.

Kiddo is fighting off a cold or something, he has had the worst stuffy nose. But other than that he says he feels fine. Just been trying to beat it off with Dayquil.

Tonight I have another chiropractors appointment, so I told Gigantor we are getting the books out no matter what. I'm so glad that he's off tomorrow. I don't know why but I've been over exhausted this week, so a bit more sleep will be nice.

Okay that's all the boring I can take, I'm gonna go read blogs.

Have a good Thursday everyone!!!


mandy said...

I would give anything to be having a lazy week right about now! I'm at work and sooo sleepy. I think if people would leave me alone long enough I would curl up under my desk and take a nap!

~Just Me Miranda~ said...

A lazy week and sleep sounds soooo good.

Christine said...

Boo for the power of I feel like a need a nap. Like MJ I have often thought I should bring a pillow and put it under the desk for a mid day nap from time to time. I have one of those L shaped desks so there would be plenty of room. I wonder if a blankie and pillow would be company reimbursable?

Special K said...

I am sorry! I declared it lazy week in my last post and now everyone is catching it. Oops!

Biddie said...

That's a great pic!
I loved Quarantine, too, but the ending (and the lead up) were like..ummm? What? I want a defined ending, you know?
All of my weeks are lazy :)

Libby said...

hold on to that lazy-ass week, you know, until it's nice & sunny & warm!

A Spot of T said...

I'm reading a lot of blogs where people are feeling the same way. Must be the month of February or something. Here's hoping things pick up a bit.

MomThatsNuts said...

Are you still having a nice lazy week??? I was going to try to go back to the gym today, but you inspired me to be lazy for one more
I just got up and feel like I could go back to bed for another 8 hours....gotta love pain killers!! lololol


Burfica said...

mj--I work from home so I can take a nap anytime I want. hehehehe

miranda--yes it is pretty good, just not used to it.

Christine--take a nap girlie,it's good for ya.

K--we should do that once a month

Biddie--I felt the same way about the movie.

libby--I keep saying I can't wait for spring, but if it comes early then we are gonna have a 120 degree summer here. ugghhhh

T--yeah jan and feb are boo hooo months for me, don't like them.

mom--pain killers rock!!!!

cookie monster said...

If you liked Quarantine then i suggest seeing 'Rec', whichis the original. Although it is in Spainish with subtitles it is still a good film.