Friday, February 27, 2009

Tired but wiping good.

Well that big old cosmic turd maybe flew right past us. hahahahhaa

Gigantor took the microwave to sears, and they went. OMG really?? and gave us a new one and a bit of a credit. I guess the price had gone down on them, so they credited us the difference.

Then I did get in to see the doctor the next day.

She kept me on the same pain meds, but upped the cymbalta so now I'm on the 60 instead of 30 mil. And she gave me some antibiotics to kick the rest of this sinus stuff out.

Today Gigantor was gone for the entire day. He is gonna be gone all day tomorrow too. Sorta ticks me off. I get really sick of the hunter safety course. I know he teaches, and volunteers for ever stinkin thing with it. But we had a long hard discussion about it this year, and well he WASN'T supposed to do all that. But it's like talking to a brick wall.

Well I should write a better and longer post, but I'm dead tired, and going to go read some blogs and go to bed.

I hope you all have a good weekend.


Biddie said...

Hope you have a good weekend, too.
Glad to hear that things went you way at Sears. :)

cookie monster said...

I also am glad to hear that you got the microwave sorted. I cant really talk to store people in that situation as i get wound up!

Libby said...

good for sears for doing the right thing! &, i think the cymbalta 60 mg helps me a lot, & i have a lot of hope for it to do the same for you!!
and, as for the gun safety stuff...hate to say it, but this just may be the most important time for it...

Dr.John said...

Your blog reminded me of an old Peanuts cartoon strip.
It starts with Linus saying to a brick wall " Your my sister and I think..."
Then he says the same thing to a brick wall. The last frame having him say to Charlie Brown " Your right , Talking to Lucy is liking talking to a brick wall.
But he diud take the microwave back.

Burfica said...

Biddie--thanks, now see if we can blow this one up too.

cookie--yeah I get pissed at poor customer service

libby--I hope it helps, I would hate to switch medicines every 6 weeks.

dr. John--Yeah most men are like that brick wall. hahahaha Occasionally they surprise us though.

captain corky said...

I hope you're starting to feel better. The weekend was way too short but isn't it always?