Friday, March 13, 2009


Oh my hell, I am one tired, exhausted person tonight. I'm gonna give you all a list of what we did today, some of it I did, some Gigantor did, some we did together. But both of us was working all day.

Got Kiddo to school
Went to bank
Went to help parents load their truck so they can leave.
Gigantor rubbed my leg (helps with the lymphadema)
Got dressed, discussed our day, ate some lunch
Watched the episode of ghost hunters while eating lunch let Gigantor grab a nap
Yelled at Gigantor about still not having a hand rail for the steps
Bitched that I wanted a ramp and he never did it
He went outside and measured and asked me to come outside
We came up with a plan for a ramp, a platform, and an over hang, that we can eventually put latice on to put nice vining flowers on.
Came in and drew up the plans and what materials we would need for it.
Decided to finish skirting and fence first. Should start ramp in about 2 or 3 weekends.
Went to post office.
Went and picked up my avon.
Went down to elementary school, where gigantors sister works to get a paper she printed out for us.
Went to pick up kiddo
Went and got gas in the suburban
Went out to the bridge by the dam to see the work Gigantor's been working on.
Came home and unloaded suburban
Wrote up avon
Pulled avon
bagged up avon
Stamped two campaigns worth of books
Re did one cuz was wrong date
Realized 2nd time was also wrong date.
Said fuck it.
Put fishing stuff that was in living room away.
Made gigantor pack up some stuff that's been in the living room for his work yard sale.
Got two boxes of returns out that I hadn't done up or sealed to mail
Got those done
Made up the package for my sister, and one for a friend
All packages ready to go.
Listened to two disks of kiddo's audio book he's listening too. (Eclipse in the twilight series)
Then boys went to class, I opted to stay in this time.
Still have to make lists for the three grocery stores
Have to shop
Deliver avon and books
But skirting and start getting it up.

That is how today and the rest of our weekend looks. I think I'm gonna pass out now. hahahaha

Thank god next week is spring break.

Have a good weekend all!!!


Alekx said...

and the nap you were trying to take when I called you.

Muhd Imran said...

The list is indeed long. Definitely you're tired. Have a good rest and always think wonderful thoughts... spring break!

Jules said...

Wow, that's a lot! But what diff does spring break make, really, except you have two less stops to make, no dropping off or picking Kiddo up from school! ;OP Seriously, though, it's great to hear you're out and getting fresh air! *hugs*

~Just Me Miranda~ said...

Holy crap! Now I'm exhausted. Slow down.

Christine said...

As per my blog entry today..I bet you don't have any time to be depressed do ya? See, you're normal..tired, but normal.

Burfica said...

alekx--yeah to bad I couldn't really get one in.

Imran--I love spring break

Jules--spring break is great cuz I don't have to get up at 6 every morning. hahahaha

Miranda--I try but it always seems like more is coming up.

christine--normal but weird. hahahahah

CrystalChick said...

WHEW... I'm tired just reading that. So back to bed I go... LOL Yeah, I wish!!

Saturday I got a terrible migraine, haven't had one of those in a long time, so I was worthless for a few hours but managed to get rid of it in time to meet friends for a game of Uno after dinner. Sunday, I did some shopping for the jewelry biz and made spaghetti for din. This week, I've got to get some new designs made for some craft fairs coming up. Not that anyone has money, but here's hoping! And clean the house!!!!
I'll also take my daughter to a few Doc appts. and run her to and from her new job. She doesn't drive so me and hubs are helping. Even though she's been fairly sick with this pregnancy, she really wants to try and work for a few months and we don't mind as the job is part-time and only about 15 minutes away.

Have a great week!!

~SugarBear~ said...

OMG - that looks like my cat!!! She's not that talented. Cute pic.