Thursday, August 11, 2005

Need some Sleep

Okay okay okay I'm done whining. I didn't think I was whining, just having a major moment. hehehehee I need some sleep. Let me tell ya. Been busy trying to get the house back in order after coming home. One husband, 8 pets and one house should not be left alone for 2 months. Cuz no matter how many times they say they are keeping it clean and doing extra. It's just a BIG FAT LIE people!!!!!! Yesterday we went to Flagstaff to the dentist for kiddo. He was due for a cleaning, and wanted the doc to look at his broken tooth, and his silver tooth, cuz it was bugging him. Also wanted to get him a custom built mouth guard (for football and taekwondo)

Here is my breakdown of the trip.

7 when we got up
8:30 when we left the house
96 dollars worth of gas bought
20 minutes at the gas station pumping gas and buying drinks
3 breakfast jacks purchased
10 before we got out of town
1 potty break
5 tour busses
3 rain storms
2 1/2 hours to get to Flagstaff
20 minutes to drive through town to petsmart
1.5 gallons of pet spray bought (for odors and stains on the carpet and couch) (smells real bad after two months in the summer with Gigantor not hooking up the a/c IN ARIZONA FOR GOD SAKE)
1 promise made to kiddo back in January remembered
1 Clive Cussler book got at Bookmans
15 minutes to drive to other pet store
3 gerbils purchased (that was the promise, dam that childs memory)
10 minutes to dentist
5 minutes waiting for kiddo to see him
3 chapters of Harry Potter read while waiting for kiddo
1 time kiddo threw up during the mold casting for his mouth guard
5 more times kiddo refused to open his mouth for another molding
1 conference with dentist
0 mouth guards purchased
1 other appointment made for sept to fix his broken tooth
1 crying child (cuz he threw up, and is scared of the dentist now)
190 dollars spent for the dentist that day
180 dollar estimate for next visit
5 for 5.95 arbys sandwiches purchased
1 Mighty kids meal purchased
4 bottles of water drank
3 bottles of gatorade
1 energy drink
1 giant orange juice
1 cardboard box, seatbelted in the backseat (gerbils people)
5:30 when we left Flagstaff
1 potty break
1 GIANT I MEAN FRICKEN HUGE black black black rain and lightning storm we drove into
1/2 foot visibility
20 cars pulled off the side of the road with flashers on
3 scared people in the suburban pulling off the side of the road
4 prayers said
10 lightning strikes on the ground all around us mass of cars (we are talking close close people) (If I reached my arm out I could have touched it)
1 terrified child crying and screaming
1 scared mommy
1 brave Gigantor
40 minute wait on side of the road
10 foot visibility when we headed on our way
25 mph max for 30 miles
45 mph for the remaining 25 miles
1 inviting house seen
3 exhausted people
5 hours good sleep

Okay that was my day. That rain/lightning storm scared the crap out of me. I've seen tons of them living here, but never in my entire life had I seen anything like that.
Glad we are home safe. I now have a bleeding thumb from one of the fricken little hamsters. hehehehee
Happy rest of Thursday everyone, and Happy Friday tomorrow.


Alekx said...

You know better than to make a promise to that child then expect him to forget it.

Dayum but at least you didn't get stuck for 2 hours in that stupid road construction waiting to get through. Both you and that damn best friend of mine zipped right through. Me I had to wait 2 frigging hours.
Damn you all anyway.

MomThatsNuts said...

These storms have been SOOO bad. Did you hear about the lighting strike in Mesa ( not too far from me) that hit a cable line and knocked dry wall off and windows out of 13 houses on the block?? I will tell ya! These storms can be VERY scarey....when does kiddo start back to school?? Monday?? OK Hey I sent ya an email last week, maybe you didnt get it?? Or maybe you have been too damn busy to answer it?? lol yeah I know SOME people DO have a life....mine will get NUTS in about 8 days when my classes for the next 8 days I am eating bon bons and watching Springer....


Mia said...

Holy did you at least check the sexes of the gerbils?

BM, The Necessary Movement said...

MY GOD!!! THAT is a big list!!! I have nothing more to say but...


mouth still gapping open 5 mins later!!!

Anonymous said...

You have 8 pets, and now you got 3 more? Wow, you're a brave woman.

Sandi said...

All I can say is I hope one of those 8 pets is a cat!! Damn fuzzy rats!

In case you didn't see, my gallery is up and running. Anyway I could talk you out of a link?

Anonymous said...

Dentist-related fears suck (I have major dentist fear). I wanted gerbils but all the pet store had were hamsters. I bought mine, and a week and a half later went in, and what did my eyes spy? Yea. LOL.

So, yea, damn that was a busy as hell day!

Azathoth100 said...

Fry the hamster. It'll do you good. Hope the days get better from here.

Anonymous said...

$h_t...thats just too much shug...way too much...I'm sorry y'all had to go through all that. Glad you all are home and safe.

NOw..after reading all that..I must go lay down..and pray!

GOD Bless you and the family...Have a good weekend!


Dorko said...

Stop by if you get the change? WTomFoolery is anon-spam-bam, above me here, sayin'?
Hrrumph. Row of crosses ought to ward off the evil!

To Burfy:

...Safe at home, tucking kiddo, self and 'one brave Gigantor' into their own beddy-bys - at long last - priceless!!!


Kimmee & Krissteen said...

So are you a big Clive Cussler reader?? I know him personally and he is an awesome person!