Tuesday, August 09, 2005


Nobody missed me???? whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I was gone for all that time without posting and nobody missed me. Dam the luck. Well...I just got my computer back. It decided to die on me. But alas I don't have time to post much, we have to get dinner, and showers, and leave to go out of town tomorrow to the dentist. Hope they can fix kiddo's broken tooth right up. I won't be back till late, so hopefully I will be able to post on Thursday, and maybe read and catch up with everyone. I've missed you all.

OOoOoOoOo On a side note. Texas has got to be a "non vortex" zone. Cuz the bra works just fine again now that I'm home.

Till Thursday....but we know you won't miss me. whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa cough cough


Anonymous said...

That Diving Beaver game was way too addicting! *laughs* Just kidding! Good to "see" you!!

Kat said...

I knew you were weren't anywhere in Blogland....and ya didn't answer the question I left in your last comments on your last post....I just figgered that when ya got back I'd hear from you and bitch you out for not saying good-bye before you disappeared! If this happens again: go somewhere and tackle someone on the internet and let us know what's going on!

MomThatsNuts said...

I knew where you were, unless of course you floated downstream yesterday! Hope kiddos tooth is ok too...first day of school here YAY

Phoenix5 said...

Oh we missed you! You always post when you can, so if you can't, then there must be a good reason! Here's hoping Kiddo's tooth gets repaired as well as mine was! Sorry to hear about your computer! As for Texas being a non-vortex zone... don't they get tornadoes in Texas? Aren't they a type of vortex? I think your bra was lulling you into a false sense of security! ;-) Either that or it took a vacation right along with you! LOL

Mia said...

Of course we missed you.

Lol pitch black...thats the first song I thought of when I read this post.

Anonymous said...

I thought you were still "catching-up" with "G".....Burify..we always miss you!


Dorko said...

Suck it up, Burfica!

Of course we all missed you! 'bout time you got your hands back on a keyboard. Is your computer going to be cooperating more fully with you, after having its little head examined?

Alekx said...

Were you gone?


I'm dead huh

Sandi said...

Well you need to go check out all the pictures you have missed.
Glad your back.

Azathoth100 said...

Dear Bufica,
I'm sorry if I haven't been overly attentive to your blog as of late. Life has been moving rather fast and I've been moving rather slow. But just so you know, and can't be sarcastic (or as you say Snarky) about it, your blog is one of the highlights of the whole internet for me. Never think that I don't miss you when your not posting regularily. Both you and your sister are wonderful people that I would have never known had it not been for your blogs. There have been many times I've thought to give this whole bloging thing up, but it folks like you, Alekx, Gama, Joy, and others (Can't list everyone or this comment may never end) who keep me coming back. You, and the adventures of Gigantor, Kiddo, and the Vortex bra (You should post a pic of just the bra) have never failed to make me laugh, cry, or think. So, on behalf of someone who is on a downswing right now, DON'T EVER THINK YOU ARE NOT APPRECIATED, MISSED, OR LOVED ON YOUR BLOG. Ok? Got it? Understand? good, now enough of the sentimental crap and back to the Snarkism.

Blog ho said...

i was asked to sing at the wake.

Kat said...

Quit whining and start blogging....last post was the 9th..this is now the 11th...helllloooooo.....

Julie said...

I've missed ya!! I've been too busy to comment, but I've been trying to keep up! I hope your summer was all you hoped and wanted it to be and I know you are glad to be home,, there is no place like home!
Hope you have a great week and don't work too hard, get some rest also and don't play too much w/ the beav!