Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Yesterday was a holiday, so I guess today has to be my Monday. I didn't want to get up, then I put my shirt on backwards.

On the way to taking kiddo to school I tried washing the windows in the Suburban only to have them streak worse than when they were dirty, so I could barley see.

I get home to a call from kiddo that I need to call the school. Already? It's only 8:03? What the heck? grrrrrrrrrr

I put my oatmeal in the microwave for the 2 minutes that it says too, and the flippin thing explodes everywhere before the one minute mark. WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU PUT TWO MINUTES IF IT'S GONNA EXPLODE????????

And to top it off, I spilled hot coffee all over my hand and wrist, when I tried to pour me a cup. Apparently Gigantor didn't click the lid back into place so it flew off and coffee screamed out.

I think I'm gonna find a corner and not move today. hehehehe

Wish me luck.

Happy Monday oh crap I mean Tuesday all.


Unknown said...

When one puts their shirt on backwards first thing in the morning..that is a good sign of how ones day is going to be..huh..

Now..let me see if I've got this washed the windows while driving Kiddo to school..was that the inside windows?

Burfica said...

Opie---with the window washer fluid and the wipers. Stupid things just streaked.

Phoenix5 said...

GRRRRRR! Blogger! Google! Who do I hate the most right now??? Tough question!

Time for new wipers, methinks! ;-)

What was the call about? Was Kiddo in trouble?

Looks like Murphy took over your day. Yep, staying in the corner sounds like a plan, especially with Pogo down for the count! GRRRR!

Burfica said...

Phoenix---the call was nothing bad. He forgot to take a "reading paper" in (on that I sign that says he reads every day) So I had to say yes he read so he could get credit for his homework.

none said...

Yeah find a padded area with no sharp objects. They'll getcha.

Hope your day gets better.

Burfica said...

Hammer---not getting better yet. I got in a fight with the toilet paper roll and it won.

Mia said...

OMG....go back to bed. Its just a bad sign.

Burfica said...

Miranda--I want toooooooooo.

Alekx said...

Ever feel like you are living final destination?????

Burfica said...

Alekx--only not the next to be killed but the next to have a cosmic practical joke played on them.

Rhiannon said...

Yeah, you can usually tell from the very start if its going to be one of those days where everything starts going wrong from the beginning!

But then again, it kind of makes you appreciate those "Unusual" days when just about everything goes righh! Doesn't it?

Have a good week Burfica...hang in there..



Rhiannon said...

P.S. How ironic that I spelled "Right" wrong in my last comment...does that mean everything is going to go "wrong" today for me?...eeeerrrrr!..;)


Burfica said...

Rhi---Hope everything goes right for you even if you spelled it wrong. hehehehehe

cookie monster said...

dont you mean spelled it worng?

and im sorry youve had a shitty tuesday, ive just ended a manky uesday myself! :(

Burfica said...

cookie---sounds like everyone had a rough one today.

MomThatsNuts said...

Oh Burf, that was a go back to bed day if I ever heard of one!! Rhiannon, I almost named Troll~ette that name, gotta love Fleetwood Mac!! (ooops my age is showing) Of course I almost named her Tierra, then I found out it means "mountian range" or something like that in Spanish, So she got a plain boring name, but that is NOT THE POINT...BURF want me to send you some Silvadine for your BURN??? Also lets talk Avon, does their eye stuff really work???? you know that fades dark circles? I dont have any dark circles right now, but I plan to get some for christmas...


Burfica said...

mom---I have always had really dark circles under my eyes, and used most of their products. Depending on what you use it works really well.

Steven said...

Aren't you supposed to only warm the water and not the actual oatmeal in the microwave?


Burfica said...

Steven--shud up. lol I was doing what the box said, which was a mistake obviously.

Julie said...

That is a Monday day for sure - I had oatmeal become lava like on me in the microwave - that's amazing how it can happen in seconds - and embarassing - happened to me at work when I was only there for a few months, what a mess!
I hope you didn't get burned too badly and that your week is going better!