Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Can you See my Breath?

Holy frosted nipples batman!!! What the hell just happened??

Now I know I live in Arizona (HOT) But in this town I live in. It has two extremes. It's hot in the summer. Like nuclear hot. Up in the 100's. It's also very fricken cold in the winter. Like single digits sometimes.

But...It usually gradually goes in one direction or the other. Saturday and Sunday I was still running my cooler on high cool, both ceiling fans on high, and sometimes the window units on. Why?? because it was in it's 90's still. cold last night, thought I just had a chill cuz nobody else was complaining. I turned the cooler down to low vent. (first time it's been off high cool since April) So...wake up this morning to me and Kiddo shivering. It was 58 fricken degree's outside. Which means it was way under that during the night. We jumped 35 to 40 degree's in less than 24 hours. That's enough to send a thin blooded Arizona girl into hypothermia. ahhhhhhhhhh

I don't even know where my longer sleeve shirts are. Back of the closet collecting dust is my guess.

I am fricken freezing.

I'm gonna go drink coffee, and whimper about life lately. Sinus infection, broken tooth, broken truck, now I have a uti also, and my cell phone is broke. Whooohooo god thinks I'm special to pile all this attention on me. heheheh

Have a good Tuesday all.


Alekx said...

shoot and I'm bitching cuz it's in the low 70's at night and I'm cold.

Burfica said...

alekx--see. Did you just see!!!! fog breath!!! *insert teeth chattering*

captain corky said...

It was perfect when I was in NJ and now it's in the 90's and disgusting again. It's supposed to be cooler tomorrow, but who knows.

Burfica said...

corky--I would have liked 80's then 70's then 60's etc. Not from 95 to 55 ahhhhhhhhh in one leap. ahhhhhhhhh

Christine said...

I am sooo jealous. If I have to live through one more week of 90s, I am going to melt.

Handsome B. Wonderful said...

It's getting cold out here in Colorado too. The Aspens are turning color.

Burfica said...

christine---it's 6 at night and I'm still shivering.

James--I bet it gets to cold for our tree's to turn pretty colors, they will be green one day, then brown and off and dead.

Unknown said...

HOLY FROSTED NIPPLES, BATMAN! I totally couldn't get over that post after the first line. I was laughing too hard.

Old batman reference + nipples = Dorky Dad laughing.

Burfica said...

DD--I'm a dork, cuz I use batman refrences alot. hehehehe

Jules said...

love a duck... you're lucky those nipples didn't just freeze right off!!

Burfica said...

jules--yeah you could poke an eye out.

none said...

That's what I loved about living in the southwest. Frost in the morning and 80 degress by noon.

It's hard to dress appropriately for those extremes though..

cookie monster said...

58 is cold to you? good god, thats quite warm here!

Burfica said...

hammer---yeah that's how we usually are in the fall and spring.

Cookie--well my blood is thin from living in 110 degree's for 4 months straight. hehehee

Canadian flake said...

hee hee dearrrrrrrrr fica...the weather gods are getting revenge for me because you tease me so bad in the winter time....a temperature drop like that happens here all the time...lmao.

Payback is a bitch aint it..hee hee hee.