Friday, September 21, 2007

Panic Attack Update

Okay I'm still feeling the nervous effects. I'm knowing that cuz sometimes I get thinking about it, and start crying. Just from the nerves.

I called the surgeons office today and I do have the consultation on Thursday the 27th, here in town. But I made an appointment to get it pulled, down in Flagstaff on the 3rd. That's the earliest they could get me in.

The dentist called me in some pain pills, cuz yeah I'm starting to feel it pretty bad now. My entire family has a huge huge huge tolerance for pain. So if it's almost dropping me to my knees. We can imagine how bad it is.

I'm still nervous. But after talking to my friend Roo...and to the receptionist at the surgeons office, and to my sissy who all have had the conscious sedation. (Well Roo is a nurse) They reassured me that I will not feel it. Cuz they can tell with my vitals if I am still awake or feeling it. I know it will be pretty bad pain for 5 days they said, and it may even make me sick to my stomach. But I am really looking forward to having the tooth out. I will take 5 days of bad pain if all this other pain will stop completely.

I've already called a friend to make sure Kiddo can stay with them over night and she take him to school and pick him up. Seeing as we will have to leave at 4 in the morning to get there in time.

I'm being extra careful to not eat anything sharp. Like taco shells, or chips, or the crunchy stuff on chicken, or even toast. Cuz all I need is a sharp chunk to stab down in that hole where the nerve is. I bet you all could hear me scream all the way at your houses. hehehehe

Thank you everyone. You will never know how much your reassurances have helped ease my fear. It really does help to hear people that have been through it, and it's fine.

Well hubby will be home soon. He is cooking dinner, so he is getting us baked chicken at the store. hehehee and some coleslaw and fruit salad. He said he would make dinner since he went out to pick up my pain pills.

Have a good weekend everyone. Remember I adore you!!!


Libby said...

mashed potatoes & gravy, milkshakes, bread with real butter, not toast! and the milkshake has to not be lumpy, so you won't even be tempted to chew it!! hugs!!

Alekx said...

whooooo hoooooo an excuse to HAVE to drink milkshakes
Gawd you get the happy drugs and an excuse to drink milkshakes

Burfica said...

libby--thank you so much, we were just talking about the soft foods I would have to get after surgery. Milk shakes, mashed tatoes, pudding, jello...

Alekx---I know, to bad I'll be hurting to much to enjoy it. lol

JUST ME said...

you'll be fine, promise. :)

i had 4 wisdom teeth pulled at once, and felt nothing...

get that bad tooth OUTTA there!!

Burfica said...

me--thank you, yeah I just want it done now.

Anonymous said...

Did you just bite down on a chip? I heard a loud scream. Nevermind. It was probably a seagull. Noisy bird brains. (not you - seagulls)

Burfica said...

babzy-- I would call me a noisy bird brain too. hehehehe

Mia said...

BIG HUGS!!!! You're gonna be fine...and still wise....mmmm milkshakes. Finally a good reason to binge on them.

melodyann said...

I'm scared of dentists too, burf. I make them give me nitrous even just for cleaning my teeth.

and I agree with alekx... drink some milkshakes!!!!

MomThatsNuts said...

They have temporary filling at Walgreens could you stick some of that in your hole?? Not only would it prevent things getting stuck in there, but it would also block air and saliva from getting to the nerve! I had dry socket once when I had my wisdom teeth pulled. No pain on EARTH like tooth pain, I feel ya...


Burfica said...

miranda--I hope I don't get sick of milkshakes. ha ha as if that could happen.

Melody ann--milk shakes and pain pills, sometimes god is good. heheheh

mom--I asked about that, and they said it would be better to leave it till it's pulled if I could stand it.

Phoenix5 said...

Keeping my fingers crossed for you, Burf! I agree with the others... tooth pain is the WORST!

Libby said...

burf-best of luck on this!! try not to have a panic attack, it'll all work out for the best, i promise!

Canadian flake said...

hang in there baby...I know you will be just fine...will be praying for you..

just remind the dentist that you DO have vice grips that will fit his balls quite nicely..lmao.

Jules said...

I adore you MORE!