Monday, November 07, 2005

Busy weekend

I love the way this picture came out. When we were on the mountain picking pinons. We found this lone aspen tree all yellow in among the pines. And the sun was shining right on it. Sooooo pretty. Posted by Picasa

Man we had a busy weekend. Saturday we got woken up to the sound of hot air balloons. We went outside and they were going right over our house. Gigantor and Kiddo got up on the roof to see them better. They seen one shaped as rocky the squirrel. Then they noticed that the balloons were landing at the sports complex, which is just down the way and across a street from us. So...Gigantor and kiddo jumped on the 4 wheeler and went over there, and helped the people pack their balloons away. Had a good time, and got some pictures.

We then went to the airport, and got info on the stuff I need for daddy coming up to visit. Then we went and picked up big J (remember him, he is pantyhose lad) And drove down to the horse corrals and looked at all the horses. Came across some friends, and let the boys pet their horse and goat. We then went to see Chicken Little. OMG what a good movie. This movie was great. I didn't know if they could make it that good, but it was.

When we came out of the movie, the police were starting to block off main street. It was almost time for the ball race. People purchase balls, that have a number on them, then they put all the balls in a cement truck and emptied it at the top of main street and let them roll down. The winning ball got the owner 2000 bucks. The rest of the money went to local charities for the holiday season. (don't you just love small town activities)

After the ball race we walked around the street fair they had set up. Seen lots of cool things, but I was good and didn't buy anything. We head over to the coke truck and got drinks and the boys got some cookies. Then we made a bee line for a little place called "Big Johns Texas BBQ" he comes to all the festivals and fairs. He smokes brisket. I don't know what he does, but it is sooooo tender and juicy. And they sell it either on the bun for $6 or in two tortillas for 6$ Then they have bbq sauce on the side you can add to it. We go sit on a bench that is right along our main street. (luckly we got a parking space right behind that) and we started eating.

It was getting dusk as we were eating, and bunch of trucks with trailers pulled up on main street and started unloading their balloons. 22 in total. Gigantor and the boys went over to help a guy who was unloading one right in front of us. Then as it got dark they blew up the balloons and it's called a balloon "glow" they stay for about 45 minutes to a half hour, just doing the flame thingie to keep the balloons inflated. We got tons of pictures, as soon as I download them I will start posting them. Then people can walk around looking at the balloons and going up talking to the people. And if you ask them, most of the people have cards (like trading cards) made up of their balloons with information about them printed on the back. The boys wandered up and down main street a couple times with friends, then Gigantor took them up and down collecting cards. I stayed so when they ran back, they could find me. But, where that bench was, I had a front row seat. Two balloons almost directly in front of me, and I could see all the way up and down the main street at the rest. I'm sure we had over 1000 people out looking around.

The balloons stopped their glow and packed up about 8. Gigantor was helping them pack up and I was over by the suburban talking to big J's parents that showed up to get him. In the mean time, kiddo forgets there is a curb from where the suburban is to get onto the sidewalk where the bench is. He walked right into the curb, and tripped and fell on his face. He made this sickening sound. I was sure he crushed his skull in on the pavement. He started screaming OOOOWWWWIIIIEEEEEEEE!!!! And I ran over and tried to get him up and untangled from the curb and from under the bench where he landed. I am trying to lift up my 135lb child. All the time pissed off that Gigantor isn't there with us, so he could be helping and checking him out. I get Kiddo sat down on the bench and check him out, and then I flip around with flame shooting out of my eyes. And start yelling at Big J's dad and D (our friend) who just stood there staring at us and not helping. I was so pissed off. What kind of fuck head doesn't help when it sounds like a child has fallen and left brain matter on the ground??? Obviously those two fuck heads!!!!!!!! I turn to Goober (big J's mom) and say "I can't believe how insensitive those two fuck heads are" (meaning D and her husband) And worst part was, she agreed with me. Gigantor comes back after off playing with some of the balloon guys, instead of hanging out with his family, and I was pissed. I wouldn't even let him look over Kiddo. I pack me and kiddo in the suburban and we went home, and I got him ice and chocolate when we got home, that helps everything. hehehehee

Kiddo got a big big bruise on his shin, and he sprained his wrist and pinkie on his left hand, and he got bad bruises on the heals of his hands. YOu know how hard you have to hit to bruise the heel of your hands, that's not easy. Anyway.....that was our long ass, but fun Saturday (except the fall) (but hey he's as graceful as Gigantor so what can I say)

Yesterday we watched movies. We watched the new Amytiville Horror. It was real good I thought, the special effects have improved tons since the first movie. The book is still the scariest though. And I'm not sure if I liked that they changed Jodi into a little girl. In the book and first movie Jodi was a demonic pig with red eyes. But it all worked in this movie.
We watched Kingdom of Heaven. It was pretty good. The fighting seemed more accurate for the time period than alot of movies. And who doesn't lust errr ummm like Orlando Bloom??? hehehehe
We also watched one for kiddo called Dragons Fire and Ice. IT's a computer animated movie actually made after the mega blocks toys of the dragons series. (which he has) It was really quite a good and cute movie. I love dragons and they did them really well. And the story line was good. We are getting the Dragons Metal Ages next. It's a sequel.

Well....I have to pee, so I'm off for now. Enjoy the aspen picture at the top.

Happy Monday everyone!!!!


Mia said...

Beautiful picture. You know I was inspired this weekend to take out my camera. Lol...I thought I'd start out with some more pictures of my dog is camera shy. She literally runs away when she sees it. oi.

I loved that Amityville Movie.

ThreeOliveMartini said...

umm could you write a longer post please next time LOL ??

poor kiddo inherited the grace from Jim.. the man that can step on his own thumbs running !!

sounds like you did have a big weekend.. glad you made it out alive !

Anonymous said...

WooW Burfy...minus the Kiddo fall.."bless his heart"..sounds like you guys had a great "G" outta the doghouse yet?

Phoenix5 said...

I won't mention anything about Kiddos' fall except to recall that at 9 - 11 years old I was the biggest klutz my family ever saw... he'll grow out of it, hopefully! So Kiddo's into the Mega Blocs Dragons, is he? So are my girls! Very cool stuff! I'll have to find that movie and let them watch it!

Hot air balloons are really cool! I remember waking up one morning about 13 years ago and looking out our 9th floor window onto a field of balloons firing up for an early morning flight! It was an awesome sight!

Alekx said...

Okay I was into the whole post until you had to share about having to pee.

sheesh woman

~SugarBear~ said...

Beautiful pic! Hope kiddo is doing alright (the chocolate shoulda fixed most of it).

MomThatsNuts said...

That which doesn't kill them, leaves really cool scars! Chicks dig scars. Pain heals.



Julie said...

That Kiddo sure can take some licks - he is like TIMEX - remember those commercials?? that should be his new nickname.
You is a good momma!!
Sounds like a good weekend otherwise!