Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Jury Duty

Well Gigantor got home from his excursion at about 3:30 yesterday. He does not have to go back, they didn't want him as a juror. hehehehee He's got the military mentality that people are guilty till proven innocent. It was an attempted murder case.

Thank you all for saying that it's the law his employer have to pay him for being gone. That's what I thought. But upon looking it up on the internet, and him getting a juror's handbook. There is NO FEDERAL MANDATE that requires an employer to pay their employee for jury duty. So instead my husband gets sent a check from the government for 40 bucks for going all the way down there. Yeah that will make ends meet. hehehehe

I think what really pissed me off, is his boss said he would pay him, then the day before jury duty, he "changed his mind" I think he looked it up online and found out that he didn't have to.

Gigantor did end up getting a ticket, but not for speeding. This town has absolutely no parking capabilities. And he got a 17 dollar parking ticket. The court said they would take care of parking tickets, as alot of people were going to be getting them. What the hell??? Why not just build a multi level parking garage in some of those empty lots they have sitting around on those two big streets. grrrrrrrrrrrrr So...anyway, that 17 dollar ticket may come back and bite us in the ass later, if the court didn't get it taken care of.

We have a double header of football tonight. He's got two games back to back. I'll be packing the blanket and hot cocoa, let me tell ya. It's been down in it's 20's at night here. Tomorrow we have the Fire Dept Christmas party. It's a pot luck. I usually go out of my way and make something nice, and this year, I'm not playing. hehehehee I'm making a big pot of baked beans of all things. Crock pot that is. And no I'm not using much effort. 3 cans bushes baked beans, one package of bacon cut into 1/2 inch pieces and cooked, one onion diced and a little brown sugar, let it sit in the crock pot all day. WaaaaLaaaa instant baked beans. hehehehehe

Well I'm gonna go back to my Avon-Slimwell shake. Their vanilla shakes are so gross when you mix them up, the smell is so bad, and the taste. *gag* that it's hard to drink them, so I made up the vanilla shake and threw 4 fresh strawberries in the blender, now it's not so bad.

I know I'm as boring as a rock today. Sorry about that.

Happy Hump Day everyone


Alekx said...

Dayum it would have been a better story if he got his butt thrown in jail for not making it to jury duty on time.
I'm still thinking a lettet to the editor would be a good thing about the jerko boss.
That and a stragicically placed explosive under his office chair.

Alekx said...

Oh yah, next on site accident Gigantor should tell the boss, sorry I didn't get paid for jury duty therefore I'm off today as EMT, call the ambulance, then you can pay me to leave and come back here offically with the fire department.

Anonymous said...

Alekx has her mind working overtime...and I thought the Indians were sending smoke!

I hope "G" is gettin' kissed a lot cause he's sure getting screwed every way he turns!


Azathoth100 said...

Now Now Bur, your not like a rock at all, some rocks can be quite interesting (ducking a thrown brick) Just kidding sweetie. Sorry that Gigantor had to waste a day of his life. Screw the parking ticket, dumb bastards in the Gov. For that matter, dumb a** boss too. Seems like your surounded by morons.
Baked beans eh? Good god are you trying to kill the other team with chemical warfare?
Sorry you have to drink the shake too, Ug I've tried them weight loss shakes and yeah they suck.

Dorko said...

I got called for jury duty in Flagstaff once and spaced it off until I was several days into a family vacation - I called them up from Vancouver WA and flat told them I couldn't make it - reason being I was in Vancouver WA and it was a physical impossibility for me to make it to their call. They were none to happy, but ultimately I got away with it. Had it not been bad timing I'd have LOVED to serve. Guess I watched too many Perry Mason episodes as a kid, huh?

Phoenix5 said...

Alekx has an idea with the "call an ambulance" plan... it might just work! As for the parking ticket, DON'T RELY ON THE COURT TO TAKE CARE OF IT!!! Make sure to follow up regularily until you have proof it's been dismissed! Otherwise it WILL bite your butt and leave a LARGE MARK!

I hear your complaint about the shakes... the ones my business sells taste like grain.. no matter what you put into them (ick!) We have a meal replacement bar which is much tastier than the sahkes! More flavour variety too! Does Chocolate Cherry tickle your fancy? ;-)

Anonymous said...

Burf, I've missed you!

I'm sort of back among the land of the living....

Your husband's boss is an ass. You should pee in the baked beans and then tell the boss you made them 'specially for him.

There is a trial going on here that just started about a massage therapist who also just happened to be a kiddie porn addict and had a 13 year old girl staying with him and posing for him. He also just happened to be my boss' massage guy for awhile. I want to go watch the trial but my meanie boss won't let me. Dammit. I keep teasing my boss that they forgot to add a charge to this guys list. "molesting old crippled fucks under the pretense of giving them a deep tissue massage" hee
