Monday, November 14, 2005

Thank Goodness

Thank Goodness it's the week so I can start recuperating from my weekend. hehehehehehe

Friday Kiddo didn't have any school. And I was basking in the fact that I could sleep in on Friday. But NoOoOoOoOo his little friend called early in the morning, telling Kiddo he was riding his bike over so he could play. They just informed me later. So....I had to jump up and hurry and get dressed. After Gigantor got off work we were gonna go deliver some avon books and run a couple errands before I had to go to a sales meeting. But when we stepped outside we realized that kiddo's friend had left the gate open, and my two old dogs were GONE. We spent 40 minutes driving around before we found the shit heads. Then it was time to boogy to my meeting.

Saturday we woke up early, and went and dug a pomegranate tree out of an abandoned lot (we asked the right people permission) Then we planted it in our yard. Then we went up to a craft fair called Christmas In November that is done every year. Got a couple little things. We then went over to mom's and worked on her yard, we have to get that looking better before people start complaining. But when we moved an outside table that was trashed, and found about a million cockroaches, and had to go on a poisoning spree. We got a little creeped out, and decided to go. hehehehe Took Kiddo to a birthday party, and delivered avon, and took Gigantors coveralls over to be sewn up. Then came home and ordered out for food. hehehehe chinese. There was no way I could cook after a day like that. Then we watched a movie.

Yesterday was almost as equally busy. I just wanna sleep all week if I could. heheheheh

We watched a movie with Kiddo---Dragons Metal Ages. It's a sequel to the Dragons Fire and Ice we watched last week. It was really really good. I hope they make another one.

We also watched Batman Begins. That was actually a very good movie. Goes all the way into where the first one with Michael Keaton would begin. I was impressed.

We can hardly wait till Saturday. Gonna go watch Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. whoooohooooo

Okay I'm gonna go eat some breakfast.
Happy Monday everyone.


Anonymous said...

Merry monday to you too...


Alekx said...

Ohhhh I know how much you like creepy crawlies so I bet you were screaming and running like a scared little girl at the roachs.

... said...

Sounds like you had a hectic weekend - indeed, good thing the work week's begun so you can finally relax. :)

ThreeOliveMartini said...

i am just tired listening to your weekend .. damn girl!

Phoenix5 said...

Got Dragons: Fire & Ice for my girls to watch this weekend.. with the exception of the massive scratch on the DVD at one point, the movie was really good! We all enjoyed it! Looking for Metal Ages now ;-)
Thanks for the movie reviews!

Now get some rest!

Kerry M. Conway said...

*hugs* hi doll! i have missed you so much! sorry its taken forever to comment...

ill be over with the popcorn on friday. smiles. i love harry potter!!!!

Mia said...

Omg - dragon metal ok you can tell that I have girls. You watch that and I had things like Rainbow bright.