Tuesday, December 13, 2005


That's been my main temp the past couple days. I am so sick. I'm so sick I am beyond sick. I got a cough on Saturday. On Sunday night it felt like someone was sitting on my chest and squeezing my throat. I could not breath. It scared me so bad, that twice during the night I almost had Gigantor take me to the E.R. I thought for sure either I was having an asthma (which I don't have) attack or pneumonia. Monday morning Gigantor stayed home, and took Kiddo to school and me to the clinic. We he seen I was running a fever it scared him. Last time I ran a fever was when I almost died from bleeding internally for 3 days and had to have emergency surgery, but I digress. They then sent me over to the hospital. I was to get blood work up, an EKG, chest x-rays, and a flu test. Have any of you had a flu test??? OMG they take this wire with a scraper, and stick it up/down your sinuses till you feel it in your throat and ears, and they scrape. They had to do it to both sides. I have a very high pain tollerancy, and it made me cry.

The good thing is that the chest x-ray showed I do NOT have pneumonia. But I DO have a major flu bug and an massive bacterial infection on top of that. They put me on a flu drug that I take twice a day. I also had to have a shot of heavy duty antibiotics yesterday, and one today. (Gigantor had to take me back in for that cuz I'm so week) And they have me on oral antibiotics that are for pneumonia patients.

If any of you know me. I do NOT take naps. And I will NOT get out of my clothes into my jammies except at night. I never have. Yesterday, and today, after my shot, I came home and got in my jammies and spent the day in bed. I finally got up today to do the avon work I HAD to do, and pay the bills. And I'm writing you all.

I've had to have someone take my kid to school each morning, and pick him up. I've been so sick with the fever, and the flu drug makes you major dizzy. So...I'm dizzy, weak, shakey, and sick to my stomach from all the drugs and dizziness.

On the bright side, I'm glad I'm sick this week and not next, because daddy flies in next week, and I have to get everything for Christmas done.

Hope you all are having a good week. Please send good health vibes our way, and pray the boys don't get this after me, cuz it is pure hell.


Azathoth100 said...

Tis the season to be sick. I'm finally breaking down and going to docs after 3 weeks of this freaking illness. Hope you feel better Bur.

Unknown said...

Burfy..."bless your heart"...I sure hope you start feeling better very soon...just remember..don't start doing too much before you're well enough to do it! You could get sicker.

And also remember..NO wild monkey sex till the fever goes down!!!

I pray you have a speedy recovery and the guy's don't get it!


~SugarBear~ said...

Poor Burfy - I hope you feel better soon hun! Been there myself recently but not nearly as bad as you have it. That flu test sounds more like torture! Poor thing! We'll be praying for all of you at our house.

Anonymous said...

Oh damn! Hope you're starting to feel better!!!!

Alekx said...

You mean the flu drugs make you dizzier than usual.


I'm glad you are feeling just a touch better...
You know I've been worried about you.

Dorko said...

Sending you 'virtual' chicken soup thoughts.... no, wait, Cherry Jello - yes. Cherry jello thoughts. Please get better soon!