Monday, December 19, 2005

Food and more Food

We snagged this recipe from the food network, and tried it yesterday, and OMG it was so dam good. I'm gonna post the recipe at the bottom of the post here today. It was for Slow Cooked Sweet and Sour Pork. But it's not got a sauce or gravy like affair. It's more of juices if you know what I mean. Now on with the post.

What a busy busy weekend. I'll do a short recap as to not make this post to long or to boring. hehehehe Friday evening we went to walmart, and what a fricken nightmare. We found NOTHING that we needed. They aren't ordering new stock cuz they are putting anything new into the supercenter they built that doesn't open till Jan 31st. I told the manager he was an idiot to not stock stuff before Christmas, and that I was going somewhere else and they lost me business. I walked out. Gigantor and Kiddo in my tracks and the manager with mouth open.

Saturday, we got up and the boys worked on racking the pig sty of a yard, and sweeping the porch. I called them in and we ate, then took Kiddo up to party he had. Then Gigantor and I, went to the post office, dollar store (found more stuff than at walmart) and Safeway. Got the rest of the stuff for baking, and the kids at school decorating gingerbread houses. Came home and unloaded, then started putting stuff away. Gigantor left to go get the kiddo, and I worked on wrapping some gifts. After Gigantor got Kiddo, we had to get ready and go pick up his friend K and we went to the Parade of Lights. It was nice. Not as nice as last years, but still nice. After the parade we went and grabbed McDonalds, then came home and ate, and let K play till about 9. Took him home, got Kiddo in bed, then continued to clean stuff up around the house.

Sunday the boys were trying to finish the yard. I got the food in the crock pot. They came in and we all ate some brunch I guess cuz it was 11. LOL Then me and Gigantor got busy. Now keep in mind I have 1 mini loaf pan and 1 mini muffin pan and 2 cookie sheets. I know I know I need more. LOL We made 5 different types of bread in mini loaves. Pecan swirl, cinnamon swirl, banana, apple cinnamon, and date. Then three types of mini muffins, banana, apple cinnamon, and cranberry. I made some soft gingerbread cookies (not the type you frost). And we made 4 kinds of fudge, that ended up being 6 pans, about 10lbs. Plain, pecan, walnut, and macadamia nut. And....Kiddo comes running out of my room headed for the living room. He hits the kitchen floor, and continues to slide his way all the way to the living room. I'm like "what the hell" and get up to check him, and I start sliding all over the place. Gigantor is like "what the hell is wrong with you two?" and I start yelling COOKING SPRAY COOKING SPRAY (we had been spraying the pans over and over again for the cooking that the cooking spray sorta drifted down onto the floor. Well I had been sitting filling the trays for a while, and Gigantor in just one spot in front of the stove so neither of us realized it was all over the floor. Gigantor goes, "what the frick are you talking about" and heads toward me, who is hanging onto the chair trying not to slip onto my ass. And he does this bellow and his one leg goes one way and other the other way. Doing almost the completes splits. hehehee That cooking spray is dangerous stuff people. We then had towels all over the floor, scooching around on them till we got a break. We then swept the floor, and dried it, so it could be washed right. Then vacuumed, then Gigantor finished cleaning up the yard and porch. We clean up our mess from baking, have dinner, then after dinner we started our dipping. hehehehe We have that chocolate factory thing for melting chocolate. We got some cherries dipped and some big long pretzel rods, half just dipped and half dipped and mini dark chocolate chips and white chips put on them. We then get Kiddo in bed, feed the animals, do the dishes, take showers, put laundry in, and proceed to fold and hang our 12 loads of laundry that had been stacking up. We got to sleep about 11.

Tonight I have to finish doing the chocolate dipping. Regular pretzels, more cherries, vanilla wafers, and marshmallows. (we are gonna also dip some of the chocolate dipped marshmallows in crushed graham cracker for like a smores like effect) Then I have to do my Avon order also, and finish cleaning the front bathroom. Tomorrow I will put together the goodie plates and we will deliver them that night.

Anyhow on to that recipe that was so yummie and easy. Now it says a 3lb pork roast. But we had a 6 pounder, so we doubled everything but the potatoes.

Slow Cooker Sweet and Sour Pork

3cups cubed peeled potatoes (Idaho or Yukon gold)
1 cup chopped onion
3 pound pork roast, trimmed
4 cloves garlic, minced
1 cup water
1/2 cup ketchup
3 tablespoons red wine vinegar
2 tablespoons light brown sugar
2 tablespoons reduced-sodium soy sauce (we used regular)
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper and salt.

Arrange potatoes and onion in bottom of slow cooker, Place pork on top of potatoes and onions. Spread garlic all over pork.

In a medium bowl, whisk together water, ketchup, vinegar, sugar, soy sauce, mustard, black pepper and salt. Pour mixture over pork.

Cover and cook on Low for 6 to 8 hours or on High for 3 to 4 hours.

We cooked our 6lb one for about 7 or 8 hours on high and it was falling apart.

Enjoy and happy Monday everyone.


Mia said...

mmmm that sounds delicious.

Anonymous said...

That does sound good...however...reading about you being sick and all the stuff you're doing and...and...and....I'm tired now and need a

May GOD's Blessing be with you and your family for Christmas..New Years..and forever...

Merry Christmas

Alekx said...

whaaaaaa I need a slow cooker since my oven doesn't work anymore.

I wanna try that recipie specially now that you can get splenda brown sugar

ThreeOliveMartini said...

i am laughing my ass off at the cooking spray.. only you guys i swear !

and that DOES sound good too bad my crock to my crock pot shattered the last time i used it..

maybe santa will bring me a new one .. haha

RQ Whitaker said...

Cooking spray on the floor!?! Hilarious! That's like Home Alone 5 or something.

Julie said...

So glad you are finally feeling Better!! You were so dang ILL!! Bless your heart!! did you cough up a few lungs to save for later in life to use or what?
I'll be using that recipe, you always have the best ones!!
I can't wait to hear about your holidays,, hope they have FLARP in them this year too!!

Dorko said...

I'm gonna try this recipe out... a.s.a.p. I find that's the best thing to do - other wise I never seem to get around to fixing them! =) Thanks!