Saturday, May 26, 2007

Update and maybe a Meme

Just a quick update. I've been so dam busy. I'll try to write more about that next week. Been cleaning and arranging our asses off this weekend. Plus grocery shopping, and we took Kiddo and his friend Z to see the Pirates movie. It was very very good. It moved so fast that I didn't have time to even realize it was 2 hours 46 minutes. For any of you that haven't seen it yet. Make sure you stay the extra 15 minutes worth of credits. There is a final scene at the end of the credits. I would have never known if the news hadn't mentioned it on Thursday morning.

Now lets see if I can get this quiz thing down. Phoenix and Flake have both done this one, and dared me on more than one occasion, so lets go for it.

Here's how to play. Place an X by all the things you've done, or remove the X from the ones you have not. Simple, no? By the way, this is for your entire life:
(x) Smoked a cigarette.
( ) Smoked a cigar.
(x) Drank so much you threw up.
() Crashed a friend's car. Been in a couple crashes but never my friends
( ) Stolen a car.
(x) Been in love.
(x) Been dumped.
( ) Shoplifted candy.
(x) Been laid off.
(x) Been fired. It wasn't laid off, because he just said they couldn't afford to keep me on, and I had to go.
(x) Quit your job.
() Snuck out of your parent's house. My mother's room was by the door, and the floor squeaked to bad, so I never could.
(x) Party in the woods.
(x) Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back.
( ) Been arrested.
() Gone on a blind date. No all my dates could see. hehehehe
(x) Skipped school. OMG I'm amazed I didn't have to repeat my junior year I skipped so much.
(x) Seen someone die.
( x) Been to Mexico. Accidently. hehehehe
() Been to Canada. No.. Don't they shoot you at the border there? hehehehe
( x) Been on a plane.
(x) Been on a train for a long trip
(x) Been lost. I should say, never been lost, been temporarily misplaced a few times though.
(x ) Been on the opposite side of the country. Got hitched in Virginia
( ) Been to Florida.
() Been to Washington
( ) Lived in Boston
(x ) Gone to the Grand Canyon... Duh that is where I live. Right at the start of the canyon
() Swam in the ocean...not an Ocean but my river is the BEST!!!
(x) Felt like dying. Attempted suicide three times when I was younger, so I would say yes.
(x) Cried yourself to sleep...more than I would like to admit, and alot more past couple years.
(x) Played cops and robbers.
(x) Recently colored with crayons.
( x) Sang karaoke.
(x) Paid for a meal with only coins.
(x) Done something you told yourself you wouldn't.
(x) Made prank phone calls. Hello is your refrigerator running???
(x) Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose. Food too, and snot bubbles
(x) Caught a snowflake on your tongue.
(x) Made a snowman.
(x) Made a snow angel.
(x ) Danced in the rain
(x) Walked in the rain.
(x) Written a letter to Santa Claus.
( ) Written a letter to the President. No but sometimes I curse at the t.v. when politicians are on.
( x) Met a celebrity. Lots, this town has had many movies filmed here. Lets see. Mel Gibson, Patrick Swayze (had my nose in the crotch of his pants), Jodie Foster (what a *rhymes with punt*), Mark Singer, James Gardner, David Duchovney, Billy Ray Cyrus, Shania Twain... gosh there are so many more. They come through town and spend time here with the locals as they do filming here. Some are horrid, some are extremely nice.
(x) Been kissed under the mistletoe.
(x) Watched the sun set with someone you care about.
(x) Blown bubbles. Including one's out of my nose
( x) Made a bonfire on the beach.
(x) Crashed a party. Crashed one wedding once and a 50 year anniversary party, hehehehe
() Gone roller-skating. I don't think up and down the hallways counts, and I would of broke my neck other wise.
(x) Ice-skating. Only on my ass when I slip on it on the way out to the car.
( ) Rode a camel. No but I rode an elephant once and I owned horses. Oh and on occasion I ride a giant (was that my outside voice)
Any nicknames? Lets see....Only my great uncle and sister could call my Dick Tracy, I had Turkey butt, and kitten. In school, I was known as Fuscia and Squirell. I like Honey though, my hubby calls me that, and until my son was three he called me that.

Favorite drink? Iced tea, but I don't drink it anymore (bad for ya or something) So I drink water, but I do really like the peach mango and tea wine coolers
Ever been in a Car accident? yes a few, but the worst one was when a deer hit us. Yes you heard me right, we did not hit the deer, it hit us.
2 door or 4 Door? prefer 4

Salad Dressing? Creamy Poppyseed or Creamy Vidallia Onion
Favorite pie? Pecan, and Pumpkin, and blueberry oh oh oh and chocolate cream.
Favorite number? 8
Favorite movies? So many, sci fi, fantasy, comedy, drama, horror, I like a bit of everything.
Favorite food? BBQ chicken, and chocolate, not together though. hehehe
Favorite brand of body soap? We use Safeguard...only one I can use, or I get big cyst like things in the not so nice areas of my body.
Favorite brand of deodorant? Avon...any avon deodorant
What do you enjoy receiving? Appreciation, and Thank you's. And all the love I can handle, which is a ton!!!!

There ya all go...I added a bit more to go more in detail about myself. I'll be back. hehehehee
Have a good weekend, and Memorial Day all!!!


Phoenix5 said...

Great answers Burf! Some of them I really don't want any more detail though! LOL! Oh yeah, we Canadians don't shoot you at the border any more! It's bad for the tourism industry! We do, however, confiscate all your firearms and radar detectors! LMAO! Oh yeah, we also don't have a big wall of ice and snow at the border either! You'd be amazed at the number of Americans who ask where the snow is when they enter the country in the middle of July! Too funny!

melodyann said...

Dang it, I didn't stay! I sat beside this fat kid who farted, burped and kicked me for 2 hours and 46 minutes. I had had enough.

Renie wants her own pirate. Where do you suppose I might find her one?

Burfica said...

Phoenix--well you all speak that weird eskimo language too right??? hehehehe

Melodyann--I think you can find one at any local gay biker bar. heheheh

Jules said...

I've always wanted to make a bonfire on a beach...

You and I have quite a few things in common! ;O)

Burfica said...

Jules---yeah us weirdo's are pretty much alot alike. hehehe

Canadian flake said...

I fear phoenix is not completely accurate...although we Canadians have cut back on the number of Americans we shoot at the border, we most definitely would go after such a big SMARTASS as yourself...lmao. If it helps, I am glad the suicide attempts didn't succeed. Life would be so boring without you to bug!!!

Burfica said...

flake---thanks, now the real question is what kind of ammo do you use?? Paintballs, pellets, or the real stuff?? h ehehehe

Mia said...

Love the answers....especially the last one...about recieving.

cookie monster said...

you live at the Grand Canyon? thats realy rather cool but it also raises a dilemma.

do i make the rude joke or not?