Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Day of Randomness

OMG doesn't that picture just make you laugh your tooshie off?? I love it!!!

I'm random today, all over the place. Could be how fuzzy and dizzy the remnants of the pain pills are making me feel this morning. Could be I'm always dizzy. hahahahaha

I'm out of popcorn, so I'm actually eating a pop tart this morning.

I need to get off my ass and go make out checks and pay my bills, but I'm not doing it. I'm dinking on here. lol

I have more dog hair on my couch and floor than I have on my dam dogs. How can they shed two or three times the amount of hair they have and still have a full coat??? dammit.

I have acquired three pairs of sunglasses in the last week and I have no idea who's they are, I haven't had anyone over, but just one morning they were on the floor. Weird.

Kiddo is already asking me when school will be out for the summer.

Kiddo is so addicted to Webkins. Big J got him one, a Koala he named Auzie. To be honest Gigantor and I are addicted to his dam webkins too. It's fun and cute.

I'm following 16 webkins on e-bay right now. I refuse to bid anymore than 2 bucks for one. Some of those bastards are going for 50 bucks or more. gaaaahhhhh

You can't find webkins at walmart here in town, I can't get them here. I don't know how to get him more. Cuz I sure as hell am not spending 50 bucks on one. Not even 10 lmaooooo

Man I need a coffee I.V. today. hahahaha

OMG when did my husband get so hairy?? I mean he's never been "hairy" he had like 10 chest hairs when we got married, and now he has a small patch on his chest (I do not particularly like hairy men) But Dam!!! lately. And not on his body per say, but from the neck up. WTF is that???

I mean he gets fricken 2 inch long eyebrow hairs. I bitch and bitch and he won't trim them so I finally hold him down and trim them myself. Then, he has hair growing on the tops of his ears and out of his ears. WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT???? I hold him down and trim those too. But the nose hair I fricken refuse to do.

He grows monsterous nose hair, and I will complain, and then finally yell at him. He refuses to use the multiple nose hair trimmers I have bought him, he says they pull the hair. know what he does, he fricken plucks them. WHAT THE HELL IS THE DIFFERENCE FART KNOCKER????

oh oh oh and yesterday, OMG yesterday. I noticed he has gotten these long ass stray chest hairs that have migrated to like his lower neck region. I got on his case and said, when you shave you have to come down in this area, cuz I don't want these monster things hanging out your shirt.

So he goes, well pluck it. I said, I'm not fucking plucking them, shave the bastards. So...he is standing there (I met him out on the road took him breakfast, so he still had all day to work) He is standing there, and he's trying to pluck them, but he's putting it between his thumbnail and his finger nail. Well.... all it does is curl those fuckers like christmas ribbon you curl with the scissors. So...I start cracking up at him. He says, what's so funny. I then tell him that now he looks like his neck and chin is being attacked by pubic hair. And I drove off.

Okay on that lovely visual I'm gonna go finish my coffee and poptart.

Have a good Wednesday everyone!!!!


Coffeypot said...

Wait till he goes to sleep and braid his nose hairs.

none said... for webkins

The dogs shed like that because instead of the normal hot cold season cycle that makes them shed their heavy coat in the spring and grow a new one in the winter the air conditioning puts them in a constant shedding/growing cycle.

I use duct tape to clean dog hair.

I've started growing hair in weird places too. I try to shave it when it shows up and I pluck my nose hairs too because the scissor action is like nails on a chalkboard but in the nostrils.

Burfica said...

coffey--gross, but I'm thinking of beading his eyebrow hair.

hammer--I have a lint rollers that is called a pet hair roller, talk about stickiest tape ever. We use that alot.

Special K said...

I say a bottle of vodka (for him) and a bottle of Nair (in your hands) might just take care of it all! Bwa ha ha ha

Burfica said...

K--screw the nair and vodka, just get me to the hot wax. hahahahaha

Barbara Doduk said...

Poptart hahaha I must be hungry.

B @ The Love Blog

CrystalChick said...

Our two dogs are constantly shedding. I can't keep up. Duct tape works for me too. I used to have a roll of it in the car for our shirts or pants if we were going to like a family party and have to look presentable. LOL
School starts here in like 2 weeks and I can already tell it's going to be a rough year. My son hasn't been wanting to do the summer reading or the math packet which is due on the first day. Hubby already has a list of things he's going to go without for awhile if the grades aren't up where they should be first m.p.

Libby said...

oh, burfica, you do give us a lot of 'vivid' visuals!! i'm still laughing my ass off!!

Biddie said...

If I can find some cheap webkinz here I will send you one..Is there one that you want the most?
Maybe you'll start finding wallets and then you will all kinds of money for ebay!

Burfica said...

barbara--Oh yeah I had to be hungry to eat them. hahahaha

crystal--he already admited to me that he has had homework in math every day but not bringing it home. Oh yeah he's grounded.

libby--anything to make you laugh

Biddie--OOO thanks, he likes the unusual, like I won three so far, I won the beagle, leopard, cow, and he has a koala. The frogs and lizards are to much on e-bay so if ya find one of those or a dragon, that would be the ultimate. hehehehe

Neoma said...

Oh my god you are such a kick in the head.....I am laughing so hard, and see, I just wrote on my blog how damn depressed I am. You made my morning, so now I can go and get me a cup of coffee. I have enough energy for that at least. I sure do wish you lived closer, so I could come get me a laughing fix every o often.....

This sooooooooo reminded me of my Dad, he was practically bald, by the time he was 50, yet he had these incredibly long hairs in his ears and nose. And he always wanted me to pluck them out for him, how gross......for a teenager.......

Neoma said...

that kitten is so damn cute.....