Friday, March 04, 2005


Ugggghhhhh I'm sick. Sick sick sick!! Sick sick sickedie sick sick sick!! Did I mention I was sick?? Gawd, I'm catching a cold or a sinus infection or something, but I feel like I got run over. You know like that road kill bunny on the road that has been run over so many times that the only way you know it was a bunny is the little tuft of hair left. That would be what I feel like. And to top it off. I feel myself starting to slip into some depression. I was doing so well with all of this stuff concerning mom, but the other day it just got to be to much. I mean the fact of losing my mom, now looking like we are going to lose everything she worked her life for. Also having a meeting at the school, because for the past three years nobody can tell you why your son is behind in reading and writing. And finally after three years they decide he is probably dyslexic (which you have been begging them to test for since he first fell behind) Also Gigantor has been the biggest BITCH lately. He must think it's yell at me month, and I'm about to beat his shit up!!! And now getting sick. I just wanna play ostrich and go stick my head under the covers and not come out till it's all over.
Okay since I'm doing such a woe is me post. I am gonna stop and leave you with a funny that my daddy sent me.

1. You wake up face down on the pavement
2. You call suicide prevention and they put you on hold.
3. You put your bra on backwards and it fits better.
4. You see a 60 minute news team waiting in your office.
5. Your birthday cake collapses from the weight of the candles.
6. Your son tells you he wished Anita Bryant would mind her own business.
7. You want to put on the clothes you wore home from the party last night--and there aren't any.
8. You turn on the news and they are showing emergency routes out of the city.
9. Your twin sister forgets your birthday
10. You wake up to discover your waterbed broke and then realize you don't have a waterbed.
11. Your horn goes off accidently and remains stuck as you follow a group of Hells Angels on the freeway.
12. Your spouse wakes up feeling amorous and you have a headache
13. You walk to work and then find out your dress was stuck in the back of your pantyhose.

Okay there we go, now everyone have a good Friday!!!


Mia said...

Awww...Im sorry to hear your not feeling well. And when it rains it pours...have a very strong hot toddy, then give Gigantor a good beating.If anything it will be a good release. *hugs*

Alekx said...

awwwwwwwwwww I can comment....Holy crap.
now that I've waited 15 minutes for the window to open I have no friggin idea what I was gonna say.
but the vision of you as a road kill bunny is pretty amuzing. It's kinda how I feel today myself

Azathoth100 said...

Yep I'll agree, 2005 isn't off to a good start. Sorry to hear about the sickness, take drugs and alchohol just like alekx is. As for Gigantor, tell him you want to practice some S&M, and make sure he's the one tied up (hehehe). Either that or just give him some of the drugs too. Hope your wrong about the Kiddo, dyslexia sucks.

Let's see about your list:
1. been there
2. Actually they hung up
3. Never worn one, have you ever put one on backwards?
4. could be worse, could be the Jerry Springer camera team.
5. Nope, but it did set off a fire alarm
6. Anita sucks. Tell her your channeling the spirit of Dan Rather. (What do you mean he's not dead?!?)
7. I've gone home wearing someone else's (And they didn't fit)
8. HEheheeheheheheehehehee!!!
9. Dumb B*tch.
10. Who's sleeping in the wet spot?
11. I'm in a car, there on mortorcycles, if I hit them they die. No prob.
12. So? I can do it with a headache. I have before.
13. Thank god I don't wear either.

MomThatsNuts said...

Hands Burf a Cosmo magazine, some Calgon, a glass of wine, and offers free babysitting...send Gigantor to play poker with the boys....time to CHILL....


themadamefiles said...

My dear B,
My prayers go out to you. I send you positive energies while I type this.
I can't even begin to imagine what that kind of loss is like, but my mom had to place her mom in an old folks home, and she is kinda preparing herself for the eventual end. It's sad to know that there is an end of the line, but we are never really prepared for that to come. Stay strong. xoxo
And as for the depression - I've been bouncing back and forth in my bi-polar state for years, but with my meds that work half of the time, it's more of the depression that drags me into the abyss. It's a horrible feeling and I know that ostrich inclination to stick your head in the sand. I've stuck my head down beneath the surface many many times. If you need to dump - please feel free. My co-blogger in crime suffers from the same thing so we often bitch and laugh about the absurdity of it all, casue in the end, laughter is the only thing that keeps us from going over the edge...

Rest well and don't stay under too long!!

Anais ;-)