Sunday, May 25, 2008

Memories for all our Hero's on Memorial Weekend

Just thought I would put a hero picture for Memorial weekend. I think that one is so sweet.

Okay on to our busy as ass weekend. Friday mother in law called said she was doing a dinner, cuz Gigantor's sister T and her crew would be in. (her crew is her hubby, her daughter and son in law, and three grand babies.) So..I made a ginormous broccoli salad. And 2 dozen corn bread muffins. Everything was gone when we came home. Had a very nice dinner though, not "all" of the family was there. Just Sister T and her crew, mother and father in law, us, and one other sister and her 13 year old son.

Sat..sister T said she wanted to take me to lunch, just me and her so we could talk. Didn't know if I was dreading that or not. Well, she had to call and ask if we could do it on Sunday cuz things got away from her.

So...we ate some lunch and visited with Captain Daddy. Uncle and Aunt called invited us to dinner, (homemade lasagna) Gigantor worked on Saturday, 6 til 11:30 then had to go back at 1:45 till 4.

When he got home at 4 we went in and started tearing Kiddo's room apart. He's had this horrid cough. I did too, but once we cleaned all the stuff in our bedroom it went away. We think that with the move, it's knocked and kicked up some long dormant dust and dirt. So...he coughs mostly in his room, so we have been working on that.

Then about 5:30 went and got Captain Daddy and went to dinner at Aunt and Uncles. It was sooooo good. Had lots of fun. Kiddo got two card games for his birthday, (from my best friend Tiff) and they are like trivia games, One on the Civil War and one on Ancient Civilizations. He loves that stuff. So instead of doing the dice and scoring, Gigantor had the civil war and I had the others and we took turns reading off trivia to everyone while we sat in the living room.

This part is way funny. We had a card on Lincolns assassination. The question was, what was the name of the man who shot president Lincoln. Kiddo burst out real loud. I KNOW THIS ONE IT WAS JOHN F. KENNEDY!!! yeah we laughed our asses off. He actually knew who it was, he just got his Johns confused. So of course he is NEVER gonna live that one down.

Today, I was gonna sleep in and fool around with Gigantor. He had to go to work again, got off early and went to walmart (seeing as I can't walk around the dam stores, till the issues with my legs get better) But...his sister made lunch for today.

We took Kiddo over to my mom in laws (she was taking him and the other grandbabies out to the museum that has dinosaur bones at it) so....Gigantor went to lunch with me and sister T. It was actually very nice. She is the main sister I get along with (out of 5) And she really loves Gigantor, and tells him (the others, I'm really not sure, neither is he) So..we had a good time. Came home and Gigantor had to go back to work. He will be working till 4 or 5. But he does have tomorrow off. So...this evening we will probably do a bit more work on Kiddo's room, and tomorrow a bit but mostly tomorrow he will be putting some skirting on the trailer so we can work on building that back fence.

Hope you all have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend, and HUG the hero's in your life. Hell HUG everyone in your life!!!

Much love to you all!!!!


Libby said...

Happy Memorial Day to you, too, Burfica!! I love the picture you have at the top!!

Alekx said...

Wow, lunch with an in law and no blood.
Wait let me see if I'm in a dream. :-)

Joy T. said...

Sounds like a busy but excellent weekend. That picture you have at the top of this post is unbelievably priceless!

Special K said...

John F Kennedy! Now THAT would be a great conspiracy theory. If the timelines worked! LOL So maybe he time traveled and then Lincoln's ghost shot JFK??

Too cute I bet you give him hell for a long long time and I bet he hates it too!

Anonymous said...

Wishing you a peaceful and relaxing Memorial Day!!

Burfica said...

Libby--that picture just makes you go awwwww

alekx--yeah I thought I was dreaming too.

joy--love that picture. Wish the hubby was off more this weekend.

K--he will never EVER live it down. hahahah

american--welcome, and thank you , you too!!!!

CrystalChick said...

Happy Memorial Day!
We like those trivia games. We used to play years ago with a friend who either just plain knew every freaking thing, or whatever he didn't know we think he read the cards ahead of time to find out. LOL
My back has been bugging me since last Thursday so I feel for you and your knee.
We had a BBQ home today, just me, hub, son, daughter, grandson and future son-in-law. And a couple doggies hovering around the patio table for food scraps. LOL
Have a great week!

CrystalChick said...

Ooh, is it both legs you have trouble with? For some reason I thought it was one knee?
Whichever it is, sure hope you get some relief.

Burfica said...

crystal--it's trouble with both knees, and lymphadema in both legs, so I'm screwed. hehehehehe

FOOLS GOLD said...

hey I don't mind you book marking me at all just wish I knew how to book mark you lol, any help greatfully received.