Sunday, November 30, 2008

Missed you all!!!!

Thank you all for all your happy holiday wishes. We had a very nice Thanksgiving.

Okay to clear some things up, some of you asked "WHAT THE HELL IS POOFOO??"

Well it's actually called Pink PooFoo (invented and named buy one of our gay friends whom is family)
You take one tub of whip cream, put in one pack of cherry jello, stir till blended, put in one tub of cottage cheese, stir, then one can of drained pineapple chunks. Mix well and chill. It is so dam good, and we can't have one single holiday without it. And we have tried all types of jello and fruit, and ick. So we stick with that.

On Wed, Kiddo helped me do some cooking. We made the stuffing, and pumpkin pies. We made some monkey bread, but my bundt pan is to small for 4 packs of biscuits, and it exploded all over. hahahaha

Thursday got up and cooked and made stuff, and had a friend M over for dinner (captain daddy had to work) Then we played some Magic (card game)

Friday, we sorta slept in. Gigantor ran down at 6 to walmart and got a couple movies for Kiddo and some jeans for him and kiddo (8 bucks a pair) and a present for me and daddy. Then he came back home to bed. Daddy came over and we had leftovers for lunch and watched a movie. I got so tired I ended up getting sick that night. I had to go right to bed, to keep from throwing up. I get really upset to my stomach when I get over tired.

Saturday, Gigantor got up and was gonna go to stores with Daddy, but daddy didn't show up. Gigantor went down and daddy was to tired. So...we had some lunch, watched a tape. Then Kiddo and Gigantor got all the christmas stuff out of the shed, and we put the tree up. No ornaments but the tree was up. I started address my christmas cards. Oh oh oh and if any of you want one from me, you better e-mail me your address. hehehehehe I love sending cards and send tons of them.

Sunday, I got up late, Gigantor was supposed to do some ordering online but didn't. So...guess that's some stuff I'm not getting for christmas. hahahahaha

We had some lunch and I finished addressing cards while him and kiddo brought in ornaments and put them up. We still need to finish a few shelves, then my living room will be completely hosed down with christmas. hahahaha We will probably do that this coming up weekend. I am writing a quick post, and gonna get back to reading and updating regular. Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend, or regular weekend if you aren't in the states. hehehehehe


cookie monster said...

I hope you saved my new address? Coz i want a card!

~Just Me Miranda~ said...

LOL...ok WTH is monkey bread. Man I gotta go to your place fo dinner. You've so many cool things.

Special K said...

I have been eating monkey bread and poofoo (I think we called it "the pink stuff" or "the orange stuff" if we used orange, LOL since the 70s!

I think Monkey Bread is universal and everyone I know calls it that!
Good stuff man!

Burfica said...

cookie--I did no worries

miranda--I'll have to post about that. hehehehe

K--this was our first attempt, and I didn't have a traditional bundt pan it was ceramic and about half the size so it exploded everywhere.

Biddie said...

I have a lil package here that I PROMISE I will mail by the end of the week. It has the webkinz for Kiddo and a lil something for you. It is a Christmas/Pay it forward package. I was going to mail your card today but thought that I would just put it in the package.
I am glad that you had a nice Thanksgiving. I might try your PooFoo. (oh, that sounds rude!LOL)

Burfica said...

biddie--that's okay if that sounds rude, my husband calls it pink poopoo, but says it really fast in this weird voice so it makes you laugh