Tuesday, January 11, 2005


Okay so here is my attempt at a post today. heheheheee
I don't feel as bad as yesterday. That burning down in my head, that "your getting sick burning" isn't there today. I am waiting for my mom to call me. She said she needed to go to the doctor yesterday. Wanted me to take her. But called me at the time I was going to get the kiddo and the two kids I'm watching from school. So...I asked her to try and drive herself, or to call a couple people and ask them. I mean she can drive down town to get her own cigarettes (cuz I won't get them for her) so I think she can drive down to the dam doctor. Anywhoo, she said she was having problems breathing. And she has an oxygen machine at home. I know I know, oxygen and smoking, real smart mix. I just bet anything she's gonna end up back in the fricken hospital with pneumonia again. When is she gonna get a clue. And if she does, I'm sure I will get so over tired, that I will get sick. Anyhow, I called first thing this morning to see if she needed to go to the doc. (she wanted me to call at 8) But she didn't answer. (which usually means she's still asleep, or ignoring the phone) So...I came home, she can call me when she gets up.

Man the wind is blowing here today. And it's not that it's blowing way way hard. It is about 15 to 20m.p.h. so about normal for here. But, it's making this real eerie noise. Like a growling. You walk outside, and hear this growling in the distance, then get hit with a wind gust. Anyone remember the movie TWISTER with Hellen Hunt and Bill Paxton. The growling the wind and tornadoes did in there. That's what it sounds like. Rather spooky.

Now on a funny note (at least we cracked up at it) Gigantor is now lovingly known as "Bra Butt" and "Boobie Buns" hehehehee Let me explain. In my bedroom, I have the double doors that swing in and open into my master bathroom. Well...we leave these open. Bugs me to leave them closed. So...they are swung open all the time. Now my master bath has a counter and sink all along the back wall, on the left side is my Oval tub and shower. On the right side in this cubby is the toilet. most of you ladies do I'm sure, I dry my bra's on the shower curtain rod. But instead of being normal and folding them and putting them in my drawer. I hang them on the door knob by the toilet cubby. That way in the morning, I just grab a bra and go. Well on occasion, when I bend over cleaning and stuff. I knock them off the door handle with my big tookus. But last night, Gigantor was in the bathroom, then came out and was dinking around doing dishes. I was on the computer. I glance out of the corner of my eye, him doing all this. And see that he has, what looks like, a dish towel tucked in his waist band. Which he does once in a while. Trying to look like those important chef's or something. Anywhooooo the kiddo comes out, and gives his daddy a hug, then starts to walk off. Then stops and yells. "OMG DADDY WHY DO YOU HAVE MOMMIES BRA IN YOUR PANTS???" Which peaked my interest, so I looked over. My son is tugging at a bra that is stuck about half way in the back of daddy's pants. My son then goes, you are such a "bra butt" daddy. I died laughing. I guess, when he was pulling his pants up, he got one end of my bra stuck in the back, and just trailed his little friend around for the past hour or so. Can you imagine if he would have went uptown, or on a fire call, and I had not paid close enough attention to see he had a bra tail?? OMG I am still laughing at that. he is dubbed as "bra butt" and "boobie buns" He did threaten to choke the life out of me if I told anyone. So...that's why I'm telling all of you. If I don't come back and post tomorrow, call the police, tell them the man with the bra tail did his wife in. LOL


Alekx said...

OMG that is way to funny...I'm thinking Chicken's phone is in there somewhere.
Either in the bra or now in Gigantors pants.
I bet she don't want the phone back either.