Wednesday, October 17, 2007


First a quick update on me. I'm doing pretty good. Eating a bit more and a bit more solid. I couldn't figure out why I was hurting so bad on the cheeks and gums, thought I had a ton of sores in my mouth, got depressed. Some of the swelling went down, and we found out that it is stitches. My cheek is stitched to my gums in places to seal up the wound for healing. Ouch. And a stitch did come out tonight, so it's feeling some better. yayyyyyyyy

Okay, the reason I haven't been posting, is I have been (along with Gigantor) going to war with the school.

Now last Thursday I had surgery. I had informed the school, and also told them who was watching my kid. Also, nobody and I mean NOBODY in that school is allowed to keep my child after school unless I am called first.

So...Thursday, Kiddo doesn't get all his work done in art class (MOTHER BUNNY HUMPING ART CLASS PEOPLE!!!) And the Cock Crunching Cunt Cow of a teacher decides he has to stay after school. He tells her he can't cuz of my surgery, to which point Ms. Cuntcow says she doesn't care he better. kid didn't, he went home with Mrs. K, like he was supposed to.

Now it's Friday, I'm still in massive pain, and we get the mail, and there is something from her in the mail. It's a notice that my son has "after school detention" on Tuesday for not going in after class. ummmm No, and not only No, but Ms. Cuntcow I will show you 5 ways to HELL NO!!!!!

So...Tuesday we call Mr. B (the principal) we go way above everyones head. And we explain what happened and Mr. B says. Oh Hell No!! That she never called me, and that is the rule, and that she did it on Thursday, which was a no no, so that my son would definatly not have detention. He called Kiddo in and asked him why he didn't get the work done. Kiddo told him that she sat him with the three kids that have been bullying him all year. Now this school is supposed to have a ZERO TOLLERANCE FOR BULLYING and so far, this teacher has made my son seem more like the one at fault than the three doing the bullying. So we are going to go to war again.

Now...we thought the detention thing was done. But last night Kiddo tells us that Mr. Muff Mangling Mini Meat (the detention teacher) told him he would have detention on Wednesday since he didn't show up on Tuesday. Kiddo told him about the talk with Mr. B and Mr Minimeat said he didn't care he better be in detention or get suspended.

SWEET CRISPY JEEBUS what is wrong with these fuckers??? Don't they know that I just got out of surgery. And when I am in pain I am mean. Now not just ornery mean, but make grown men cower for their lives and run for their mommies mean!!! And add pissed off to that mean and you have a nuclear explosion you don't wanna see.

Gigantor wouldn't let me go confront Ms. Cuntcow, and Mr. Minimeat (since he still had to drive me) (dam meds) So..he called Mr. B. Mr. B said WHAT??? and said he would fix it. Cuz Kiddo did not have detention and that was bull crap.

We go to pick kiddo up from school today, and guess what? That's right, he didn't come out of school. OMG I was so mad, I think I gave Gigantor 3rd degree burns with my eyes. We found him, and he took it upon himself to finish the work in art. Well he had to go for his backpack, and we said, okay hurry, we are waiting. Well...he didn't come out for a long time again.

He then comes out crying. Cuz another teacher stopped him because Mr. fucking pissing me off minimeat kept him on the detention sheet. At which point, I said. THAT IS MOTHER FUCKING IT!!!!!!!!!!! and I drove over to where Mr. B was standing, and I very politely introduced myself, and I very not politely ripped him a very new very big ass hole. At which point he was 1. appalled by what I said, and 2. so nice and apologetic that I almost felt bad for tearing him apart (I said, almost, what more do you want from me??) He guaranteed us that it would be completely straightened out that night and not to worry tomorrow. At which point I said, very quietly. "There better be nothing to worry about tomorrow, cuz you would hate to see me angry" At which point he did the very noticeable swallow, and said, I swear ma'am.

Hehehehehehe I love scaring grown men.

That's been my week so far. Gigantor and Kiddo leave for hunting on Friday and come home Monday night. I hope I can take care of everything, including myself while they are gone.

Have a good Thursday all!!!


Azathoth100 said...

I like it.
Release the Bur of War.
Keep getting better Bur.

Alekx said...

How about standing towering (okay so you can't tower) but you know what I'm talking about, towering above a PA saying you think I'm over reacting (insert index finger pointing very hard into the chest here) I'll show you over reacting mother fucker.

Now that was classic.
I wish wish wish I could have seen the swallow. whooooo hoooo

Canadian flake said...

omfggggggggg you gooooo girl...

what the hell is it with schools getting "it is fall so I am going to be a fucking idiot-itis"

glad ya showed them what is what...keep up the good work!!!

Libby said...

vOMG, burf, they should have taken you hunting with them! one glare from "burfica's pissed off eyes", and the animal would fall down dead in its tracks! that would definitely save on bullets, and make the meat easier to clean!

Burfica said...

aza--Yeah sometimes they don't learn. hehehe

Alekx--yeah I've not been happy with the school this week

flake--I dunno but you would think that they would get a clue with being chewed out so much.

libby--hahahaha I wish, only humans are scared of me. nature laughs in my face. hehehehe

Phoenix5 said...

WAY TO GO Burfica! You show 'em who's boss!

I'm not sure how your schools way down there are run, but in Ontario, the Teacher's Union has turned most teachers into arrogant, condescending, self-absorbed, uncaring, "my way or the highway" type of idiots. There are still some good teachers out there, but they are few and far between. Maybe we need more "Momma Bear Attacks" in our schools these days, remind the teachers what their job is, and who pays their salaries...

Burfica said...

Phoenix--it's about the same here, there are a few real good one's. But the corruption goes all the way up. And alot of times you have to remind them about state and federal laws. That usually shuts them up.

Mia said...

Never ever mess with a baby bear!

Burfica said...

miranda--dam straight. lol

Jules said...

OMG, what a horrible experience all of that must have been for Kiddo! To be stuck in the middle, not knowing that the hell to do! He's probably sooo happy to have a mom who can rip a new asshole for a grown man and set everything straight in his world again!!

I LOVE YOU and your colorful nicknames!

Anonymous said...

Hope your roar didn't rip out the rest of your stitches. hahaha

I never liked school as a kid and I never liked school when my kid was a kid. I was a ferocious momma bear, too.