Monday, October 22, 2007

Number 8 is the bestest estest number in the whole wide world!!!

Well the boys didn't get an elk. They didn't even see elk. They probably saw 100 deer and twice that many antilope. but no elk. Oh well, October is a bit early for elk, and Gigantor has over a month and a half more on his hunt. So....hopefully next month he can get one.

I had to tell you all about my night on Saturday. My mother in law had invited me to a charity dinner. I decided I would go. I was gonna buy a ticket at the door. And she tells me she bought me one. Then she informs me I have to pay her back. So...I gave her her 15 bucks back. Sorta irritated me. I was gonna buy my own ticket anyway. But don't go buy me one then tell me to pay you back. Crap!! How tacky.

Anyhow. We show up and my ticket number was 008. Now 8 is my favorite number, also my lucky number. Your ticket gets put in a drawing for door prizes. So...I was going, "I got a good number, I'm gonna get a door prize" sorta singing it, and she was laughing.

Well I didn't get a door prize, but she did. They were little grab bag prizes, so she got some baseball cards. hehehehe No big deal, I mean she has 30 grandchildren, she can give it to one.

When you walked in though they had a balloon raffle. You buy a balloon for 10 bucks and they give you ticket, if your ticket gets called you go pick something off the table. My mother in law bought a ticket with the money I paid her back. Then another friend bought a ticket and gave it to me. I said no that is yours. He goes, there is nothing I want. Then he says. Plus it's the number one ticket. I laughed, and the number on the ticket was 808. hehehehehe

They also had two silent auction tables. And a grand prize.

We had dinner...Squash soup, chicken ceasar salad, and chocolate mouse. It was all good.

Then they did the balloon raffle. Guess who's number was called first??? Yup!!!! Mine. hehehehee I was trying to get my mother in law to go up and get the "box" thing she wanted. But she kept saying no it was my ticket. So...I went up and got a cross I really liked. Ceramic, looks like wheat is making the cross, and a couple geese are flying through it. Then it has a nice saying about man and god on it.

Then my mother in laws number never got called, and she got so upset cuz she wanted this "box" thing. A local doctor makes these boxes. Well 1. it was ugly as hell, so I wouldn't have wanted it. and 2. The guy is a major jack ass, so I really wouldn't have wanted it. But she was a bit of a poop about it, and how she should have made me get the box. I was like...."I offered a few times, what more do you want."

Well then the first silent auction table closed. I had bid on a couple things. I didn't win the painting I bid on, but I did win the fishing package. There was a Gary Yamamoto fishing vest worth about 40 bucks and two big bags of Yamamoto grubs. Each 10 pack bag is worth about 6 bucks and there were 12 of the 10 pack bags in all. I won the whole thing, vest and grubs for 2 bucks. Whoooohooo, do I rock or what???

2nd silent auction table. I had bid on a painting, didn't win. I also bid on a pair of hand made, hand painted southwestern ornaments, done by local artists. I've seen them at a lot of craft fairs and the ornaments go for between 16 and 25 dollars for one. I won the two for 20 bucks.

So...I was excited. I had paid 37 dollars total (ticket and silent auctions) and was walking about with about 200 dollars worth of stuff.

Well then the grand prize drawing. It was this beautiful framed print by Terry Redlin. He's an amazing artist.

Guess who won??

Go ahead guess!!!

You will never guess!!!


I won the thing!!!!!! Wanna see it?? huh huh huh do ya??? Okay, you twisted my arm. It's called Harvest Moon Ball. Fitting since the charity dinner was called the Harvest Moon Dinner. hehehehe

I looked up the prices of this thing on the internet. And without a frame, it ranges from price of 175 to 800 dollars. Depending on what number print you have. I haven't looked up which one I have yet. But still. Can you all believe how fricken lucky I was that night??? I'm never lucky!!!!

Okay well I just wanted to share that all.

I'm gonna go eat something and wait for my boys to get home.

Have a good Monday everyone!!!!


Jules said...

That's a very nice picture to have won, and WOW. You need to be playing the lottery on every day which contains an 8, Burf!!

Biddie said...

OMG! The only luck I have is BAD! lol
I need you to hang with me one of these days. I'll let you pick the scratch tickets...
How nice that you won, though. Seriously. That rocks!

Canadian flake said...

wow you made out like a banshee...wtg and the pic...looks good on the MIL that she didn't win her ugly box-thingy...karma can be a bitch eh??? LOL.

Libby said...

oh, burfica, i WANT that painting!! it's great looking!! i'll just start framing my pictures i take & hang them. i'm not talented or anything, like a painter, but hey...who cant take a picture??
i havent been here for a few days, how's the mouth?? never mind, i'll read back...

Libby said...

hey burf! i want my brownies! your last post about seligman made me remember my mom's town (just like that, only maybe smaller! no stoplights!!)

Alekx said...

Lucky duck I never win anything but you deserve it cuz you often give up doing fun things for yourself for what ever reason.

I'm so glad you beat out the mean old lady for the ornaments.

Phoenix5 said...

Wow, Burf! Nice painting, and very nice haul all told! Congrats to you!

Mia said...

Wow that picture is awsome. Way to go!!!

Burfica said...

jules--no kidding, maybe I should get a ticket on the 8th of each month.

Biddie--That's usually my luck, bad.

Flake--oh yeah Karma can be a bitch, but I was giggling about this time

libby--the town I live in now has the stoplights, the old one where my grandparents lived didn't. And as to pictures, I can't take a good one. I could not even be near the camera and my finger will still be in the shot. heheheh

Alekx--me too, she was a poopie head.

Phoenix--yeah it was a good haul, very unusual for me.

Miranda--thank you bunches hun.

~SugarBear~ said...

Hey! Guess who? Sounds like you made out really well! Congrats. I'm hoping to get back to blogging again soon so come on over & see me sometime.

Burfica said...

C--OMG long time no see. hehehehe Well get it up and going so I can come check it out.

none said...

Wow congrats! Sounds like youe lucky night.

It's a shame my lucky number has 17 digits...

Burfica said...

hammer--holy shit, try saying your number 5 times fast huh??

Kat said...

YAY!! Burfy-ca! WOO HOO!! Lady Luck was with you that night!

Thanks for the sweet compliment on my made me blush!

Hope you didn't use up all your luck in one night...need to spread it around a little

Burfica said...

kat---I'll gladly give anyone the luck I usually have. lol

Unknown said...

Fantastic! That's great luck. I won a cake walk not that long ago. We still haven't eaten the cake -- it's in our freezer ('twas frozen).

Burfica said...

DD--better get busy inhaling that cake. hehehehe